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<i>They thought it was only a dream. . . </i>

Shattered Glass

e n t r a n c e

g a r d e n s



l o s t

a dream meant for only her eyes. . .

In the begining

Ages past. . . When only the gardens were filled with angels. Dreams ran loose in plain sight, allowing the terrace to fill with many great things. Until the rain came. . .

Acid rains sent from 'the black crown'. All the angels shed their glee, and sprinted up into the skies. . leaving the terrace in all it's glory to hide amidst the clouds. Windracers burned, leaving only a young filly to survive. . . The 'Black Crown' gave her foal, and from this a young steed arose. He was a blinding gold, the color only ancient have. All who descended from him bear his golden hue, and the evil trade of the 'Black Crown'. None can hide from the fears of the crown, windracers found the terrace again. And the colt grew, raising up to become alpha of the gathering. His name was Roi Noir, the black king.

From devastation rose the winds, picking up roses and thorns, and casting them into the sea. Arose with fury at the 'Crown' the seas tossed salt and sand upon the roses and thorns, sending them towards the fires. The fires raised up, and from their licking flames, the thorns became eyes, ears, the roses became a body, and a young filly stepped out. Lumière she was called, the light at the end of a dark tunnel. She grew, and became stronger, more graceful, more beautiful. Until Roi Noir tried to claim her as his own. She turned her back, and the wind lashed against Roi Noir, fire sparked around her in defense, and the waters rose to greet her. She was a parentless child, and nature was her only family.

She drove them out, all evil gone. Until they came back. They drove her further into the garden, and left her alone. They ruled half of the garden, and she ruled the other half. Until Roi Noir's group became unsettled. Angels began drifting into the herd, casting winds and horns upon the light foals, and garnet eyes on the evil. You could tell a light easily, crystal horn, light wings. And the evils, each had garnet eyes, everyone descended from Roi Noir. Each child of Lumière would have liquid blue eyes, and a crystal colored hoof. Though of course, she still reigns, and she bears no child. . . Who will bring us the blue eyed child. . . To wipe the darkness away? Who will bring us a wide eyed angel. . . To turn the shadows to day. . .