On this page:


As mentioned on pages:  

Normal Speed Special 4u   and

High Speed SPECIAL 4u    Maps +++


Euro Clouds

Nordic Scandinavian Weather

European Weather

By courtesy of the  Swedish Television   http://svt.se


By courtesy of the AUSTRO CONTROL
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Zivilluftfahrt mbH / Zentrale
Schnirchgasse 11, 1030 Wien
Tel.: +43(0)51703-0




News tickers             http://madsenworld.dk/anigif/globes/world1.gif             Worldometers

Clock GMT Date  Time zones  Countries  Tel dailling codes


Internet country codes +  Access  ITU  Broadband Bwidth

Weather   Lightnings   Tornado Map   Disasters   Nano Sat  

Coriolis  effects  on  global-climate    Climate Change      

Earth Desertification - Deserts Expansion   Deserts Videos   

Anybody can track and decode any satellite signals ?   Yes 

Mass Data,   millions  of  Sync  PCs,  sync smartphones,
bigger than SuperCompsBig DataQuantum Comps ?


Major societal risks    Sudden Hazards    Early Warning

Nuke risk   Electrical power breach    Natural disasters 

Calderas     Laacher See     Laacher See Germany      Videos     

Risks to society, humanity   Atmosphere    Videos   Asteroid   

Solar storm    Space Weather    Mitigation             Videos 

Brown cloud   Permafrost    Methane gas    Videos    Fracking 

Atmospheric  Chemistry  and  Physics  -  Himalaya  Pyramid  

Alerts  Sirens  Radio   TV   Smartphones  News tickers 

Check warning systems in use in the communities where you live or stay at this time  

New human attacks on Ozone            2014...2034   

Epidemics    Pandemics    WMD   WW3   Drone attacks 

Economic, monetary collapse                Internet attacks 


Organizational Resilience                          

Generation Earth  Event probabilities

   2013 ... 2030 ...  



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Normal Speed Special 4u   and  

High Speed SPECIAL 4u    Maps +++