Chapter 17

Nessie was walking around the space station, when she heard a scruff sounding voice, coming from one of the rooms that belongs to one of the security staff.

“Yes, my lord. The plan is moving ahead. I have sent the coded message and the attack will take place in two days.” said a voice coming from the room, as Nessie stood outside the door and listened.

“Good. Then, finally most of the Senators will be gone and out of my hair. So, are the two that is on the hit list there?” the scruff voiced asked.

“Yes, my lord. Senators Amidala and Alex are both here. There is one problem. Senator Alex brought with him four Jedi. Two of them are Masters and the other two are Padawans.” the voice in the room told his boss.

“ Really? Which Masters are they?” the scruff voice asked.

“ They are the Masters Kenobi and Nightrider and their Padawans Skywalker and Wilson.” the voice told his Master.

“ Great, those two trouble makers. This could be a good thing. When the attack happens, they will be with the Senators and killed with them. Now, go and send the code.” the scruff voiced Master told his servant.

“ As you wish, my lord.” the voice said, before turning off the Holo-cam.

Nessie backed away from the door and hurried down the hallway to the room that the Senators were meeting at, for their conference meeting for the day. Walking into the room, Nessie saw Lucas, Obi-Wan and Anakin sitting behind her brother, Senator Alex and her cousin ,Senator Amidala. Looking around the room. she noticed that not only the Senators were in the room. but so was their staff members, such as aides, secretaries, security members and representatives. She went over to her seat and sat down between Anakin and Lucas.

“ I was wondering where you were” Lucas leaned close to Nessie and whispered into her ear.

“ Sorry, Master. On the way here, I just happen to over hear a plot of an attack, which will happen in two days.” Nessie whispered back and saw a shocked look come across Lucas’ face.

“ Really? Do you know who is planning this attack?” Lucas turned to face his Padawan Lerner.

“ I do not know who is planning the attack. All I can say is, they are very glad to know that we are here. The two Senators that are on a target list is my brother and cousin. The person will be sending a coded message now, to whoever will be carrying out this attack.” Nessie whispered back, just as everyone began taking their seats.

“ Then, we need to go and intercept these messages and get all these people out of here, before the attack.” Lucas nodded and he knew to trust his Padawan's instincts. If she said that something was going to happen, then it will happen.

“ Obi-Wan, we need to go to our ship. Nessie has told me there is a plot to attack this conference in two days. We need to intercept the coded message that will be sent to the people ,who will be doing the attacking.” Lucas got Obi-Wan’s attention, leaned forward and whispered to him what Nessie just told him.

“ Ok. Anakin and I will stay here, while you and Nessie take care of getting the message.” Obi-Wan nodded and began stroking his beard, because a thought was coming to him.

Both Lucas and Nessie got up, left the room and headed down the hallway. Nessie even showed Lucas the room that she had stopped at and listened to the conversation between the security guard and his true boss. They got to their ship, went on board and headed straight for the cockpit. They sat down in the seats and turned on the radio, so that way, they can listen to any kind of radio messages, coming and going from the space station.

Twenty minutes late,r they did receive the coded message and quickly learned that the attack was set for two days now. The only question is, can they get all the Senators out of the station before the attack? Going back to the room full of Senators, Lucas handed the message to the head of the conference. With the help of the security, they manage to get everyone off the space station, just before the attack. The security person, who had sent the messages never knew that the Senators escaped the attack, and the rest of the conference was held in secret, in a secret location. The day before the conference ended, Nessie was rewarded as a hero, for she saved everyone that was on space station. It was on the way back to Corellia, Nessie will learn her and Anakin’s punishment for their time together.