100 € AWARD


On this 100 € AWARD page:  https://www.angelfire.com/film/118/100euroAWARD.html    


as mentioned on pages:                  SPECIAL4u                 High Speed  SPECIAL 4u





A 100 € AWARD for a better design of these sites and pages


By Pierre Andre THIBAULT, in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2004, 2005,


with Copyrights for the copied, printed, or reproduced  texts, articles,


images,  icons,  pictures,  maps,  photos,  videos,  MOBILE films,


URL,  internet-IP addresses, and links, as mentioned above and below.





For a more sophisticated and advanced  design of the pages on these 


SPECIAL4u  and  High Speed  SPECIAL 4u  sites,  click here.


Send in your own suggestion and contribution  here.





An all together 100 € AWARD will be paid for 5 different delivered web designs


chosen when publishing 5 new Special4u pages with exactly the same texts and


contents as those shown in the http://special4u.50megs.com and the


https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/special4u.html main pages.


Ask here for more info about which pages are to be designed.




Anything from this site may be copied and used freely if for education,

study, research, public, or private information, or other non-commercial

and non-political uses.


Stop unwanted pop-ups,  ads,  pornography,  gambling,


and other disturbing messages,


by using Firewall,  Antivirus,  Pop-up Blocker,  Microsoft Security,


and other Protection  programs.




The URL address of this 100 € AWARD page is:  






Copyright © PAT, 2005.   


Site Owners    PAT    PAT Hobby    Art by PAT     “Click me, I can design”


Dynamic           Sitemap                                               More about this site


Email:   pierretours@yahoo.com




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