Quoties XXV

Anthony: I don't want a lettuce-eating animal, I want a poo-flinging animal!

Anthony: It looks like someone puked on a piece of cake.

Vicki: Qua cia?

Vicki: Will Prince of Bel-Air.

Carmen: If no one shows up for a movie, do they still play it? I don't think we'll ever find out.
Vicki: It's like a proverb. If a tree falls in the forest...

Watching Brokeback Mountain
Jake approaches Heath
Vicki: That's a mighty fine package you got there.

Still watching Brokeback Mountain...
Vicki: I been watchin' you queers. Quit queerin' about.

Vicki: They should make a lesbian sequel. Brokeback Valley.

Russell: You don't do that to the Beeramid!

Anthony: People would like you more if you smelled like pizza.

Vicki: Apeshit over the marmalade.

Carmen: What's Donair sauce made of?
Anthony: Dead Donairs.

Josh: Eau de pickle.

Anthony: He furred all over me!

Carmen: Have you been working out?
Vicki: Or are you just happy to see me?

Vicki: How many inkiemice does it take to screw in a curly fry?

Vicki: I'll have the eight inch... er...ounce...

Andy: Welcome back.
Carmen: Thank you. I went to Narnia.
Andy: Is that French for 'bathroom'?

Vicki: I need my pizzurse.

Vicki: You're not sucking my situation.

Vicki: We are so sexy bitchez give us free samichez!

Josh: Pickled onions.
Andy: Pickled bread!

Vicki: It's always Easter in my pants. Suck my eggs!

Carmen: Los pantalones merdos.

Val: Quesse tu fais avec Motley Crue? J'vas te tuer.

Vicki: Where'd you get two berrets? I mean, I know you're French, but come on.

Ed: What's wrong with wearing crowns?

Vicki: Peniswrinkle popsicle.

Carmen: Let's pretend to be hookers on St George.
Vicki: Nooo, I don't like that game.
Carmen: You always cheat.

Andy: It's the only time I have the apartment to myself without Tool or Toolette.

Vicki: Being fun's not being greasy!

Nathan: It must be down there, I see balls!

Vicki: I don't want your tunnel vision burp.

Vicki: Me Tarzan, you Jane, be virgin.

Vicki: I thought that said "Big Stool".

Jen: The retarded cowboy or a jar of mayonnaise. I guess we'll go with the retarded cowboy because the mayonnaise isn't really alive.

Jen: Vagina flakes.

Jen: A 'Kill Fuck Face' convention.

Anthony: Use your fluids.

Nathan: He was wearing a shirtless t-shirt.

Vicki: I can't brush you when you're walking around.

Vicki, sorta: Get a brian, moran!

Josh: You're a birthday Kumar.

Ben, while a Team Leader is updating the board: THAT'S A LIE.

Devon: I hate how How-To is so full of riddles. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, do you route it to CS Disputes?

Nathan: How would you *slurp* like to go to the 300? *slurp*

Jared: These chips are AWESOME. I can feel my throat bleeding.

Vicki: Look at all the birds in the water! It's like bird soup!

Carmen: This keyboard sucks.
Momo: Let me punch it.
Carmen: OKAY :D
Momo: Sweet. *punches keyboard 'cos Momo is teh sex*

Kate: I think it's the chicken wing guy.

Kate: I don't know, I'd feel kinda weird having some alien finger in my pants.

Vicki: IE is the biggest Jew of all.
Carmen: IE stands for "Jew".
Vicki: The j and the w are silent, just so no one would figure it out. The original acronym was IJEW which stood for Internet JEWing. But they had to change it.

Bobert: Nope on a rope.

Nathan: I'm the Boobie Whisperer.

Carmen: I wonder if I type in to MSN that I'm a person who does bad things, how long it will take for them to come arrest me. Like if I said I was a terrorist.
Val: Bomb bomb bomb.
Carmen: KILL BUSH.
Val: Child porn bomb terrorists bomb I love turbans.

Vicki: I needs to look handsome for my WYFE.

Nathan: They're MY balls, I know what works on 'em!

Brandon: This dance better not have like the Naruto opening or shit like that.

Brandon: more posts = bigger internet penis

Josh: Jerk.
Carmen: That's not nice.
Josh: Okay. Jerk ass.

Devon: Don't club seals, Corey.

Carmen: Conputers suck.
Vicki: ...coNputer?
Carmen: Shut up, it's a typo.
Vicki: CONputers are what we registered on at ACEN. COMputers are what suck.

Brandon: I love retarded animals.

Vicki: Bacon burp bitch.

Nathan: Cooperate with me or I will shit your pants!

Val: Je veux aller me son of a bitch coucher.

Brandon: Is this guy Mexican or French?

Bobert's L/Light Death Note yaoi: "Say my name, bitch!" "I don't know it!" "L! L!" Mexican dude: "EL WHAT? EL WHAAT?!"

Vicki: Lamer than Jerry Seinfelf. .......dddddddddd. SeinfelDDDDDDDDDDDD.

Vicki: My Frencher half!