Name: Ami Saviy
Gender: Female
Age: 7,862yrs
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 165lbs
Hair Color: Dark Crimson Red Hair, down to her waist, some kept up in braids, some hangs loose, and some in dreadlocks with different
colored ribbons weaved in.
Eye Color: Iris-dark Green Blue, Sclera-White
Residence: Aboard the well-known pirating ship, the Explanation, or anywhere that she happens to lay her hat.
Occupation: Pillaging, Plundering,...being what every good pirate should be doing...::wink::
Languages: Silver, Old Latin, Old English, Old Japanese
Used Accents: Old English and Old Japanese mixed
Usual Accent: same as above
Marks/Tattoos: Pirate tattoo on left upper arm, scar in the shape of a crescent moon on right inner wrist
Personality: Almost never completely sober unless given a damned good reason to be. Has very dark, twisted and somewhat witty sense of
humor. Isn't very reliable for anything, unless she gives her word that she'll do something, then is completely trustworthy...can act a bit
oddly at times, and is, in fact, quite insane, though everyone believes it's just the drunkenness. Can usually be found in bars and pubs
flirting with the boys and the girls, getting drunk, and/or picking up a crew member or a whore here and there. Also found on her ship, or
someone else's she happened to commandeer, and having just a fun time with everyone. very amiable...::wink::