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~Hall of Fame~



Observing the Sun in Another Way

The Sun is known to have many importance to us living things in the world. In fact, it is so widely known that some of us choose to see in in a much different way. in some countries or religions, the Sun plays roles of Gods in myths and was worshipped as it had helped these people in the ancient era surviving the lives with the cheerful welcome of the day.

There are different sides of the sun that are told by people from the different angles of the world that can be really interesting indeed as they could share their variety of perspectives of this star in the core of the solar system. As this occurs, myths and legend or songs were made by talented artists, philosophers, story-tellers and writers.

Such a prominent figure somehow had won the heart of those who understands the importance and the beauty of the source of the light in cheerful days.

The Wonders of the Sun Art

Mythology of the Sun

The deification and adoration of the sun primarily started in the agrarian societies. This first happened when man became a farmer, who then depends upon daily and seasonal changes of weather, he often turned to worship the great force that regulated these changes—the light and heat of the sun.

It is believed that the worship of the sun firstly started to get popular in ancient Egypt. In Egypt, the daily birth, journey, and death of the sun were the overlooking feature of life. One of the most important gods of Egyptian religion was Ra, the sun-god, who was considered the first pharaoh (king) of Egypt. The pharaoh, said to be the son of Ra, representing the sun-god on Earth. Later on in the Egyptian religion, under the rule of Ikhnaton, the sun-god Aton achieved complete dominance in what was Egypt's only monotheistic period.

In Mesopotamia, where the worshipping of the sun was also very imperative, the sun-god Shamash was a major divine being and was equated with justice. Although there was no institutionalized form of sun worship in Greece, on the other hand, they had two sun deities, Apollo and Helios. The influence of the sun in religious belief also appears in many other cultures and religion including Hinduism, Buddhism, and the Incas of Peru.

Poetry, Songs and Jokes About the Sun

As poets and philosophers gather the ideas of expressing or educating the people surrounding them, some of these talented people have used the Sun as a figure of inspiration. This method has somehow got popular nowadays probably because the sun is still around!!!