Chapter 4

" Good morning, Younglings. If you remember, we talked about the First Pillar of the Jedi and we talked about the Force. Well, today, we are going to talk about the second and third Pillars of the Jedi. Any questions of what we talked about yesterday?" Master Sabla-Mandibu asked while looking around the room. " Ok, we did go over that part really quickly didn't we? That was mostly my fault. You will learn in time to hone many abilities that draw up the Force. These abilities follow three different themes: Control, Sense and Alter. The first one Control is centered on one's own body and it focus of training for you. The second and third ones Sense and Alter abilities will be the focus of your training later, mostly when you are more skilled. One type of control is called Tutaminis, or energy absorption, is the ability to channel or diffuse potentially harmful radiation by using the benevolent energy of the Force. The second ability is Curato Salva - which is a family of abilities that emphasizes the healing of self. And lastly is the Alturs sopor - which is the traditional term for the ability to increase one's focus on the Force. You can practice this self-directed ability during each of you five daily meditations. Ok, to go over the second Pillar is Chief Librarian Restelly Quist, so please give your full attention to her." Master Sabla-Mandibu nodded over to the other lady and she came forward.

" Good morning, Younglings." the Librarian said as she looked around at the children.

" Good morning, Master Quist." the children said together as they bowed their heads to the elder lady.

" Ok, am here to tell you all about the Second Pillar of the Jedi and that would be Knowledge. The Pillar of Knowledge is the most important of the three Pillars it's here that you will be studying here during your time as an Initiates. The Archives are the central knowledge base for the entire Order and contain more data than you could absorb in a thousand lifetimes. Its four wings are classified thusly: the history and philosophy of the Jedi Order, the physical science and the geography and political structure of the galaxy, and the nature and diversity of living things. Next to the Archives and within the tower above the First Knowledge Quarter you will find the Holocron Vaults. So if you need to locate a specific data-card, query one of the droids or ask me or a member of my staff." the Jedi Librarian said as she finished her speech to the class.

" Thank you, Master Quist. We will be coming to the library in a few weeks." Master Sabla-Mandibu said.

" We will be honor to have your visit to the Archives." the Librarian said as she nodded and left the room.

" Ok, now we will talk about the last Pillar - Self-Discipline, and to tell you all about the third Pillar is Jedi Battlemaster Skarch Vaunk." the Jedi Seer said as she nodded to the male Jedi, who was sitting in the back of the room.

" Good morning, Younglings. I am Jedi Master Skarch Vaunk, the Temple's Battlemaster, and this morning am going to be telling you about the third Pillar of the Jedi, which is Self-Discipline, I know that many of you Initiates are all too eager to rush into this field of Knowledge, for this is where you get to swing a lightsaber, but until you have demonstrated your connection to the Force and your willingness to study and learn, you will never be admitted into my class. Meditation is the important key to aligning your mind and body with the spirit and will of the Force. There are three different types of Meditations. The first one is called Empty Meditation, the second one is called Moving Meditation and the last one is Rising Meditation. Empty Meditation - is when you can purge the negative emotions and lets you step back from attachment. Moving Meditation - is which an awake-state that reduces distraction and increases your focus on a task - you may find it improves your ability to repair a device, your skill in sifting through data in the Archives, or your combat drills. The last on is Rising Meditation - which broadens your connection to the Force, to such a degree that you may find yourself levitating." the Battlemaster just finished in time as the bell rung.

" Thank you, Master Vaunk." the children said just before the Jedi Master left the room.

" Ok, Younglings, please hand me your data tablets and follow me to the dorm rooms for Meditation, before lunch." Carah said as she walked into the room.

Each child got up from their seats, came up to her, and handed their tablets to her. They lined up in the hallway and waited for Carah to take them back to their dorm so that way they could do their second Meditation of the day.

" Ok, we will meditate for the thirty minutes before the lunch bell rings." Carah said before going into her office and going over to her desk and putting the tablets inside the drawer and locked it.

The children pulled out their Meditation mats and was about to lay them out onto the floor.

" Younglings, today we are going down to the Room of the Thousand Fountains to meditate there." Carah said coming into the room.

" Yeah!" the children yelled out.

" Ok. Well, then, lets go." Carah lead the children out of the dorm and down to the Fountains.

" I wonder what we are going to learn in our next class?" Rayn said as the small group at their lunch.

" I don't know ,but I hope it's something fun." J.K. said as he shaved a spoonful of Nerf pie in his mouth.

" You know, they always do the boring stuff first." Mari Amithest said as two Jedi came into the room, one was a Master and the other one was his Padawan Learner.

" Who are they?" Rayn asked looking at the two men who came into the room.

" They are Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Learner Obi-Wan Kenobi." Padme said looking at the two guys and smiling at them.

" I heard that Master Jinn doesn't believe in some of the things that is in the Jedi Code." Luna said as she noticed that the two men were heading over to their table.

" Hello, Younglings. Is it ok if we joined you?" Qui-Gon asked the group of Younglings.

" Yes, Master. You and Padawan Kenobi may join us." Padme said nodding to the two empty chairs in front of her.

" Thank you. You're Padme, correct?" Qui-Gon asked the young girl, who was sitting in front of him.

" Yes, Master." Padme said nodding her head to him, and wondering how he knows her name.

" I met your father and sister a couple of days ago. They were very helpful with us." Qui-Gon said as he took a bite of his sandwich.

" Yes, they try their best to help those who need help, just like the Jedi do for the whole galaxy." Padme said just as the bell began to ring.

" It was good to meet you, Youngling and you have a great day. May the Force be with You." Qui-Gon bowed his head, as the children began getting up and headed out of the room.

" Thank you, Master. You and Obi-Wan have a good day too and welcome back." Padme said, before leaving the two men sitting there with their lunch, she ran and caught up with her Clan Mates.

" Ok, Youngling. Hope you guys had a great lunch. Lets get your mats out for Meditation." Carah said as the Younglings came into the room.

They got their mats and laid them down on the floor, so that way, they could meditate for the third time of the day. Thirty minutes later, the Younglings were walking into their second period class.

" Good afternoon, Younglings. How are all of you doing today?" the Jedi said as he looked at the children who were filing into his class.

" Good afternoon, Master." the class said together.

" Ok, my name is Jedi Crix Sunbursis. I'm what you all could call a Jedi Ace. In this class, we are going to learn about the Galaxy, Stars and Planets. As Younglings a good portion of your life will be contained with in the Temple, but when you are selected as a Padawan, your trips outside the Jedi Temple will be rare and short, so we are to prepare for when that day comes, until then you will need to study up on the galaxy, star, and planets. As you know Coruscant is the capital of the Republic and the prime planet of the Core Worlds, which is just located north of the unwelcoming Deep Core. Each Core or Territories are broken up into regions. With that said the next regions are the Colonies, and the Inner Rims, they mark the outermost limits of what most citizens consider civilizations. Beyond the Inner Rim is the Expansion Region, which is the home to most of our factory worlds, which are mostly empty and decaying. The next are the Mid Rim planets, and they are mostly know as the Agricultural Territories. Then we have the lawlessness of the Outer Rim Territories. All these Territories can be quickly traversed on the Hydian Way, The Corellian Run or the Perlemian Trade Route. Then, on the outer reaches of space, we have regions know as Wild Space and the Unknown Regions. Ok, we will go around the room and see where everyone is from so lets start with you." the Jedi Master asked Luna.

" I'm Luna and I'm from Alderaan, which is located in the Core Worlds." Luna said, as the Jedi Master pointed to the planet of Alderaan on the map of the galaxies.

" Thank you, Youngling Luna. Ok and Youngling." He said as he pointed to Gwyn next.

" Hey, I'm Gwyn and I'm from Corellia, as is Rayn over here. Corellia is also in the Core Worlds." Gwyn said pointing over to Rayn, who was sitting next to her. " Thank you to the both of you, next." He then pointed over to Ashla.

" Hey I'm Ashla and I'm from Shili and its in the Expansion Region." Ashla said as the Jedi Master pointed to it on the map.

" Ok. Youm sir." he turned and pointed to Jempa.

" I'm Jempa and I'm from Toola. It's in the Outer Rim Territories." Jempa said.

Then, the Jedi Master pointed over to Chian.

" Hello, I'm Chian and I'm from Kintan. It is also located in the Outer Rim Territories." Chian said.

" And you?" the Master said pointing over to Padme.

" I'm Padme, and I'm from Naboo, which is located in the Mid Rim region." Padme said, just before the bell rang.

" Ok, tomorrow we are going to learn what planets are in each Territories starting with the Core Worlds. You all have a great day and May the Force be with You all." Master Crix Sunbursis said as the Younglings got up and followed their dorm keepers.

Once in their dorm, they meditated again, before going to their rest of their classes. After a very long day of classes, and meditation Padme was very glad to get undress which she neatly folded her clothes, and placed them on the end of her mat before climbing into her sleeping mat and falling sound asleep.

*(pages 28-29; 36-37 & 30-33 of the book, The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force - text and Annotations written by Daniel Wallace.)