Chapter 3

" Good morning, Younglings. It's time to get up and start getting ready for your first day of classes." Jedi Knight Carah said coming into the sleeping area of the dorm.

The small group sat up and began to wake up, getting off their sleeping mats the kids got their stuff together and lined up. They followed Jedi Knight Carah to the refreshers.

" Ok, I will be right here. You guys need to shower and brush your teeth before we can head to the Quarter Master." Jedi Knight Carah said as she stopped in the hallway between both refreshers.

" Yes, Mistress." The Younglings said before they departed, the boys went into the males refresher and the girls in the females refresher.

Twenty minutes later, all the Younglings came out of the refreshers and lined up again before heading back to their dorm room.

" Ok, put your things up and dressed, then line back up." Jedi Knight Carah told the Younglings as they walked back into their room.

" Yes, Mistress." The Younglings said together again.

Once they were dressed and lined up, Jedi Knight Carah lead them out of the dorm and down the hallway to the turbo-lift. Standing at the turbo-lift was the Wolf Clan.

" Knight Carah, it's so nice to see you this morning. I take it that you are and your new Younglings are heading to the Quarter Master too?" the clan Mistress said, as her Younglings was standing behind her.

" Morning, Master Hunanna. Yes, we are getting our clothes today, so that way, they have them ready for classes today." Jedi Knight Carah said giving her friend a welcoming smile.

" Maybe, when we get them in their classes, would you like to get something to eat?" Master Hunanna asked as the doors for the lift opened up and some older Younglings came off.

" Masters." the older Younglings said bowing their heads to the adults.

" Younglings." the two adults said together.

" Ok, Youngling, please step inside the lift." Master Hunanna said as she herded her Younglings on the lift.

After the Wolf, clan was on board then Bear clan got on and then the two clans headed straight for the Quarter Master's so he can hand out their clothes.

" Good morning, everyone. I do have all your outfits waiting right here for you all. When I call your name, please come up here and get your bundle of clothes." The Quarter Master said as he looked at the two group of Younglings standing in front of him.

Twenty minutes later, everyone had their clothes and was heading back to their dorms so that way they can get dress for the day. Once in the dorm they all got dressed and went back into the main room of the dorm room.

" Ok, good. You Younglings look wonderful. We have ten minutes before going to breakfast, I just want to make sure that you all know about your clans, and your outfits, so do any of you have any questions." Jedi Knight Carah said as she looked around at the children standing in front of her.

" Yes, Mistress. I do have a question, um... why do all of the people keep calling us Younglings." Gwyn asked.

" All of you will be known as Younglings, not only by the students, but also by your instructors. With this, take pride in your new rank, for you are now Jedi Initiates. Also from this moment on you all will not face your challenges alone. That's because you guys are now assigned a family so you can think of yourselves as on huge family, and this family will surround you from the moment the sunstone wakes to the very moment you drift off to sleep on your mat. The most important rule to remember is that you must never feel like an outsider, and if you want to change clans has to be an assignment requests to alternate clans can be taking only after the most serious meditation. These people standing beside you are your colleagues in the Force; they will be closer than any brother or sister." Jedi Knight said as she looked at each and every one of the children standing in front of her.

" But Mistress, I thought we aren't to have any family type of attachments?" Bobby asked.

" True, but this kind is more as friend." Jedi Knight Carah said as she was trying to find an easier way to explain the difference between the two but couldn't which made her began to think about this part of the Jedi Code.

" How long will be in the Clan?" Bobby asked again.

" You will be in this Clan, until you are chosen as a Padawan Learner, which means you will sleep, eat, train and grow with this Clan. It's here that you will never forget the bonds you make here." Jedi Knight Carah said.

" When do we get new clothes?" Liam asked.

" You will be getting new clothes when you start out growing them, and talking about clothes your attire and comportment is very important now. our dress is the very essentially that of a Jedi Padawan, Knight or Master. Your guys have everything but the robe. And when you walk outside of the Temple people will approach you looking for wisdom, then there will be others who will beg you to fight their enemies for them and of course there will be a few who will attack you and try to kill you too." Jedi Knight Carah said and then saw a shock and some fear come across the Younglings' faces.

" Mistress, why would they want to do that for?" J.K. asked.

" Well, there are some people who don't like the Jedi. They think that we are Wizards or Witches and because of that they are mostly scared of us." Jedi Knight said as she was doing her best to calm the fear of the children.

" I believe those are very wrong about us." Luna said with a snort.

" Yes, that is correct Youngling Luna. Ok, now, back to your clothes. They will define who you are and your rank in the Jedi Order, so wear it well and wear it with pride. There are a few rules that you must follow about taking care of your new clothes, first rule is at night you will fold it and place it at the foot of your mat. The second rule is if you sweat in it at your physical classes then you must clean it. The third rule is for you boots and if they are scuffed them polish them, and you will polish them yourself, NO DROIDS. The forth rule is if they are dirty or wrinkled you will get reprimand from me, and every night before you can go to bed I will make an inspection. And the last rule is remember that being a Jedi also means looking the part. Ok now it's time for breakfast then afterwards report back here and I will take you all to your first class." Jedi Knight Carah said.

" Yes, Mistress." the children said together.

" Ok, new house rule. When we are in our dorm together like this, you all may call me Carah, but when we are in front of other Jedi, then you must call me Mistress Carah." Carah asked and all the children nodded their heads.

They all left the dorm room and headed down to the dining hall for breakfast.

" I wonder what are first class is going to be like?" Mari Amithest said as she grabbed her juice box.

" I don't know, but it will tells us more about being a Jedi." Padme said also grabbing a juice box.

" Well, I can't wait until we get lightsabers." Rayn said.

" You know, there is more to being a Jedi, than using a lightsaber, Rayn." Padme said as they sat down at their table.

" Yeah, I know, but it still looks cool." Rayn took a seat next to Padme.

Thirty minutes later, they were back in their dorm room getting ready for their first Jedi class. Jedi Knight Carah took them down to the classroom and the one that belonged to the Jedi Seer Sabla-Mandibu.

" Master, here are your new Younglings." Carah said as she and the children came into the room.

" Aww... thank you, Jedi Knight Carah. Welcome, Younglings. Please have a seat and don't worry Younglings Jedi Knight Carah will stay here for the first couple of days to make sure that you are comiable in your class, and to make sure that you know your way back to your dorm rooms and to your classes too." Master Sabla-Mandibu said nodding over to Carah.

" Ok, Younglings, find your seats quickly." Carah said to the children and they did as she asked them to do.

First things first. I will hand out our data tables, and at the end of the class please hand them over to Jedi Knight Carah, she will keep them for you, and give them to you before your class. I don't know if you were told what your classes are going to be so please listen up. In mornings, you will have Force instructions, then in mid-day, you will have your history and Politics, then in the afternoon your classes will be physical training; and in addition to your classes, you all must engage in five mandatory meditation sessions each day. Now with that said lets learn about the Three Pillars of the Jedi." Master Sabla-Mandibu said.

Each student took their data tablets from Carah and found the record button and hitting it so that way they can record their class. There was a beeping sound and the children turned and looked over to Carah as she looked down and saw that it was her Com-link.

" Excuse me for a few. I'll be right back when class ends, so I can take the Younglings back to their dorm rooms." Carah said before leaving the room.

" Ok, There are Three Pillars of the Jedi and we will learn each one of them, and they are The Force, Knowledge, and Self-Discipline. Today we will be learning about the first Pillar. Ok, the first Pillar is what we call the Force. Do you know that the Force is an energy field that is created by all living things. The Force is bigger than all of us, but it can express itself in two aspects and they are the Living Force and the Unifying Force. So can you tell me what you believe what the Living Force is, Padme?" Master Sabla-Mandibu asked Padme.

" Um... what I believe the Living Force is the life energy that is around us and the plants and animals." Padme said as she was trying to remember what the stuff that she had heard from the older students and Jedi.

" That is correct. Ok, what about the Unifying Force Gwyn?" the Jedi Seer asked Gwyn.

" Um... I was taught that the Unifying Force are the Stars and Galaxies." Gwyn answered.

" Correct, and it is also the rippling surface of space and time too. It's also the voice that whispers your destiny, and makes no mistake - the Force does have a will." Master Sabla-Mandibu said.

Before the class was over, she went on to them about the dark side and the using Control Abilities of the Force. Which are Tutaminis, Curato-Salva and Altus. The bell rang and Carah showed back up just in time to take the Younglings back to the dorm rooms and for meditation before going to lunch. After a very long day of classes each child climbed into his and her sleeping mats and falling sound asleep.

* Author's note :(pages 20-21; 22-27 of the book, The Jedi Path: A Manuel For Students of the Force - text and annotations written by Daniel Wallace.)