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Me, Myself and I

All about me...*FG* no... im not gonna tell everything...but still..!!

Im gonna put in some of pictures I like etc... und write about me... and if u don't feel like looking at some pics of my friend and I ...well then don't! you suck.... but if you do to then just go on and have fun reading *fg*

well hmmm..sooo
I was born the 1.6.1990 in Berlin. I moved to Bonn..ehhh how old was I well i don't remenber *fg*.. so when I was 4 or 5 years old I moved to Washington D.C there I whent to the german shool from 1- 4 Grade... Once I moved like about four or five streets away...
well then i moved to France (Saint-Germain en laye) ...there i whent to one of the hardest shools in whole france...well because I thaught it was to hard we moved to Garches a small town 10 min away from Paris.. there I whent to the DSP..( deutsche schule PARIS)!!!!(miss ya all soooooooo much)
i whent to the shool for 2 years..but then i had to move again....īback to the USA.. well now im here....again...*snif snif* well
thats allī!!!