The things I've seen today only add to my disbelief. Disbelief in the fact that this is all my fault. Disbelief that I was selfish. I am terrified... Terrified beyond reason, terrified because of what I've seen this day. My county.... my fault...

To watch a man crawl to safety from the very arms of nihilism with his last bit of strength and watch his face show extreme relief when he made it to safety, only to be cruelly shot in the face afterwards put a feeling on me that cannot be expressed with words. His killer even looked at me with an expression of sadistic delight on her face, then flew off. Her maniacal laughter echoing through the skies as she murdered more.

The sky, black with death for almost an hour now. The rain stopped long ago, leaving the spilled blood upon the land to dry on the very victims from which it came. Thunder and explosions rumbled throughout the county, a warning that came too late. I watched a mother be brutally murdered while she held her young child in her arms; then her child be literally ripped limb from limb in mere seconds. Their killer looked at me with the same expression as the one before as he too flew off, laughing. My people no longer posed a threat to these monsters, let alone were able to defend themselves, yet they continued to kill.

I sobbed as a woman missing the lower half of her body reached one of her bloodied hands out to me, begging for help. It was too late for her, for she was already dead... a crawling corpse dragging a river of blood which seemed almost endless. Her face was covered in blood and dirt, but underneath it all, I could recognize her. She was the girl that always gave me a discount on ice cream at that little shop down the street from my house. She cried to me, calling my name, telling me she didn't want to die. And I could only stand there while the rest of her body was blown to oblivion as she spoke.

I stood frozen in place while the massacre continued, My tears washing the blood of the woman, a friend, from my face. I knew there was nothing I could do... I was too small... too weak... And it was all my fault.


Told ya it was short. If ya like it and ya want more, put up a review and I'll give ya more. Give enough positive reviews. I dunno what people will think yet. ^_^

Copyright 2001 Adairia AMCLI Okami