You are so very welcome, Obi-Wan. Please keep me updated on the supplies that we are sending them. Padme told the holo-gram from Obi-Wan, as he and Anakin were taking off from the planet that they had been helping ou,t with supplies for the past couple of weeks.
Thank you, Padme. We are very glad that you could take time from your busy schedule to help us out. Well, we are leaving now, and if all goes well, we should be landing on Coruscant and hour after you. Obi-Wan watched Anakin began to pull back on the wheel and pull up the lever that was between them and the ship began to lift off the ground.
It is not a problem. You do know that you guys can always count on me to help you guys out. All you have to do is ask. Oh and if you guys are not too tired, would you like to have dinner at my place? Padme smiled at Obi-Wan and stroked his beard before he nodded.
That sounds great to me. Come on, Obi-Wan. A good home cooked dinner and not the mush that we will be getting at the Temple. Anakin looked over to Obi-Wan and gave him a pouty face that he used to give him, when he was younger and mostly when he wanted something.
Do not give me that look, because you know that look does not work on me anymore. You are right about one thing, a good home cooked meal would be better than what we would have at the Temple. So, to answer your question, Padme, we would love to have dinner with you at your place. Obi-Wan shook his head at Anakin and then gave Padme a huge smile, to let her know that they well be having dinner with her.
Ok, that sounds great . . . What the?. . . Um . . . Guys, something just hit my ship. Padme felt her ship shake, as something hit it from behind. ,p,> Padme, what is going on? Is everything ok? Anakin called out, when he saw fear come to her face.
Um . . . no, things are not right here. Damn, I just lost my engines . . . Um . . . Guys, my ship is about to be boarded. Padme looked back, when she heard the hatch of her ship being cut open, by whoever was about to board the ship.
Padme, hit the tracker on your com-link and we will come for you, ok? We are on our way to you now. Anakin pulled the lever downward, just as Obi-Wan hit a button that actived the tracker signal on Padmes Com-link, before they went into hyperspace.
Padme did what Anakin asked her to do. She bent down and put the Com-link down in her boots, so that way, no one will find it. She had just sat back up in her seat, when the Pirates came on board the ship.
Well, well, Senator Amidala, is it this a huge surprise. I did not know this is your ship. I always thought you had that huge silver ship, and it was flown by someone else. You always have someone with you too, so this is a shock, only to find you all alone. Hondo Ohnaka stepped into the cockpit.
Hello, Hondo. Well, there are times that I want to be alone. You do know, that if you take me, someone will come after you, if I am not back to Coruscant tonight. Of course, they will send the Jedi and you do know what happenes the last time you dealt with the Jedi. If I remember correctly, they kicked your butt. Padme just looked at the pirate. She could also tell that he had been drinking some kind of spice rum.
Well, this time they will have to do what I say, because am going to use you as my shield. They will have to hurt you, before they will hurt me. Hondo gave Padme an evil smile ,before reaching out and pulling her out of her seat.
The only thing Padme could do was, what the Pirates wanted her to do and without fighting with them. She let them led her to their ship. Once on the ship, Hondo took her to a room and pushed her into it, before he closed and locked the door behind him.
You sit out here and make sure that she will not try to come out. Hondo pushed one of his men in front of the door, before he turned away and headed four doors away and going into that room.
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Ok, her signal is getting stronger. There it is. Anakin pointed out the window, at a ship that is in front of them.
Ok, just hit the engines, so that way, they cannot get away from us. Obi-Wan took over the flying, while Anakin took up the guns.
Anakin manned the guns and hit the two engines that caused the ship to stop dead in space. Then, he went to the hatch and activated the boarding tube. Ob-Wan activated his saber and began cutting through the Pirates ships hatch, while Anakin activated his saber, so he could back up Obi-Wan. Once they were through and onto the ship, the fight did not last very long, mostly because the Pirates were drunk and asleep where they had fallen down at.
You get Padme, while I go and find Hondo. Obi-Wan looked around at the Pirates and realized who he was dealing with.
Anakin nodded and with saber in hand, he headed to the sleeping quarters. He found the room that Padme was in, because of the drunken Pirate that was guarding her door.
Anakin, you are here. Padme came up to Anakin and put her arms around him and kissed him.
Yes, am always here for you. Now, come on. We need to get you out of here, before the Pirates figure out what is going on. Anakin kissed her quickly, before taking her hand and leading her out of the room and to the other ship.
Once they got onto their ship, they separated from the other ship, leaving a huge hole where the hatchway used to be at. They made their way back to Coruscant. It was three hours later, when they were landing on Padmes private landing platform. They all went inside the apartment and true to her words, Padme fixed the two Jedi a home cooked meal. Once they had finished their dinner, both Obi-Wan and Anakin left the apartment, while Padme headed straight for her bed. Padme was woken up an hour later, by Anakin, who came to bed and wrapped his arms around Padme. They both drifted off to sleep.