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Novi Convention 2004 May / Oct

My Friends

Comic Con Novi Expo Center 2004

Finally after 4 years of wanting to attend the Comic Convention I finally got my chance Thanks To Chris and Amanda Dault. It was fricken Awsome!!!

The Entrance To Novi Expo Center

The Actually Book Of The Dead with other props

The Dagger Of The Dead with other props

The Actually Tom Sullivan creator of the Book Of The Dead and other Evil Dead Props. He Was an Awesome individual and showed a real passion for his work. Plus I got to hear the inside scoop on his script for a prequel to Evil Dead involving Prof. and his discover of the Book of the Dead. It was just Awesome!!!

Me with Kane Hodder known for his roles as Jason Vorhees in Fiday the 13ths movies, The Freddy Kruger hand In Jason Goes to Hell, and LeatherFace In the third installment of Texas Chainsaw Masscre. Very Awesome Guy!!!

Amanda Dault with Kane Hodder

Make Up artist and actor Tom Savini known for his works in Dawn of The Daed, Dusk Till Dawn, and Creating the Young Disformed Jason Vorhees

Amanda with Tanya Roberts, a Charlies Angel and best known now as Dawna's mother in that 70's show she seemd like a cool person as well.


Me looking evil next to a poster of my alter ego The Man only known by as COBRA COMMANDER!!!

Another Show with me and the Commander.

Amanda with Julie Benz, known to all of us as Darla from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and in Angel. She was awesome and a sweet heart.

Me with Julia Benz, where Chris mentioned his marrige with Amanda and Julie marrige with her husband of 6 years where then the mention me and in saying now where just waiting to go to your wedding ... Eric. Why is everyone pressuring to get married pretty soon t sounds like my marrige is going to be a pay per view special event or something ...


Welcome To Novi Comic Con 2004 October

Cool G.I Joe vs. Clash Of The Titans Display"

Cool G.I Joe vs. Clash Of The Titans Display again"

Trypticon Destroy!!!

A Titan vs. A Titan

Me and June Lockhart from Lost In Space and Lassie

Jeff With Chechov from Star Trek

Me with Kane Hodder yet again

No Time For Love now Dr. Jones

Lots of Artists

Me With Richard Hatch from Battle Star Galactica

Jeff and Miss Michigan

Jeff and A Porno Star...pig...okay okay Im just jealous

Jeff with one of the creators of Zeppo Entertainment... oh wait that s Bryan and Me