Name: Lachlann Ros
Gender: Male
Age: 7,922yrs
Height: 6' 7"
Weight: 152lbs
Hair Color: Deep, Blood Red
Eye Color: Ocean Blue Iris, Silver Sclera
Residence: 1st District Apartments, 15th Floor, 18th Suite
Occupation: Unknown
Languages: Silver, Old Italian, Old English, Old Gaelic
Used Accents: Old Irish
Usual Accent: Old Irish
Marks/Tattoos: Vines (birthmarks) covering both of his hands, starting at fingertips and stopping just a few inches before his elbows
Personality: Mysterious, odd, little evil. He likes to play as many sides of an issue as possible without actually personally picking a side...
though he good at making it seem as if he's picked his side. The rest, I'll leave to judgment. He's also the only known Asojani to get away
with cutting his hair.
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