On this MULTILINGUAL page: 


as mentioned on pages:    Basic Tools      TRANSLATION       Francophonie 


Messenger                             SPECIAL4u                     High Speed  SPECIAL 4u 





By Pierre Andre THIBAULT, in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2004, 2005,


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You are either  French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese,

Catalan, Romanian, Romansh, and English speaking,

this is the right site  



“Oui, l´anglais est universel et indispensable dans les rapports inter-linguistiques.


Mais, le francais,  l’espagnol,  le catalan,  l’italien,  le portugais,  le roumain,  le romanche,


restent des langues tres utiles…” … read this


“De nouveaux systèmes de traduction pour surmonter

la barrière de la langue”read more



If you are speaking a Germanic or a Scandinavian

language and English, this is your page



If you have the competence of a Conference Interpreter,

here you are


Other European Interpreters, Translators, and

Language People



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