We are landing in five minutes. Is there anything I can get for you, while we wait to depart the ship? Dorme came into Padmes private quarters.
I would like to have some juice, please. I am going over some of the things that Reginauld had downloaded on a couple data chips for me. Padme looked up from the data that she was reading.
Ok, two juices coming up. Dorme turned around and left the room.
Do you have a clue, who we are meeting on this planet? Dorme asked Captain Typho, as she went to the cooler and grabbed the juice container.
Am not sure who it is. That was one thing the Jedi Masters would not give me. Typho answered, before taking a sip of his Caf.
I see. Well, I just want to know, so that way, I could be more on my toes.
If you know what I mean. Dorme poured Padmes juice, before pouring hers and putting the container back into the cooler.
Yes, I understand what you mean. Well, I guess, I better go to the cockpit. Typho got up and put his cup in the washer.
Ok. Just let me know, when we can head out. Dorme said, before she grabbed the two glasses and headed back to Padmes private quarters.
Oh, good, you are back. So, did you ask Typho, who were the two Jedi that we are going to meeting up with? Padme put down the pad.
Yes, but he still doesnt know. I guess we wont know until we get there. I guess the Jedi Masters dont want to give away who they are, because they are protecting the two Jedi and the other group that is involved with this treaty. Dorme looked up, as Corde came into the room.
I was sent by the Captain, who said that we need to get into the main lounge area. He wants to brief us quickly, before the ship lands and we depart from the ship Corde looked at both Padme and Dorme, who nodded to her.
Well, then, I believe we should head on out there and get ready for the briefing. Padme took last sip of her juice, before getting up from the desk. Then,
she grabbed her hood cloak and wrapped it around herself.
The three ladies headed out of the room, went down to the small hallway and walked into the main lobby. Walking into the area, Padme saw that Captain Typho was talking to Captain Ferlow.
Milady, we are now entering the atmosphere. We will be landing in a minutes. Captain Ferlow turned to see the three ladies coming into the room.
Thank you, Captain Ferlow. You have been very helpful to us, the time that we have been on this ship. Padme came over to the two Captains.
Thank you, Milady. If you ever need anything else, please just let me know. Captain Ferlow bowed her head, before leaving the small group to their meeting.
Ok. I will get off first, followed by Dorme. Then, you, Senator will follow her, and you will be closely followed by Corde, who will be bring up the rear. Since we havent gotten any information about who these people are, and even the two Jedi that we are supposed to be meeting up with, we must keep our eyes open and be ready for anything. Captain Typho finished up his speech, before heading to the hatchway, just as the door way opened up and the ramp went down.
Padme moved her hood over her head and everyone headed down the ramp way. They stepped onto the ground and was greeted by the two Rollians and the two Jedi.
Milady, thank you for coming in a short notice. I am King Rufusim and welcome to Rolliaumoid. The Rollian came up to the group that just exited the ship.
It is not a problem at all. Master . . . um . . . Master Kenobi, this is such a surprise. This is . . . . Padme stopped, when the figure came out from behind Obi-Wan. She raised her hand to her hood and lowered it off her head.
Hello . . . um . . . Pad . . . Senator Amidala. The tall handsome Padawan said in shock.
Padme just stared in surprise, that the one person, who was been haunting her dreams.