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So, what do you think? I didn't really get around to the guestbook because it's getting late and I didn't think it would be all that important.However, it can easily be added, maybe an hour or so. Oh and this website definitely is not the best I can do. This was a very rushed job and I didn't really know what you want and thats the most important part, what the customer wants. I did the best I could under these circumstances. Have a nice day =P

For more information on both revolvers and ammunition please contact:

Jack Huntington
21854 Meyer Ravine
Grass Valley
California, USA

telephone: (530)268-6877

Rich's Firearms Page and Internet Shooting Directory

Buffalo Bore Ammo- Makers of the ammunition used in Jack's .475 Linebaugh and .500 Magnum

Web site contents © Copyright Jonathan Bolin 2007, All rights reserved.