Padme was sitting in the throne room, of the Palace in Theed. She wasn't really paying attention to what the Senator was saying. Let's just say, that her mind was else where and she was hoping that no one would realize that she was the late Queen Amidala.
" Well, if we have nothing else to discuses, then I call this meeting adjourn." Queen Kylantha said, as the secret meeting came to the end.
Everyone bowed their heads, stood up and headed out of the office. They hurried away from the Palace, hoping that they didn't get caught by the Emperor.
" Are you ok, Padme? I noticed that your mind wasn't really in the meeting. What is bothering you?" Queen Kylantha asked, as she saw fear come across the ex-Queen and Senator's face.
" You know, not only is the Emperor here, but so is Darth Vader." Padme said, before getting up out of the chair and walking to the window.
" Oh dear. I didn't know that he was here. When did he show up?" Queen asked ,as she just sat there and watched Padme.
" He showed up two weeks ago. He also is staying in the mountain village and before you ask me, how I know, well, I'll tell you how I know. I ... saw ... him." Padme said, as she just stood there, remembering when she was the Queen, she would stand here for a long time and just wonder how Anakin was doing... Now, all she can do is hope and pray that his soul is resting at peace.
" You ... saw ... him? Why wasn't I told that he was here?" the Queen said, as fear came to her.
" I don't know why no one hasn't told you... The only reason why I didn't say anything is because I didn't want to draw attention to myself and to my children." Padme said, hoping that Kylantha understood.
" I understand. We don't want the Emperor or Darth Vader harming your children. From what I hear, they are hunting down any exile Jedi and killing them." Kylantha said, because she was the only one here, who knew that Padme's children's father was a Jedi and they could very well have the Force in them.
Padme just nodded, before turning away from the window and wiping away a single tear that rolled down her cheek.
" I need to go. I'll see you next month. Be safe." Padme said, as Kylantha came up to her and gave her a hug.
" Thank you, Padme. I will pray to the gods that they will keep you and your children safe." Kylantha said, letting the older lady go, before watching her head out the door.
Padme pulled the hood further over her head, before she headed to one of the secret passageways of the Palace. Exiting the secret passageway, she made her way down the alleyway of the plaza center, before coming out to one of the main roads. Seeing the street crowded with everyday traffic of people, Padme made her way through the crowd, to a flower shop. She purchased six different kinds of flowers. Leaving the shop and the city of Theed, Padme headed down to the one place she can go. She just meditated and prayed to the gods that the end of the Empire would come and she had to keep her eyes open, on every thing to make sure no one can get to her kids.
Padme walked to the huge stone building, going up the steps and coming up to the door, she noticed it was open. Walking carefully into the mausoleum, she saw the beautiful stain glass window that had light shining through it. On either side of the window, was two columns that held two vases, but there was movement next to her sarcophagus. Stopping in mid-step, she could see who it was and it totally shocked her. Kneeling next to the sarcophagus, was Darth Vader.
Stepping behind the door that lead into the burial chamber, Padme just stood there. trying to hear what Vader had to say, and to see why was he here in the first place. But unfortunately, she couldn't hear what he was saying, so she turned and walked out of the building, before he realized that she was there. Thirty minutes later, Padme walked into house and saw Sabe` asleep on the couch. Padme smiled and shook her head, before coming over to her and covering her up, with the blanket that was on the back of the couch. Then, she headed down to the nursery, to see that the twins were also sound asleep.
It was later that night ,Padme told Sabe`what she saw at her mausoleum. Then, she spent time with Luke and Leia, before putting them into bed for the night. Afterwards, she headed to her own bed and fell into a troubled sleep. The very dark presence haunted her dreams that night.