NCube Central - The Nintendo Gamecube...Are You Ready?
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NCube Central

"I am the most avid fan of my own butt."
Mrs. McGee, trying to explain the word 'avid' to the class.

Last Update:
July 5, 2001

Lately I've been into an MMORPG (Asheron's Call) that is so addicting and has been taking so much of my time that I haven't had a chance to take a look back at this website. I know this is my most popular site I've ever had (well, maybe my Perfect Dark site was ranking with this), so I've seriously been thinking about getting back into this. I've been missing lots of news and info, so I really have a lot of work to do to get this site back on its feet.
Thing is, I'll be gone on a week long trip to the great state of Maine, so I won't been working on this site until I get back. I'll be thinking of ways to make it more interesting, too. I'll clean out my email, clean up this site, check IGN for recent news, get to making more graphics, and then I'll see you all then!

Top Story

Top Story: Hardly Any Info Until E3, Peter Main Tells Us - 9-15-00
Peter Main, Nintendo of America's Vice President of Marketing and Sales, tells IGNCube that Nintendo will be "holding their cards close to their chest" about releasing much official Nintendo information on the Gamecube until the Electronics Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles later this year. A let down for some, and a shed of light for others.
[ Read the top story ]

Sorry For Lack Of Updates - 9-23-00
Commentary: My regrets to people who have been coming to this site, only to see that the lazy webmaster hasn't updated for two weeks...I have been really busy, but I haven't gave up on this site. It's just now beginning to heat up. Thanks!

New Poll And Old Poll Results - 9-16-00
Update: Today I added a new poll to this site. Just look on the right panel of this site and vote expressing your opinion on the Gamecube's controller!
Also, the poll results on the last poll are below.

What color Gamecube do you want most?
Black: 7 votes
Purple: 2 votes
Red: 1 vote
Silver: 10 votes
Gold: 2 votes

Thanks to all that voted!

Peter Main Reaffirms Gamecube Info Wait - 9-15-00
News Story: See top story above for info on Peter Main's interview with IGNCube.
[ Read the top story ]

A Few Notable Things To Mention - 9-15-00
Commentary/Update: Sorry about the lack of news coverage I've had in the last week or so. It's been kind of slow in the Nintendo news. Anyway, I've got a few things to enlighten you about.
The first thing to mention is that I got a message board today! It's not fancy, but it gets the job done. No sign-up brouhaha, so get in there and start posting your valued opinion now!
Another thing to mention is that I'll have a new poll up here tomorrow. Be sure and quickly vote on the current poll now so you won't be left out!
Also, the Olympics games. Are you going to watch them tonight? I may, but I think I'm busy tonight...

New Poll Coming Soon - 9-14-00
Commentary: Yes, a new poll is coming soon to this site, because the one that's up now is getting rather old. Still, if you haven't voted, now's the time to put in your opinion.

The Sega Gamecube? - 9-11-00
News Story: You won't believe what Sega was thinking of for a name for its newest system, the Dreamcast. Full story and explanation inside.
[ Read the full story ]

The Nintendo Digicard = Lots Of Memory - 9-10-00
News Story: Have you been curious about a memory card for the Gamecube? Be enlightened, for it shall be called the Digicard. Funky name, excellent quality. More inside.
[ Read the full story ]

Comparing The Gamecube - 9-9-00
News Story: Have you ever wondered what the Nintendo Gamecube will look like compared to other Nintendo hardware? If you've been curious like I have lately, then you need to read this article.
[ Read the full story ]

[ Full News Page ]

"The Gamecube will have tons of RAM (memory)."
Shigeru Miyamoto, on the Gamecube
NCube Central Poll
Do you like the Gamecube's controller?

Don't Know

