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Specific Names

The Red Wolf

Canis rufus refers to the red wolf. The red wolf might be a hybrid of gray wolves and coyotes. This animal is an secretive animal who preys on small to medium sized animals. The red wolf is an Endangered Species under the Federal Endangered Species. Act.

Ethiopian Wolf

The Ehtiopian Wolf is often called Canis simensis. The wolf is most endangered. Some people thought the Ethiopian Wolf was a jackal, but DNA techniques showed the Ethiopian Wolf is a true wolf. The Ethiopian Wolf is located in Africa. The Ehtiopian Wolf is also known as: 1) Abyssinian wolf, 2) the Simien jackal, 3) the Ehtiopian jackal, and 4) the Simien fox. The Ehtiopian Wolf is protected by the law of Ethiopia.

Maned Wolf

The maned wolf is also known as Chrysocion brachurus. It is not a true wolf, but it is a cross between a jackal and a long-legged wolf. It is reddish in color, pale belly, and large fox-like ears. They are found in South America. They live manily in 1) Brazil, 2) northern Argentia, 3) Paraguay, 4) Uruguay, and 5) Bolivia.

The maned wolf is protected by the law of Argentia and Bolivia. There are 85 maned wolves in many zoos or around thay many for a project. The project is called "Species Survival Plan." The project is to re-emphasize the maned wolf to their natural habitat to conserve them to survive.

The Arctic Wolf

The Arctic Wolf is also known as Alpoex lagopus. They have 2 common names which are: 1) Arctic gray wolf, and 2) Arctic Wolf. They live in the tundra, the Arctic, and in the Altai Mountains in central Asia.

The Praire Wolf

The Praire Wolf is also known as Canis latrans. John James Audubon used the name in his book on American mammals.

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