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FAQ (frequently asked questions)

FAQ (frequently asked questions)
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Restently Added Due to the Over Whelming PMs

Q: Wasn't Victoria really young a short time ago?
A: This is true but she recently has undergone a transformation taking the chi of her Lai Ta and her entire eastern ancestry. She is no longer the child she once was but a woman of many lifes and a deciated Geisha.

Q: What is a Geisha?
A: In Japanese, the word "geisha" means "artist." A geisha dedicates her life to perfecting her ability to be a companion, a dancer, a musician, and a literary expert. For example, a geisha practices the art of traditional dance, playing the shamisen (Japanese classical guitar), and the Japanese tea ceremony. A geisha excels in all of these areas, and her training never ends. It takes 5 years of hard training to become a true geisha. A maiko is an apprentice geisha.
Geishas first appeared in the early 1600s, and originally they were men who performed as entertainers. At the height of their popularity in the 1930s, there were about 80,000 geishas but today there are less than a thousand. The Gion District is the center of the geisha district in Kyoto, and the elite geisha district in Japan.
The world of the geisha is closed to the general public. Geishas are a select elite, and they hold a lot of prestige and status in Japanese society. It is a secret, hidden world where only a few people can gain access.
There have been rumors in the past the some Geisha have magical abilities and have been trained in some form of the warrior. Their crimson lips sealed from telling their secrets perhaps their lies truth to these rumors after all.

Q: Do you do all your own artwork?
A: Yes all the artwork is done by myself and a few by my friend Lacartia.

Q: Aren't Victoria's parents vampires?
A: Yes, mmm to long of a story perhapes this is best left to it's own section latter on. Next question!

Q: Is Victoria a vampire?

A: Not really although she is said to have demon like abilities she is a Cathayan.

Q: How come all of your pictures don't show Victoira with ears or a tail?
A: Tail is under the komono and ears are burried undernieth the hair (plus I'm not that good at drawing furcadian characters)

Q: I noticed another character in one of the pictures in your gallery who is that?
A: That was from Victoria's dream it is of her and her sister Chelle

Q: I have more questions how can I contact you since you dont' have your email posted on the site?
A: I am very PM friendly feel free to private message me with any question you might have just please use [] if it's ooc.