Good morning, sweetie. I hope after everything that I have told you last night, you did sleep well. Bilhah watched Achsah came into the room and sit down at the kitchen table.
Morning. Yes, once I blocked everything out of the my head, then I did slept pretty well. Achsah poured herself some tea and put two cubes of sugar into the cup.
I just wish things were different for us, well for me anyway. I do know, if I try and leave him, he will hunt me down and kill me. So, I guess it is better, just the way things are. Bilhah sat down next to Achsah and poured herself some tea and reached for the pastry.
Mom, it is ok. I will get over the fac,t as to who my father is. Do not worry, am not judging you, if that is what you are so afraid. It is not your fault and I will not tell him anything and I will also stay away from him. Achsah also grabbed for a pastry and began eating it.
Thank you. So, what are you going to be doing today? Bilhah took a bite out of her cream puff.
Well, Anakin is here. He will be taking me back to Coruscant, but at the moment, he has a few days off for a very short vacatio. I thought that maybe we would go to the mountain villa. Achsah grabbed another cream puff.
Ok. That sounds like a great idea, because you will need the peace and quiet. Please be careful, if you know what I mean. Well, I need to go and I will see you in a couple of weeks, when I come back to Coruscant with the Senator. Bilhah stood up and put her plate into the washer.
I will be careful. Mom, you will be careful too and when you get back to Coruscant, we will have dinner together. Achsah bit into her second cream puff.
Bilhah left the house and headed across town, to the palace, so she could get the Queen ready for her day in the planets senate. After Achsah finished eating her cream puffs, she got up from the table and put her plate into the washer, then she headed for her bedroom. Achsah went into her closet and grabbed her clothes, before heading to the fresher and began getting ready to head out for the day.
Hey. What is up? Anakin answered his Com-link.
Hey. I was just seeing, if you were up and ready to go sightseeing, in a couple of minutes? Achsah ran the brush through her hair.
Yes, I am up and ready to head out, whenever you are. Anakin sat down on the bed, so that way, he could put on his boots.
Ok, am on my way out now. Achsah walked out of the house and making sure the door was locked.
Thirty minutes later, the two Padawan Learners were sitting at a small cafι, in the Mountain Country.
You seem to be elsewhere today Anakin noticed that something was bothering Achsah.
Oh, sorry. I just got some news last night and am having some issues with it, is all. Achsah pushed her food around her plate.
I see, but could you tell me? Maybe, I can help you? Anakin took Achsahs hand and held it.
Um . . . well, I learned who my father is . . . He is . . . Chancellor Palpatine. was all she could say.
The news did shock Anakin, but he also knew that Achsah really needed him. To show her that he was fine, with who she was, he just gave her hand a squeeze, to show he was there for her.