Miya Oya Iojaro was perfectly happy with his girlfriend, Milo Raqiza, until he discovered from his loving spies that she may be cheating on him.

"I don't care what you have to do to find out for sure, just do it!" Miya yelled into his headset as he stood on his suite balcolny. "Yes, I care if she's harmed --- Don't fuck with me, Paul, just do your job. If you're lying, I swear by the gods I'll- --- Whatever." He ripped the headset off of his head and went back inside, slamming the balcolny door behind him. He sighed and put the headset back on while dialing a number on the receiver.

Milo pulled her phone the mysterious pocket on her fitted pants and answered it. "Hey babe. --- Shopping." she replied into the phone as she placed two pairs of shoes and a shirt into bag. She placed the bag on her shoulder and exited the dressing room, carring a couple of shirts and a box of shoes. She dropped the box and the clothes off on the other side of the store. "In a few hours? I dunno if I ca- --- You won't take no for an answer... well, someone's getting kinda bold. Fine. Pick me up at my place then." she hung up her phone and slid it back in the invisible pocket. "Guess I better head home then." She exited the building, hopped on her motorcycle, and headed for the 4th district apartments.

Koyomi layed sprawled out on her bed, everything around her in complete disarray, as she was extremly lazy. She yawned loudly and continued hacking into the computer system of a very highly secured banking system. Not because she had to; she was just bored to tears until her roomate and best friend came home.

"Hmmm...looks like a Ms. Weatherby has an unfair amount of money in her account...someone should take care of that for her..." Koyomi, or 'Komi', as some called her smirked and typed in an acess code and found herself quite a bit more well off than she had been five minutes ago.

Glancing at her clock, she grumbled and rolled off her bed to go and scrounge for something edible."I sure hope she comes back with some food..I'm starving!!"

*Hope she wants sushi...* Milo thought to herself as she opened the door to her apartment. "Kimi, I'm home..." she called, locking the door, "I come bearing gifts."

She set the two boxes down on the coffee table in the living room and plopped down on the couch. "TV on." she commanded the large, flat screen TV, "Scan channels." She picked up her box and opened it, tossing the lid back on the table. The box was filled to the rim with sushi on one side; rice in the middle; and soy sauce, wasabi, and ginger on the other. She pulled out her chopsticks and began eating as she watched the TV for aything good on.

" How many times do i have to tell you not to call me that?!" Koyomi yelled out of the kitchen. She wandered in and saw the sushi on the table, then glomped her friend on the couch, squealing." Oh, thank you soooooooo much Milo!!! I was thinking I was going to die of hunger!!" She immediately dove into the other box, wolfing it down in a not-so-lady-like manner. "Oh, hey.." she said between gulps," I got us some more..uh..funds. The bank was being generous today!" Smiling, she settled back in a chair and watched Milo scan through the channels. "Oi! Go back! That was my favorite show!"she whined.

The TV obeyed Koyomi's command and stopped on the giddy girl's favorite show. "Miya's coming to get me and a couple of hours... I think... maybe he wants to go out..."

"Fine by me!" Koyomi continued scarfing down her food and sat, totally immersed in her tv show.
"Fine by you maybe... but he sounded different..." she stuck a large piece of sushi in her mouth slowly chewed on it, "Ya think he knows?" she mumbled
"Knows what?" , she mumbled, not entirely listening to her friend.

Milo sighed and finished her food. She put the box in the sink for later washing and use, then went into her bedroom to get ready. She pulled off her clothes and tossed them on the bed, then hopped in the shower. Once she was done with her shower, she pulled on a black and purple dress with the regular slits and tears in it, then put on the boots she just... bought... from the store.

Koyomi looked around after a minute and saw that Milo wasn't there, so she got up and went to search for her. "Hey, Milo?" she called," d'ya get any new outfits?"
"A skirt and some boots." she relied as she tied her laces, "I got you some socks." She pulled out a pair of black and purple striped toe socks from her bag and set them on the bed. "I'm in my room."
"Yay!" Koyomi jumped up and down in the hall before enter, or rather, barging into Milo's room!"You got me socks!" She plopped herself down onto the bed, pulled off her yellow and orange socks and put these on, smiling as she did so.
Milo stood up and spun around, her hair still dripping on the floor. "How do I look?" she grabbed her hair, which sat about a foot behind her on the floor when she had it down, and began drying it off with a little ball of heat in her hands.
With a wicked smile, Koyomi crawled over and murmured, "Good enough to eat, I think." then batted her eyelashes.
"Not now, Komi." Milo replied knowingly, "He'll be here soon. Help me braid my hair?"
Koyomi sighed and nodded, crawling behind her to braid her long hair. As she did so, however, she 'accidentally' brushed her fingers against Milo's neck, smirking.
"Don't play, Komi. Maybe later." Milo purred. When Koyomi was finished braiding her hair, she folded the braid and tied it so it wouldn't drag on the ground.
"Oh, fine then. Still..Milo?" She crossed her arms and sighed," I don't really like that guy. I dunno, I just get bad vibes from him, you know?"
"Ah well... you know me. I always did like me a bad boy." Milo replied as she straighteded her dress. She hiked up her dress and put her leg up on her dresser in plain view Koyomi and started fixing the laces on her boot.
" Why do you delight in torturing me, Milo?" she grumbled, purposely turning so that Milo was out of view.
"Because you do the same thing to me." she replied with and evil grin. She put her foot back on the floor and walked over in front of her friend. "Pardon me." she leaned over Koyomi and picked up her cel phone, placing her cleavage in front of Koyomi's face. She stood back up and turned on her phone.
"GRRAAAAHHH!! Why me???!?!" she groaned and ran from the room, pretending to be annoyed, and grumbling something along the lines of "evil girl" and "tease".
Milo chuckled and stashed her phone in yet another invisible pocket and walked out of the room. She went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottled drink from the fridge. *It's so fun picking on her...* she thought to herself.

Koyomi sat in her own, quite untidy room, begining to go hacking again. She sighed and typed away, getting into a government base with skilled ease, and yawning again. "After this, I think I'll grab a nap.."

Milo decided to be a bit more evil and snuck into Koyomi's room. She slid behind her friend and leaned over her shoulder, pressing her body against Koyomi's. "Wha cha doin?" she whispered into her ear.
"AHHHH!" Koyomi jumped and then turned and glaring at her friend. "That wasn't very nice, Milo!" she growled.
"Awe, what's the matter?" Milo asked seductively, now leaning over Koyomi, "Did I scare you?"
"No, of course not. My heart is just pounding a mile-a-minute out of sheer boredom." she reply, sarcasm dripping in her voice.

"Now, now... there's no need for that tone..." she leaned down further so that the two were face to face, "Shall I calm that little hear of yours?" she asked, tacing her finger over Koyomi's chest.
Koyomi sighed softly and smiled at her friend."Sure." She leaned up and brushed her lips against Milo's then pulled back again, smiling bigger.
Milo glaced over at the clock, then looked back down at her friend. "We have some time." she leaned down and licked Koyomi's neck.
Koyomi gasped and relaxed back onto her bed. She reached her arms up and wrapped them around Milo, stroking her back and the nape of her neck."Mmm, a quickie, then?"
Milo chuckled and bit Koyomi's neck. She slid her hand down Koyomi's chest, then back behind her. "Whatever you wanna do."
Koyomi practically purred at the feeling and giggled lightly."Hey, you're in charge here..." She nipped at Milo's ear and then bit it.
Milo slid her hand under Koyomi's shirt and bean massaging her breast. Meanwhile, she nibbled on her on her neck. She pressed her body closer to Koyomi's as her other hand slid between Komi's legs.
Koyomi moaned and spread her legs wider, tilting her head back to give Milo better access. "Mmmmm, Milo.."
Just as Milo gained momentum with her fingers and her hand, the doorbell rang.
"FUCK!!!!!" Koyomi groaned, and laid in a heap. "Goddamn perfect timing!!"
Milo leand down and kissed Koyomi passionately, "We'll just have to finish later then, eh?" She stood up and straightened her dress. "I guess I better go get then."
"Yeah, yeah" she grumbled, waving Milo out the door,"get goin'."
Milo went and answered the door. Miya leaned against the door, a single Disian rose in is hand. He presented it to her with a smile. She took it from him and put it in a glass with water. "Where we goin?" she asked.
"It's a surprise." he replied.
Koyomi stood eavsdropping around the corner, still mentally growling.
"You know I'm not big on surprises..." she replied suspiciously.
"Oh trust me, you'll like this one." he wraped his hand around her waist and escorted her out of the suite, slamming the door behind her.
"So where are we going then?" Milo asked nervously.
"Have you eaten yet?" he asked, holding the elevator door for her.
"Well... I'm a bit hungry... mind if I grab a bite first?"
"Not at all..."

Koyomi watched as the elevator door slid shut, then made a mad dash down the stairs and managed to get out of the building before the others. She hid behind a corner and caught her breath while she waited for her friend and Miya.

Milo and Miya exited the building and got into the the back of the car that was waiting for them.

Koyomi jumped on her motorcycle as soon as they were off and followed them, staying far back enough to not be spotted, but close enough to keep up.

"So, how have you been?" Miya asked, draping his arm around her neck.
"Fine." she replied, leaning against his chest but staring out of the window as if she were distracted by something.
"You look great... as usual."
"You're sweet."
He gently placed his other hand on her chin and turned her head to face him. "Am I?"
She gave him a light kiss on the lips. "Absolutely."
He smiled and turned his attention to the driver. "Finellies, Samson."
"Yes, sir." the driver replied, turning quickly onto the next street.
"Finellies?! Something special tonight, eh?" she asked, a bit of an Irish accent coming out in her voice.
"You have no idea." he replied with a mischevious smirk.

Koyomi followed, getting father bored and wondering if she should've just stayed home.

The driver pulled up to the fancy restaurant and the two go out. "Be back here in about two hours. No later." Miya ordered to the driver.
"Two hours...?" Milo whispered to herself.
"Is that too long?" Miya asked as the car pulled off.
"Huh? No... no... not at all. I love this place."
"Hm." he looked at her suspiciously then turned to the building, "Let's go then."
She looped her arm though his and the two entered the building.

Koyomi watched the car go off and her friend go into the resturant."Hmm..." she murmured. She hid her motorcycle and managed to sneek her way into the resturant. She maneuvered to where she had a clear shot of the table Milo and Miya were at and hid behind a large plant. *This should be fun* she thought with a small smirk of mischief.

"Table for two, Monsieur Iojaro?" the host asked.
"Yes, of course. Smoking." Miya replied.
The host led the two to their table and headed back to the front when he noticed a girl hiding behind a plant. "Would you like a table, Madame?" he asked.
*Shit...* Koyomi thought, then smiled up at him and said softly"No, sir, I was just leaving, but i seem to have lost my earring. I was just looking for it." She without the waiter seeing, had taken her earring out and placed it on the floor, then 'found' it. "Oh, here it is." She stood, careful to stay out of Milo's view and put it on.
"Come, come. How about a table over in smoking?" he asking, then leaned over and whispered, "Spying on your boyfriend? I have just the table for you. Trust me, this happens all the time. Now... which couple is it?"
"Absolutely, Madame. We get cheating couples in here all the time. I've grown used to this. The only catch is you have to order something... off of the specials menu." He stood up straight, "Right this way." he led her to a booth in the smoking section. The booth was connected to Milo and Miya's booth, but separated by a wall in the middle. "Here is your menu, Madame. A waiter will be by to take your order shortly." he gave her a sly wink and left.

*I knew there'd be a catch...* She groaned inwardly and looked at the menu, listening to her friend's conversation.

Meanwhile, Miya had already placed his order and Milo only ordered a dessert. "A brownie obsession?" Miya asked with a chuckle as he sipped his wine, "Sounds seductive."
"So what's this all about?" she asked.
"Ready to get right to the point, hm? Fine." he reached across the table and grabbed one of her hands, "You're a loyal woman, right?"
"Depends on your definition of loyal." she replied evasively.
"Are you loyal to me?"
"Get to the point, Oya."
"One of my men saw you out with someone else... and you looked quite cozy by the pictures."
"You've been spying on me? I can't belie-"
"Your dessert, ma'am." the waitress interrupted, setting the large bowl in front of Milo.
"Thank you." she replied dismissively.
The waitress gave her a nod and left.

*This sounds promising..I wonder if Milo can work her way out of this one?* Koyomi smirked again and waited to hear what her friend had to say.

"You'e been spying on me?" she asked angrily, taking a bite of her dessert.
"No... one of my men said he saw you..."
"Oh, so what, did he pull these pictures you spoke of out of his ass?"
"I gue-"
"Here you are sir." the waitress interrupted again, placing his food on the table.
"Thank you." he replied in the same dismissive tone as Milo.
The waitress nodded again and left.

*Oooo...Miya,..you have NO idea what you're getting into...* She sighed and looked around, then frowned. *Where's that damned waiter...I'm hungry..*
"Are you ready to order ma'am?" the same waitress from Milo and Miya's table asked.
Koyomi was startled and nodded. "Oh, yes." She disguised her voice in a old Japanese accent so that if Milo did here her, she would'nt notice that it was her. She told the waitress what she wanted and watched her walk off, then settled to listen to Milo and Miya again.

Milo huffed in irritation she ate her brownie obsession.
"Look, that's not the point. I'll take care of him for invading your privacy tomorrow. The point is... you're cheating on me with some guy, aren't you?"
"No." she replied honestly, *Not with some guy...*

Koyomi could hardly contain herself and had to swallow some water not to laugh. *Oh, if only he knew..*

"Do you promise?" he asked, staring into her eyes.
She looked back into his bright, bright... bright green eyes and smiled. She leaned over the table and kissed him lovingly, "I give you my word." she sat back i the booth and continued eating her dessert, "And since I'm sure you want to kow. He's just a friend that lives in my building. There's nothing between us."
Miya remained dazed by her kiss for a moment, then snapped out of it a decided that he believed her. "I'll have to have a talk with John tomorrow about spying on you... I do have another question to ask you."
"What is it?"
"Well.. we've been together for... how long now?"
"A couple of centuries... at least... since school."
"Well... I-"
"More wine, sir?" the waitress asked, appearing out of nowhere once again.
"Yes, yes..." he replied.
She poured his wine, taking her time, "Enjoying your dinner?"
"Yea..." he replied, trying to hurry her off without being too rude.
"More wine, ma'am?"
"Sure." Milo replied.
The waitress smiled and stood there for a moment. "Do either of you need anything else?"
"No. We're fine." Miya replied.
The waitress smiled and left.

Koyomi crossed her eyes and startedto chew on her tongue. *Ok, this is getting boring now...*

"Now, what's your question?"
"Rozizu ra." he asked in silver.
"What?!" she exclaimed in english

Koyomi choked on her water and her eyes widend. *What the fuck?!?*

"Rozizu ra." he said again. He stood up from the booth and kneeled down in front of her.
"I- I... uh... I m- mean... it's just... I... uh..." she sighed, "I-I d-dunno..."

Koyomi blinked and wondered what made Milo ouburst like that and turn slightly to see what was going on and her eyes became unbelievably huge. *What's he doing?!?!?*

Milo could't supress her stuttering problem due to her overwhelming nervousness. "I-I-... d-don't y-you think it's-it's a b-bit s-s-soon?"
"Well, we've been together for... for so long. Why are you so nervous?"
"I- I... I- I... I'm j-just s-s-so... so s-surprised... heh.." she laughed nervously.
"But you're stuttering... you don't stutter when you're surprised, you stutter when you're nervous." he got up and sat down in the booth next to her.

*Oh my god! What the hell is going on?* Koyomi wondered.

"I-" she coughed, "I n-need some s-salt... where's our s-salt?"
"I think some's at the table next to us... I'll ask them." Miya got up and went around to his side of the table so he could lean over the wall and ask their neighbor for salt.
Koyomi looked up to see Miya looking dead at her. She jumped up and laughed nervously, waving at Milo. "Well, imagine seeing you two here!" She glanced at her watchless wrist, "Oh, dear, look at the time. I have to go! Bye, then!" Then, she raced out of the resturaunt like a bat out of hell, onto her motorcycle, and back home, the whole time chanting, "OHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT!!!!!"

Miya blinked, then grabbed the salt and handed it to Milo. "Wasn't that your roommate?"
"Y-yes, it w-was." Milo replied, "I th-think it's time I-I w-went home."
"What about my question?"
"I h-have to th-think abo-about it."
"What's to think abou-" Milo put her hand up, silencing her date, "I understand. Let's get you home then." he finished.
The two got up and he left a couple hudred cifa on the table for the bill, the rest being the waitress's tip. The car was waiting for the when they got out there and the two got in.

Milo remained silent the whole ride home, but gave him another loving kiss before getting out of the car. "Lemme walk you up." She shook her head 'no' in reply. "I'll call you tomorrow, then?" She nodded and closed the car door.

"What'd she say, sir?" Samson, his driver, asked.
"She didn't give me an answer... just stuttered until we left... but her roommate was there... Think she was spying?"
"Did she run out or just sit there?"
"She shot out of there like a bullet."
"She was listening in... just speculation of course."
"Home, Samson... I'm tired..."

Koyomi peeked out of where she was hiding in her room when she heard Milo come in and waited for the inevitable. *Please, don't kill me, Milo...* she pleaded in her head.
Milo dropped down on the couch in a heap of exhaustion and sighed.
Koyomi crept out of her room and headed toward Milo, a little more than worried."Umm..Milo? What did he say?" She wasn't gonna pretend that she wasn't there; Milo saw her, afterall, so she decided to ask anyhow.
"H-h-h-he.. pr-pr..." Milo sighed and dropped her head back against the couch. "I-I j-just c-c-couldn't b-bel-believe it... I w-wasn't e-ex-expecting h-him t-t-to..." she sighed again in frustration, just remembering that she never cured her stutter with the salt.
Koyomi ran to the kitchen and grabbed the salt shaker, coming back to give it to her friend."Here, Milo."
Milo took the salt shaker and poured some of the salt in her mouth. She rubbed her tongue and the salt against the roof of her mouth frantically until the salt disolves. She sighed, "W-who knew that this stupid Earth mi-mineral that's not even good for you would cure an emotion induced speech impediment?" she said with a weak chuckle.
Koyomi smiled weakly and nodded. "Yeah, who knew. Are you ok, now?" she asked. Milo was nervous and that was not a good thing.
"Yea...." Milo replied and started unlacing her boots.
Koyomi sighed and watched, just waiting for when it would dawn on her friend that she'd spied on her.
"Now, what did you ask me?" Milo tossed the firt boot aside and started on the other.
*Oh man!* Koyomi scooted as far away as possible on the couch and asked, quietly, "So, what did he ask you?"
Milo frowned and looked at her friend, then turned her attention back to her shoes. "He asked me to marry him... and in Oamisaz... the ancient language... you have t be serious to ask in Disa's ancient language..."
"Oh...." Koyomi could think of nothing to say, and looked at her hands.*Oh, my holy fucking god?!?!?*
"Why me?" Milo snapped, throwing her other boot across the room and just barely missing the TV, "Why? First I thought it would be fun to date one of the higher powers in Dominic's mophia - which, by the way, we're not supposed to know a thing about - and now he wants to marry me?!" she got up and went over to the bar. She fixed herself an alcoholic beverage, then lit a Lo. She downed her drink in about two gulps, then went to heavy work on the Lo.
"Uh... easy, there, Milo." Koyomi said softly, staying were she was. "So, what exactly do you intend to do?" she asked.
"Shit..." she took another hit off her Lo, paused, ten blew the smoke out, "I don't know yet. But he'll want an answer soon or he'll start gettin' suspicious..."
Now, Koyomi was getting nervous. "Ah, souka..." she murmured in old Japanese. After a moment she asked, "What will he do if you say no?"
"Hm..." she took another hit and walked over to sofa. She blew out the smoke as she sat down. She looked at the Lo and offered it to her friend.
She took it and took a hit, sitting in silence.*I wonder what's gonna happen..* she pondered, taking another hit, and handing it back.
Milo took it and sighed, then hit it again. "Go get the little box from my nightstand. The little black one."
Koyomi got up and went into Milo's room and started going through the drawer of the nightstand.
"Ya know," she called to her friend, "He might not be so happy if I say no..."
"I sort of figured that much, Milo." Koyomi called back, bringing the box Milo.
"Thanks." Milo said and took the box from Koyomi. She opened the box and pulled out a large bag full of Lowihitoro. She poured some into the lid of the box and put the bag away. She then began rolling about three or four more Los.
Koyomi took a deep breath and turned to her friend. *Well, here goes* "Um..Milo..I'm......I'm sorry for..um..spying on you back there.." she managed.
Milo picked up the already-lit-Lo and put the burning tip on Koyomi's arm, then pulled it back and took a hit. "Apology accepted." she replied before blowing the smoke out. She handed the Lo to Koyomi and continued making the new ones.
Koyomi blinked at her friend , but took the Lo. "You-you're not mad?!"
"Of course I am." she pulled a cigar from the box and lit it. "Mm..." she smiled at Koyomi, then put the cigar out on her arm where she just burned her with the Lo. "But I 'm starting to feel a little better." the placed the cigar back in the box and went on with what she was doing.
Koyomi just then noticed what Milo had done and winced. "Well.." she groaned out, "I guess that works.." She looked at her arm and frowned. slightly, but figured it was better than getting bitched out.
Milo finished the Los and placed them neatly in her zowaji case.
"What d'you think I should do, Komi?" Milo asked as she took the box back to her room, "I mean... maybe it wouldn't be so bad being married to a mobster...."
Koyomi's eyes widened slightly and shook her head. She loved Milo as her best friend, but at times it felt like a little more. She felt a pang of jealousy, and shook her head again. "Well, the question is, do you want to? I mean, without a doubt?"
"The real question isn't do I want to... it's what will he do if I don't? I dunno... maybe I do..." she sighed, "I- hm... Maybe I should go talk to him tonight..."
Koyomi fought the urge to tell her not to go, and just sighed. "Do what you want, I guess. I really don't know what to tell you, Milo."She got up and started to her room. *I wish she wouldn't, though.*
"If I'm not back in an hour, call me. This may not go-" she paused, "Come with me. We'll take the Mini. I duno how this will go." she started putting her boots back on.
"Uh..alright." Koyomi went to her room and got a few of her trusty daggers and put them in several easily accessible places, then came out and went to Milo. "Are you going to be ok, Milo?" she asked.
"Hm..." she stood up and smiled at her friend, "I'm fine." with that she left their suite and headed for the elevator.
Koyomi went with her to the elevator and hugged her, for no really apparent reason.
".....uh...." Milo sighed and pushed the button for the garage. She kissed her friend on the neck, then exitd the elevator when it stopped. She walked over to her dark green Mini and got in the right -driver's- side. Once Koyomi was in, she peeled out of the parking lot and down the street.

Koyomi sighed and watched the scenery fly by as they went toward Miya's. *This should be fun...*
Milo pulled into the first dristric apartment's parking complex and was stopped by the guard.
"You don't have a resident tag. State your business." the guard demanded.
Milo gave him a prize smile and leaned out the window, giving the guard a good view of her chest. "I'm just visiting."
"V-Visiting who?" the guard stammed, trying not to look.
"Oh..." she got out of the car and gently placed her hand on his cheek, "I can't tell you that."
"Th-then I'll have to ask you to leave."
"Really?" she stepped closer to him and slid a card in his pocket. She whispered something is his ear and stepped back. She got back in the car and drove into the parking garage, leaving the guard speechless.
Koyomi raised an eyebrow at Milo."What the hell d'ya do?" she asked, mildly impressed.
Milo just chuckled and parked the car. "Stay here. Call me in 20 minutes and act like there's an emergency."
Milo closed the door behind her and headed for the stairs.

She knocked on his door after climbing seven floors. She fluffed her hair and adjusted her dress, then leaned against his door.
He answered, seeming somewhat surprised by her visit. "Um, come in."
She smiled and walked by him, brushing against his body as she did so.
"To what do I owe this honor?" he asked, locking the door behind him
"About what you asked me earlier... how serious are you?"
"As serious as I've ever been." he replied. He walked over behind her and wraped his arms around her waist, "I just want to know that you're loyal to me."
She leaned back into his arms, but didn't reply.
"My man that was spying on you... he said he's seen you with a girl too..."
Milo became tense before she had time to keep herself from reacting suspiciously.

Koyomi suddenly felt an odd sence of anxiety in the air, and tensed, daggar still in hand. She looked at her watch and sighed. *Not 20 mins yet..i wonder what's going on..*

He wraped his arms tighter around her and asked in a suspicious, yet mocking tone, "What's the matter? You're all tense..." he put his cheek against her's and whispered, "So that's it? The nervous stuttering... It's that little slut that lives with you, isn't it? You've been cheating on me with a girl!?" his arms grew tighter around her body.
"Baby... You're hurting me..."
"You know, Milo... I love you... but this is just an insult. You should have just told me... Maybe we could have worked something out." he growled into her ear.
"I came to tell you yes."
"What's that?" he turned his head so he could look at her.
"I'll marry you."
Koyomi felt another pang of jeaslousy run through her, and didn't know why. She looked at her watch again and sighed. *Milo, what are you doing? I wish I knew what was going on...*
"Oh, you will? That's great. I'll hold you to your word." he reached in his pocket and pulled out the ring, his other arm still around her. He opened the small box and pulled the ring out. "Here..." he whispered. She held out her hand and he slid the ring on.
"It's a shame that I'll have to kill her." he said as he tightened his arms around her once more.
She turned around in his arms and kissed him. "You can't do that. She's still my friend."
"I can't, huh?" he jerked her closer to him, "I will... and there's nothing you can do about it. I'll have a bounty out on her within the hour."

Koyomi looked at her watch again, and took out her cell, calling Milo.

Milo's phone began ringning.
"Don't answer that." Miya growled.
"I have to... what if-"
"If what?" he smirked, "You're on my time right now" His expression seemed of sheer evil and was starting to scare him.
"B-But what? What's the matter? Are you starting to get nervous? Don't be nervous. " he leaned his head forward and kissed neck. He slid one hand up behind her head, entangling his fingers in her hair. "After she's gone, the pain of her death will go soon after that. I'll make sure of that."
"I can't let you do that..." she relied quietly as his kisses made their way to her colar bone.
"You don't have a say in the matter. You'll be my wife and she'll be out of the picture. You'll be better off."

Koyomi was begining to get nervous, now. "Why aren't you answering, Milo? What's going on?" She hung up and called again, to see if there would be an answer.

"Then maybe I won't marry you." she replied.
He stopped and looked up at her. "You said you will. On Disa, word is bond. There's no backing out now. And don't think you can deny it. In working for Dominic, my house is always tapped."
"Then talk of killing Koyomi would be on there too... you'd get thrown in-"
"I work for the mofia sweetie... they're not gonna rat me out for making sure that what's mine stays mine and no one elses." he interruped. He slid one side of her dress off of her shoulder and began taking his kisses further down her chest.
"Don't do this, Oya, she doesn't have to die." Milo's phone stopped ringing.
"Ah, much better." Miya cooed, "Of course she does, dear. She touched what is mine and sh-" the phone started ringing again. He reached into Milo's pocket and pulled it out. "Komi?" he read from the caller ID, "Koyomi is the one calling you? What, does she want you back to the house already?" he threw the phone across the room and out of the window. "Don't worry, I'll buy you a new one."
Milo stood there in shock, not sure what to do. He was really starting to scare her, which is quite a feat.

Koyomi was almost panicking at this point and threw her phone down."Now what the hell am I supposed to do?! I don't know where that lunatic lives and I Have no idea what's going on!! Oh, Milo, please be ok!!Please..if there are any gods up there, let me know what to do, ok? Thanks." she growled out, begining to fidget. *If she doesn't call back, or show up in a few minutes, I'm just going to go look for her myself.*

"What's the matter, Milo? You look tense. Have a seat." he spoke tenderly, motioning for her to sit on the sofa.
Not knowing what else to do, she sat down. He came over and sat next to her and placed his arm around her shoulder.
"L-look, Oya, I love you..." she started, doing an okay job at supressing her nervousness, "But you can't kill Koyomi. She's my friend. Can't you just leave her out of this... for me?"
Miya sighed and thought for a moment. "No. She's dipped into what's mine and now she has to pay for it."
"Oh, thanks... make me sound like a street whore..."
"Oh, but you're not. I wouldn't be surprised if she is... but that's beside the point." he looked his angry and slightly nervous fiancee, "Come here." He leaned over and kissed her. As bad as the situation seemed, she still had feeling for him and a part of her did want to marry him. But she didn't, but any means, want Koyomi killed. She pulled him closer, deepending the kiss, then broke away.
"Don't kill her." she pleaded once more.
"I'm sorry... I have to. I forgive you for what you've done... but this had to be done."

Koyomi sighed and got out of the car, and headed to the guard at the front that they had passed not too long agao. She came up beside him and smiled, a bit seductively. "Excuse me, sir, but I seem to have a problem. My friend, the one who you so kindly let through, went up with out me, while I was trying to fix her phone. "She held up her phone and then continued."I've never been here before and I was wondering if you'd tell me where to find her." She smiled again and bit her bottom lip enticingly.
"Well... us... she didn't tell me where she was going..." he replied.
"Oh..well...are there cameras in the stairs and elevator? I'm sure a good guard like you were watching them, weren't you?"she asked.
"Ma'am, I can't tell you where she went. First district privacy codes. You could be anyone..." the guard replied, trying ot to look at her.
Koyomi pouted and looked down. "Are you sure you couldn't help me out? I'm sure she'd be very upset if she knew I was down here all by my self." She moved closer to the guard and lightly brushed up against him.
"I-I dunno..." he stammered
*I'm so glad that I'm not straight..this guy smells...* She pressed against him more and licked her lips. "Well...you can trust me. I'm no threat to anyone, I promise..." she practiclly purred in his ear.
The guy sighed and looked around, then mombled, "Seventh floor, suite floor...I- I mean... suite seven..." he stammered
"See, that wasn't so..hard.." She leaned up and kissed his cheek and smiled, walking off. "Thanks, darling..." she said over her shoulder, then walked off.
"Oh man... I'm gonna lose my job over tonight..." he muttered to himself.

Once out of the guards vision, Koyomi took off and ran to the suite, but didn't go in yet. She waited to see if she could hear anything.*C'mon, Milo..please be ok..*
"She doesn't have to die, Oya. Please. I'll do anything..."Milo pleaded.
"Hm? This isn't like you, love." he replied, "Anything?" He stood up and thought. She nodded. "That's not good enough. You'll already do anything for me."
"Then... how about this. You kill her, and you don't get any of this." she replied, rubbing her hands down her body.
"Right. Then you wouldn't get any of this." he twirled around and smirked at her.
*What's scary is that we're perfect for each other...* she thought.

*Eh? What the-...he-he want's to kill me?! The hell did I do to him?!* She continued to listen, knowing full well if she was caught, she'd have to do something pretty fancy to get out of it.
"Hey!" a man in a dark suit called to Koyomi, "What the hell are you doing?!"
"SHIT!!" she hissed. She wondered what she should do. If she killed him, there would be guards on her in an instant. If she got into Miya and Milo's, she's prolly not make it out... *Fuck!*
Koyomi went straight for him and knocked him out cold before he even knew what hit him, and pushed him into a corner. *Idiot..* She went back to the door and listened some more.
"What was that?" Miya asked no one in particular.
"Probably nothing..." Milo replied, having a good clue as to what it was.
He glared back at her, then headed for the door and opened it immediately. "Well, well, well... what have we here?"
Koyomi froze on the spot and briefly wondered if running away would help, but then decided against it. "Uh-uh..h-hi! How's everything going? You doing well? Ihope so.."She rambled, putting on a jokling face that she didn't exactly feel at the moment.
"Well, come in. Join the party." Miya said, mischief and evil dripping from his voice.
Milo frantically shook her head at Koyomi.
Koyomi looked past him to her friend and began to panic again, her breathing becoming a lot more difficult. "Uh..I think I like it just fine out here, thanks, though." she managed to get out.
"I insist." he growled and jerked her in by her arm. His grip n her arm was like that of a pit bull's, "Besides, I wanna head all about your... activities... with my Milo."
Milo dropped her head and sighed, trying to think of a way out.
Now Koyomi was so frightened that she just let him drag her in, wincing in pain at his grip. With the news of him wanting to kill her, the fact that he was in the frigging mofia, and that she was going to lose Milo forever, she almost forgot to breath, and even breathing was begining to be a challenge.
"Maybe I should just kill her now." Miya said as he pulled a gun from the holder on his back and placed it under her chin.
Koyomi's eyes widened and tears began to run down her face. She could hardly breathe and looked pleadingly at Milo to help her. "Mi-lo.." she gasped out, shaking.
"But what fun would that be?" he ask rhetorically with a chuckle and pulled the gun away from her chin. "Tell ya what. I'll give you a head start. Leave the districts by dawn or... oh wait... there is no dawn. Guess you better get going. I'll give you... four hours."
Koyomi's knees felt like they were going to dissolve and she nodded.She looked at Milo and choked back a sob, then ran out of the door, not looking back. She ran out the front gate, past the guard and caught a ride to her home.

Milo let out a sigh of relief with the knowledge that she still has a chance to save her friend.
"And as for you." Miya said as he walked over in front of Milo, "Let's celebrate our engagement." He pushed her on her back and kissed her. She pulled him down on top of her and complied in hopes of gaining some trust so she can have a posibility of leaving.

Koyomi got a bag and collected everything that she would need, then wrote a shaky note to Milo, that read,"Milo, please don;t look for me. It'll only get you in more trouble. I'm so sorry for all this trouble. Just forget me, please and don't make Miya any more upset. I love you so much, I don't want you hurt. Goodbye, Milo. All my heart, Komi." She put her bag on her shoulder and went out to her motorcycle, then sped off in no particular direction except away from Miya and Dominic.

"Ya know that if you go look for her, I might do something very bad. Or even my men, you know... They might think you're an accomplice of her's. They might hurt you." Miya said as laid in his bed next to her and played with a lock of her dark sea green hair.
"You'll lose a lot of men if you try to stop me, love." she replied with a cynical smile.
"I hope you're not lookin to make a game out of this, Iyiyaz.... Otter... c'mon. Be real."
"Don't call me that right now... I'm very upset with you."
"You weren't ten minutes ago." he teased.
"Fuck you." she hissed.
She huffed and got out of the bed, "I'm goin' home." she growled as she began getting dressed.
"Until next time then, my... future Mrs. Iojaro." he replied from the bed, "Hey."
"Give us a kiss." he said sweetly in an Irish accent, "C'mon, give us a kiss." he repeated with an overly charming smile on his face.

She sighed and smiled, still unable to resist him, and gave him a kiss. "I'd call you, but I don't have a cel phone."

"Oh yea. Here." he grabbed fifty cifa from his nightstand and slid it between her breasts.

"Riiight..." she pulled on her boots and left the room.
"Love ya!" he called to her just before the front door slammed.

"Ya see... -hic- mah girfrins boyfrin wans ta -hic- ta kill me..."
"You girlfriend's boyfriend?" he bartender she was rambling to asked, slightly confused.
"It's complacaded."
Koyomi hiccupped a bit and looked around at the not-so-crowded bar. "So, anyways... -hic-... that's my story..so..what'cha thin I sha do, eh?" she slurred at the bemused looking bar tender.
"Well, ma'am..in you're situation, I would suggest Sonsetsu Ti. Although, that would be a last resort, of course." he suggested.
Koyomi thought about it and nodded to him, a little more than drunk. "Mmm, sous like a good idea... -hic- thanks.." After she sobered a little, she hopped on her bike and headed toward the treacherous city.

Milo got in her Mini and cursed herself for not having more control over her reactions as she drove back home.
"Komi?" she called through her suite, shutting and locking the door behind her, "Look, Komi... I know he said all that... and yes... the gun was a bit much... but I won't let him... kill........ you......." she noticed the note on the TV. She read it and immediately left. After she got down to the garage and back into her Mini, she got out and returned to their suite for a few explosives and weapons. After she returned to her Mini once more, she rode off to the one place she hoped Koyomi would go.

Koyomi found a decent hotel room in Sonsetsu Ti pretty far into the city and flopped onto the bed, groaning because of a headache that began to manifest itself into a migrane. She began to cry again..not wanting to have left her very best and only friend, but doing it for her own good. If she got killed, fine. So be it, but not Milo. *Anything but that..* She threw her arm over her eyes and willed herself to sleep.

Nearly half way to Sonsetsu Ti, Milo turned around and decided to switch out her Mini for her motorcycle. (Let's face it, she loves her Mini) Finally making it to Sonsetsu Ti, she sanned the area and parking garages for Komi's motorcycle. Hours had passed by now and she started to lose hope until she spotted her friend's bike. She parked next to it and went into the hotel, immediately going to the recent check-ins in the guest book.
"Excuse me, ma'am, but just what in tha hell do you think you're doing?" a very snobbish man barked.
Without even responding or stopping her search for a familiar name in the book, she slapped one hundred cifa on the desk. "Rose Ediet? Roseidiot! Room.. room.. sixty-nine! Yes!" she smiled at the clerk and ran upstairs.
She slowly slid the money off of the desk and put it in his pocket. Then he closed the book and walked back into the back room after checking to make sure that no one saw their little exchange.
Milo knocked lightly on the door to room 69.
Koyomi jumped out of her daze and gasped. "W-what is it? Who are you?"she called in her normal Irish accent.
"Is there a rose idiot in there?" Milo replied in Old Gaelic through the door, "I'm looking for my potato." she added in english with a matching Irish accent.
Koyomi looked at the door, twitching a bit. *M-my potatue....OH!!!!!* (By the way, she happens to think... in a.. British... accent as she speaks in an Irish one... *the writers shrug*) Her eyes widened and she ran to the room to open it and threw her arms around Milo,begining to sob into her shoulder.
Milo pat her friend on the back as she moved them into the room. She broke away from Koyomi to close and lock the door. "Are you okay?"
Koyomi nodded shakily and looked at the floor."I'm sorry, Milo.I didn't mean to cause so much trouble." She looked up and wiped her face a bit. "Why did you come to find me? Why didn't you just forget me like I wanted?"
"Because it was I that caused the trouble." Milo replied setting her bag of weapons 'n' things on the floor next to the bed.
"No you didn't!! It was my fault! I was caught, twice, spying on you!!" Koyomi protested. She fell back onto the bed and curled up, crying a little less than she had before hand.
"That's not why he wants to kill you, love." she replied and she checked the locks on the windows, "Damn, it's bright here..."
"Then, why? I mean, if that's not it..then what is?" Koyomi squinted at the annoying light. "Just close the curtains, Milo."
Milo closed the curtains, "Well... see... he brought up the cheating thing again -as you heard in the restaurant- and he guessed... see, his guy that was syping on me said he saw me with a girl... and I kinda got tense... and he figured out it was you... it was just, his voice was so..." she sighed, "He knows about us."
Koyomi groaned and buried her head in the pillows. "No!! Goddammit!!" she cried. "Milo, please, go back. I-I don't want anything to happen to you, and it most deffinately will if you are found here with me."
Milo went into the bathroom, carrying her bag with her and turned on the shower. She took off her dress and boots and tossed the garmets out of the bathroom. She then got into the shower and began washing the road dirt off of her body and out of her hair.
Koyomi, even though she was depressed beyond all reason, couldn't pass up a golden opportunity. She got up and slid into the bathroom and peeked behind the shower curtain. "You mind if I join ya?" she asked, a bit of mischief crossing her face, despite the tears that were still there.
Milo had shampoo on her face and water running down her hair. "What? I can't- Tell me again when I come out." she yelled, still thinking Koyomi was in the other room.
Smirking a little, Koyomi reached her hand into the shower and ran her fingers down Milo's spine.
Milo jumped, shampoo still on her face. "Very funny, Rose." she said and went back to rinsing her hair.
Koyomi sighed and decided to join her anyway. She did need a shower, anyway. She stripped and got in the shower in front of Milo and hugged her close. "I'm still sorry about all of this." She kissed Milo's neck and then let go to wash her own hair.
Milo reached around for the little bottle of shampoo, brushing her hand across Koyomi's breasts in the process.
Koyomi gasped and smile devilishly at her friend, licking her lips. She leaned forward and kissed Milo softly on the lips, before moving to her neck again.
Milo bit her lip and cupped one of Koyomi's breasts in her hand, then began to massage.
Koyomi gasped and bit down on Milo's neck, then soothed it with her tongue. She ran her hands up and down Milo's body and caught a nipple between her fingers and teased it.
Milo moaned softly, then started to feel the vampire in her Asojani blood. She turned her head and bit viciously at Koyomi's neck, drawing a bit of blood.
"Ah..ah....M-Milo...." Koyomi yelped in half pain and half pleasure, and slowyly slid her hand between Milo's legs.
Milo licked the blood from her friend's neck and savored it more pleasurably that normal.
"Gah...Milo..." Koyomi moaned, moving her fingers and rubbing inside of Milo.
Milo chuckled maniacly and bit into Koyomi's neck again, then slid her fingers into Komi's womanood, probling her deeply... quickly... almost viciously...

© 2003 Adairia A. Midori C. Loba Iyora Okami & Stephanie Maorira T.Yohifoviya Vita C. Roziyat