I will see you tonight for dinner. Padme smiled up at Kyle.
I cant wait to see what you have fixed for us for dinner tonight. Kyle smiled down at Padme ,before leaning forward and kissing her.
Bye and see you later, then. Padme pulled back and stepped inside her office.
Kyle turned and began walking down the hallway to the turbo-lift. When he got one of the lifts, he hit the down button and waited for the lift to come up to the floor that he was on. The turbo-lift came up and stopped on the floor.The doors opened up and Kyle stepped onto the lift, but just before he could shut the door, a dark figure came onto the lift with him.
Um . . . good morning, Lord Vader. Kyle swallowed hard.
It is not going to be very good for you. Vader hissed at the man.
What are you talking about? Kyle asked, looking up at the Sith Lord.
You are messing with my property. Vader lifted his gloved right hand and began moving his pointed finger and thumb together.
Kyle felt his throat tightening up. He put his fingers inside his collar of his shirt and was trying to pull it away from his throat, but it was not his collar that was choking him.
I . . . dont . . . know . . . what . . . you . . . are . . . talking . . . about. Kyle was trying to gasp of air, as his throat was slowly closing up on him.
Padme is mine and you better stay away from her, because if I see you near her again, then I will make sure that you will not breathe again. Vader just held his thumb and fingers together, as he moved his hand upward and Kyle began to move up into the air.
Ok . . . I . . . will . . . not . . . see . . . her . . . any . . . more. Kyle was still trying to breath, but now his feet were off the floor.
Just remember, I'm watching you and there is no second chance. If I see you near her, you will die. Vader let go of Kyle.
Kyle fell down on the ground and was gasping for air, as the doors opened up and Vader walked off the lift and headed to the Emperors office. Kyle stood up and hit the down button and began rubbing his throat, as he was still breathing hard, as he was trying to get air back into his lungs. After the lift stopped on the ground floor, Kyle stepped off, headed for the landing platform and got into the air taxi and headed for his office. Now, his only problem is how he is going to tell Padme that they are over and that there will be no dinner date tonight.
Vader walked into the Emperors office and he was thankful that his mask hid his very evil smile.
Ah, good Vader. I have something for you to do. Here is your mission, so I hope that your hunting will be successful. Emperor Palpatine smiled at Vader, when he walked into the room.
Good, I really need to get my hands on someone. Vader gave a small laugh, before taking the disc that has his latest mission.
Vader left the Senate building and met up with his shuttle crew. They headed for his battle cruiser and to somewhere in the galaxy.