Rules and Conditions
Here are the rules and conditions
- One fic can only be nominated twice in different categories.
- There is no limit to how many fics by one author there are nominated.
- There is a minimum of 5 fics in each category. If there are any less, then the nominee and nomiator will be notified on further action to be taken. This will most likely be nominating the fic in a different category
- To vote, please choose the desired category and you should see a voteing box. Choose your favourite fic/author and click vote now to submit your vote.
- You cannot nominate or vote for your own fic. If we find out that this rule has been ignored, the fic and all fics by that author will be disqualified.
- All queries should be directed to
- Nominations should be sent to us with 'Nominations' in the subject box and the following information: Title, Author, Category, Link and an email address for us to contact the author.
- Please try and help us make this a fair vote as there are fics out there who deserve it.
- Nominations must be in by 30th July 2003