Chapter 10

Anakin and Padme stood there in silence, as they watched the first sun sank, just behind the mountains, way off in the distance.

“ Um … Anakin … I have been thinking about what you told me, when we were in the mausoleum; about you not killing the Younglings in the Temple.” Padme said, as the second sun began to sink down in the horizon.

“ Really? Well, it’s true, I didn’t kill anyone in the Temple. Why do you ask?” he said, turning towards her and saw her picking at the string that hung down, from her hood of her cloak.

“ Well, Obi-Wan came looking for you, I told him that I didn’t know where you were. Then I told him that you had come by real early in the morning, before you went to the Temple. Then, he told me that you had fallen to the dark side, because they had learned who the Sith Lord was. It was you, who lead the attack on the Temple. Of course, I didn’t believe a word he said, but then, he showed me the security footage.” Padme turned and looked at him.

“ I see, and what did you see on the footage?” He asked and knowing what she saw, before she could tell him.

“ I saw the children practicing with their lightsabers, then one of the children looked over to the door, said hello to you and asked what was going on. The only answer was, you activated your lightsabers, just as the room began filling up with smoke. All you can hear was them screaming out, in pain as they died. Really couldn’t see much, due to the smoke, but you also had your back towards the cameras the whole time.” Padme said, as she felt tears coming to her eyes.

“ I see. Well, like I said before, that was all fake. Yes, the Younglings were on it, as to what was going on around them. What some people don’t know about that tower, is the secret passage way that leads to a hunger bay, that is about a block away from the Temple. I kept my back towards the camera, so that no one would see me signing to the children to do what you saw on the footage, and even opening the hidden door. With the help of the smoke, it screened the Younglings from the cameras and I got them thru the hidden door, where Rex was waiting to take them off planet to somewhere safe.” Anakin saw a tear roll down Padme’s face. He reached out and wiped away another one, as it was about to roll down her face.

“ I see. Let me guess, you know where Rex took them?” Padme moved a little away from Anakin’s hand, just as they heard an animal howl off in the distance.

“ No, I don’t know where the Younglings went too, and I don’t want to know.” Anakin said, moving his right hand to the hilt of his lightsaber. “ I see. That is good then. What happened between you and Obi-Wan, after what you did to me?” Padme asked.

“ He told me to get away from you. I was going to pick you up and take you to a medical center, but Obi-Wan just stood in my way.He was yelling at me, but as I stood there looking down at you. I realized what I just did and I felt my heart break, because I lost the only person, besides my mother, who understood me. He just kept yelling at me and I just got sick of listening to him, so I attacked him. We got into a huge lightsaber duel and the last thing I remember, was that I jumped off the metal structure that was melting in the lava. I was about to land behind Obi-Wan, but I was in mid-air, when he cut off my hand and both legs. As I laid there, begging him to help me, to move me away from the river of lava, my robe caught on fire. The fire consumed my body. It was this whole time, I was screaming for Obi-Wan to help me, but all he did was stand there. After the fire burned out, I raised my head up slightly, looked straight at him and begged him to help me, but all he did, was turn around and left me laying there.” Anakin balled his hand into a fist.

“ Oh my … How could he? … He always told me he thought of you, as his brother … When you need him the most, he just turned his back on you.” Padme gasped and was in shock of what her and Anakin’s so called friend, did to Anakin, and even to her too.

“ After he left me, I just closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me. No, it was not the dark side of the Force. I blacked out due to the pain that I was in. I was willing myself to die, because of the pain and lost that I had in my soul. Just as I closed my eyes, I got a short look of two figures standing over me. It was three days later, that I started to wake up from the coma that I was in. Before I opened my eyes, I heard two doctors talking about me.” Anakin said, as the howl was coming closer.

“ Oh and what were they talking about?” Padme shivered, not only from the chill in the air, but from whatever was out in the desert hunting.

“ They didn’t know that I was awake. What they were saying was that all my wounds could be healed up and all the damaged tissue and cells also could be regenerated, if they could take me to the medical center on Polis Massa. But, instead of going there, Palpatine had the black suit already made and they put me in it. As I was getting used to the suit breathing for me and everything else, I was able to cruise the galaxy. I was supposed to be looking for Jedi, but I had gone to Polis Massa got the surgery done. I stayed in the suit to hide everything from Palpatine.” Anakin said.

“ Really? I do notice that you are limping slightly.” Padme said.

“ Well, I’m still healing and I really shouldn’t have moved my muscles like I did, but it was all worth it. I would do it again. Oh, if you see the Queen or any other Rebels, let them know that the reason why the Emperor is at his retreat on Naboo, is because he is very ill. It had something to do with the duel with Master Windu. He was using Force Lightening and it burned him up pretty badly, and burned up his lungs. So, he was having a very hard time breathing and that is why he resting on Naboo.” Anakin said, as the sun was just above the tops of the mountains, off in the distance.

“ Ok, I will let them know that. Um… Anakin, you keep telling me that you are not on the Dark side of the Force, but I saw your eyes turn yellow to amber, while you were dealing with Bane. Please tell me the truth. Are you a Jedi or a Sith?” Padme looked into his eyes and saw that they were crystal clear blue, the ones that she remembered and loved about him.

“ To honestly answer your question, yes I am a Jedi. There are times, mostly when I get really mad and angry, that I feel myself touch the Dark side. My eyes turn the Sith yellow, but I am learning to control my anger and it really does take a lot to get me upset.” Anakin said, as he noticed Rex motion for him to come to the ship.

“ I see. Well, I’m glad to hear that … Um, Rex wants you, and I’m getting cold, so I think it’s time to get inside.” Padme began rubbing her arms.

“ I see that. Well, you better get inside and get warmed up… I have to go, but I will be back in two weeks, to pick up you and Telayah and take you back to Naboo … But for now, you will be here with mom and Cliegg.” Anakin said, as he nodded over to Rex.

“ Ok. See you, then. Anakin, please be careful. I love you.” Padme said, standing on her tip toes and kissed Anakin.

Anakin pulled Padme into his arms and began kissing her.

“ Padme, Cliegg is about to shut down the power.” Shmi called up from the courtyard.

“ Coming.” Padme pulled back a little from Anakin’s kiss, so that way, she could answer Shmi.

“ I need to go, but I want you to know that I love you. I will do everything in my powers to keep our children safe from Palpatine. I want you to know that his time is about to come to an end.” Anakin said, kissing her one more time, before letting her go and heading for the ship and boarding it.

Padme went to the entrance way and watched the ship take off, before going inside.

“ I take it that Anakin is gone.” Shmi looked up from her tea.

“ Yes, ma’am. He told me that he will come back here and pick us up in two weeks.” Padme went over to the cabinet and grabbed a cup for her tea.

“ Ok. It is good to see you again, Padme. What has been going on with you, since the last time I saw you?” Shmi asked.

“ Well, I was a Senator for the Galactic Senate. Two months ago, I retired and had two twins.” Padme poured her some tea.

“ That is so great. So, have you and Anakin been together?” Shmi asked.

“ Um… we have seen each other professionally, when I had to go on a mission.” was all Padme said.

“ I see. Well, I’m going to bed and I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” Shmi said, getting up from the table.

“ Ok, see you in the morning.” Padme said ,drinking her tea.

Padme finished up her tea. After putting her cup into the washer, she headed to the room that her and Telayah were sharing. Padme quietly enter the room, got undressed and put on the night gown that Shmi gave her. She climbed into bed and was covering herself up.

“ I thought I heard the ship?” Telayah said, as she rolled over to face Padme, from across the small room.

“ Yes, you did. Anakin and Rex left us. We are to stay here and they will come back to get us in two weeks.” Padme said, as she felt herself starting to drift off.

“ Ok, that sounds good to me. Well, good night.” Telayah said ,closing her eyes and started to drift back to sleep.

“ Night.” Padme mumbled, as she fell sound asleep.