Jess: Listen, I said SEND, you sack of turd.
Ryan: Well I almost choked on her box.
Ryan: You and your comments make me ill.
Ryan: Rachel! POOKSH! I just died, guys.
Josh: I’m made of onions.
Carmen: Her name is Melony.
Josh: That’s not funny.
Josh: I need more cream cheese. The hole’s getting bigger!
Carmen: What’s your dad’s name?
Josh: Richard.
Carmen: What’s your mom’s name?
Josh: Richard.
Carmen: ~_~ … What’s your mom’s name?
Josh: Jeffrey.
Josh: It’s Cosmo; it’s not the centre of sanity.
Shawn: Jordan knows everything for some reason.
Adam: Mmm, ze pineapples! Mmmm, ze apples! Mmmm, ze grapes!
Josh: Yeah, they should get off their soggy asses and, uh…
Josh: MY GOD you’re cool.
Ryan: I am going to suffocate myself. With a bag of chips.
Josh: I heard a bad word.
Carmen: Did you just use the word “suicide” as a verb?!
Josh: Yeah.
Josh: Be a conformist. Go by the right time.
Carmen: NOOOOOOOO!!! I lost the amount of cases I worked! …Well, I’ll listen to some Nittle Grasper to make me feel better.
Josh: Know what’ll put you in a better mood? Buying me a present.
Kathryn: Tippergore, Africa.
Josh: …go play outside.
Ryan: Oh Van Zimmerman, it’s been so long.
Ryan: It won’t take the basement!
Josh: It was a dark and shitty night…
Ryan: I HATE what I just did because it was a mistake.
Ryan: I love the Hoover Dam. The Hoover Dam is my favourite dam ever.
Ryan: I hope it’s a used Tic Tac.
Ryan: Okay to speak with San San Fraaaaaaank.
Ryan: I need to find my mother.
Josh: Skulls n’ pandas.
Ryan: Where is the folder I had in training? I can’t find my folder!
Josh: The folders were donated to the victims of the hurricane.
Ryan: Hi, scary voice! Where did you come from? I’m not even drunk yet…
Ryan: Can we stop talking about apples? It’s making me nervous.
Josh: You were thinking of The Simpsons! ^_^ Well, this isn’t The Simpsons, this is real life.
Ryan: Elaine Minacs’ House of Fun.
Josh: Only you’re not toilet paper.
Ryan: Listen, Jo-Ann, if I’ve told you once, I’ve told you four times…
Ryan: You love arches. You have a room full of arches, I know it.
Carmen: All your base are belong to Capital One.
Ryan: I hate people and Christmas mornings.
Josh: Security breach!
Carmen: Shut up!
Josh: No, YOU shut up and stop breaching security!
Ryan: Get off da dune! Don touch da dune!
Ryan: Hello, break. I'm ready.
Ryan: I smell dirty.
Carmen: Throw it like a boomerang.
Shawn: No, more like a rock.
Ryan: Have you ever gone to Taco Bell?
Carmen: Yup.
Ryan: I never hear about anyone going to Taco Bell. I've never been there.
Carmen: Well of course not. What would you eat? Lettuce.
Ryan is vegan
Ryan: I'll have some lettuce. And some bread. And one of those talking chihuahuas.
Josh: Carmen, don't shattermy illusion.
Leanne: It's like brushing your teeth and smoking a cigarette at the same time!
Ryan: I am a dune! Get off of me! Leave me alone!
Ryan: I like garden hoses.
Josh: I wish I could ride a phone.
Josh: Chair be high, says I.
Ryan: Thanks for the l'eau, ho.
Kathryn: And the umbrella tree was a tree.
Ryan: De château of Jacques and his clams dat are fried. #1 in Chaleur Bay.
Josh: Take your brain and LEAVE, Jordan.
Ryan: You lose track of time every all the time.
Ryan: There will be no mutilation of the nuts... of corn. Unacceptable.
Ryan: Let'z go shoppeen at ze Zeller.
Ryan: Dame Edna is awesome, but a possum she is not.
Josh: Mmmm dandilions.
Josh: Over the mantle place.
Carmen: Mantle place? :D
Josh: Shut up, that's why.
Ryan: Platypus boulevard.
Shawn: Texans are stupid.
Josh: Oh yeah? Since when?
Carmen: *walks into the girls' bathroom* You can't come in here!
Josh: That sounds like a challenge.
Josh: You've got Dane on the brain.
Carmen: How dirty are your eyes?
Ryan: I... don't want to tell you.
Josh: Fee Diddy.