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Wolf Facts

Wolf species
Scientific Name: Canis lupus
Habitat: Forests.
Range: Michigan, Wisconsin, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Minnesota, Alaska.
Population: 2,500 in lower 48 states, 10,000 in Alaska.
Everyone knows the gray wolf.
It is the wolf that everyone knows.
The grey wolf is the largest member
of the canid family.
The color of the coat can range from anywhere
from black to white, grey to tan.
Most grey wolves have what's
known as a "saddle" or large black patch
that runs along their back.
Also, they may have a black tip on their tails.

Scientific Name: Canis rufus
Habitat: Coastal pairies and marshlands, the territorial range being 25-50 square miles.
Range: it was once found throughout the southeastern United States,
from the Atlantic coast to central Texas and from the Gulf Coast
to central Missouri and southern Illinois. But now,
it is slowly decreasing in population.
Red wolves are similar to the grey wolf.
They are smaller, and more like a cyote than anything.
They, like the gray wolf, will mate for life.
The red wolf is native to Florida.
They have a brilliant copper red color to their coat.
The red wolf is a nocturnal animal,
meaning it prefers to do all activity at night. Shy and weary,
they prefer to live alone, or in small organized groups called packs.
The red wolf's diet consists primarily of small mammals
such as rabbits and rodents but also
includes insects, berries and occasionally,
may take out a deer.
Common Wolf subspecies

Scientific Name: Canis lupus arabs
Smaller than the European or American wolves, the Arabian
Wolves have shorter hair and
are grayish-beige in color. Supprisingly, the Arabian wolf,
unlike it's cousins, will not hunt
in packs, but rather alone.
The pure Arabian wolf's eyes are yellow with black pupils.
Today many are found with brown eyes, a certain
sign that their ancestors have interbred with feral dogs.
This poses a very serious threat to
the survival of this species. Which is already dwindling.

Scientific Name: Canis lupus arctos
The Arctic Wolf is able to tolerate sub zero tempetures.
It rarely encounters its greatest threat...humans. The wolf lives on
a diet of caribou, musk ox, adn hares.
To survive, the wolf pack must travel around
a range of up to 800 hundred square miles.
They must also tolerate fammine, and freezing tempetures.

Scientific Name: Canis lupus lycaon
The Eastern Timber wolf is the first subspecies of the grey wolf.
Timbers normally have silvery grey-brown backs,
light tan underparts and bushy
tails, although many color variations have been observed. During winter,
their fur becomes darker on the neck, shoulders,
and rump. Timber wolves are perhaps the most
similar to the Grey wolf.

Scientific Name: Canis simensis
The Ethiopian wolf is one of the rarest species of wolf.
It lives on decolate mountain pockets.
The Ethiopian wolf is a close releative of the
grey wolf and coyote. They also live
and hunt in packs.

Scientific Name: Canis lupus nubilus
The great plains wolf,
or buffalo wolf lives on the plains of North Amercica.
It was thought to be extinct by 1926, but reasearch
has proved that the wolves in Minnesota, Wisconsin
and Upper Michigan are descendants of the Great Plains wolf.

Scientific Name: Canis lupus baileyi
The Mexican wolf used to be
one of the rarest North American mammal, but has come far since then.
It was on the brink of extinction. Many refer to it as the lobo.
It is also a close relative of the Grey wolf.
It is the smallest subspecies of grey wolf.
It lives around Southeast Arizona
and New Mexico and Western Texas.

Scientific Name: Canis lupus occidentalis
The Mackenzie Valley wolf, or sometimes reffred to as the
Rocky Mountain Wolf, is the largest in North America.
It is similar to the Grey wolf, it also lives in North America.
You may not have heard of this species,
but it is very close relative of
the Grey wolf.