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The Portrayal of A Lifetime

“But father, we were planning on going out to the oasis tomorrow, not sitting in a stuffy room listening to peace agreements,” Jasmine exclaimed. Aladdin put his hand on her shoulder.

“Jas, honey, calm down, we’ll go to the oasis when we get back. It’s only two weeks. Come on.” He tilted her head towards his so she would meet his eyes.

“But still, that’s two weeks until we do anything romantic alone together.” She took his hand in hers. “Oh, fine.”

“Jasmine, it’s okay. Besides, there is a young woman your age and a young man yours,” the Sultan said gesturing towards Aladdin. “Maybe you’ll make a friend. Jasmine, being teamed up with the city of Jayah would give Agrabah some great opportunities.”

“I know father, I’m being selfish, but still…” He eyes dropped to the floor. “Once we leave, why do I think something bad is going to happen?” Aladdin gave her a hug.

“Because,” he said wryly, “something probably will.” He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a sudden romantic kiss. She blushed because her father was watching. “It’s okay,” Aladdin told her, “we can handle it.”

“I know,” she said. “But I truly can’t wait until we get back here. Let’s go pack Al.” She led him upstairs, almost dragging him.

“That’s right,” the Sultan chuckled to himself, “Aladdin does hate packing.”

Inside their bedroom, Jasmine started pulling clothing out of the walk-in closet and dressers she shared with Aladdin.

“We need two weeks worth of clothing Al, help me pick out some things.”

“Sure, honey, you’ve got to look your best, especially since they’re not going to be very impressed by me,” Aladdin said sullenly. Jasmine stopped what she was doing. Aladdin sat on the end of the bed his arms crossed.

“Just what do you mean by that?” she asked him indignantly.

“Oh, Jasmine. You know all those royals are going to sit and sneer at me, or look at me like I have three heads. You know it.”

“Aladdin, sweetheart, I never knew it bothered you so much. You always held your head up high and ignored them.” Aladdin walked out to their balcony. He stood looking out at the blue sky of Agrabah. Jasmine followed.

“Well, Jasmine, it does. I don’t understand why it doesn’t bother you. You always get laughed at and people talk behind your back, and it happens to your father too. Why doesn’t it hurt you like it hurts me?” He turned around and slumped so he was sitting on the ground with his back against the cool marble balcony.

“Aladdin, I…” Jasmine sputtered.

“Jasmine, look. I’m sick of people whispering behind my back and snickering at me. What do you see in me anyway? What can give you the strength to walk with your head held high with confidence? I just… Oh, Jasmine.” He lay his head back and looked at the sky.

“Aladdin, look at me.” He didn’t move. She turned his head towards him with her soft hands. “Aladdin, please, listen. Love gives me the strength to walk with my head held high with confidence. Love helps me ignore those cruel people. Love does all those things. I love you, Aladdin and I see the world in you. I can look you in the eyes and I can see that longing for adventure, I can see the love you have for me. I can see your intelligence and your strength. When you smile, I can see your sparkle, and a light that shows me you aren’t just an ordinary boy. You’re my one true love.”

She touched his chest lightly, put her arm around him, holding him as tight as she could. He grinned and picked her up, a hand under her legs and one behind her back, and put her in his lap, surprising her. Jasmine wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately, feeling extremely safe in his arms. He tilted her backwards, so they were inches away from kissing.

“You know I love you, right? You know I’ll always be there for you.”

“Of course, Jasmine. From the moment we met in the marketplace, I knew you were the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.”

“I love you so much.” Jasmine told him.

“I love you too.” Then he kissed her.

“Now can we pack?” she asked. He kissed her again.

“Ugh, Genie I tell you, the two of them are always kissing and being gross. Thank Allah they are going to Jayah. I can’t stand to see another kiss. I may throw up all over the floor.” Iago, complaining again. Abu started chittering, agreeing. Genie started to translate.

“Monkey-boy says he hasn’t spent any time with Aladdin anymore.”

“So, which one of us is taking over Agrabah for two weeks?” Iago asked innocently.

“Not you, that’s for sure,” Genie told him, Carpet and Abu nodded in agreement.

“Well it’s either me or you, we’re the only ones who can talk,” Iago exclaimed. Genie instantly transformed himself into a psychiatrist.

“Oh, dear me,” Genie said calmly, “Have you ever thought the reason no one wants you to take over Agrabah is because YOU ARE A GREEDY, CRAZY PARROT!” Abu began to roll on the floor, overcome by laughter. He loved when Genie made fun of Iago.

“No,” Iago replied, as Genie turned back into himself and also started laughing.

“Okay, Jas, I have 2 vests, then those 2 pairs of pants, those match, and then those 3 variations of the prince Ali outfit, that purple one I wore on your birthday, those bedclothes, that light blue one, my street outfit, anything else?” Aladdin was bored. He hated packing.

“Yes, you need another seven days worth of clothing, eight, because you can’t wear your street clothes in their palace. Maybe in ours, but not theirs.”

“Can’t I go ask Genie for help, or help you pack your clothes? I hate pacmmrph…” It was impossible for him to talk with Jasmine’s lips pressed upon his. He fell back against the bed, Jasmine on top of him. When she finished, he looked up at her in amazement. “What was that for?”

“What? You didn’t like it?” She asked him, her eyes twinkling. She smoothed his hair and kissed his nose. “No, I, it’s just…” he stammered. She kissed him again.

“Have you made up your mind yet?”

“Wow,” he smiled, “Sure have. Can we pack your clothes now?”

“Of course,” Jasmine gracefully jumped off of him. “What shall we start with?” He picked up her everyday turquoise outfit.


“Sure is. How about this purple dress?” She picked up the purple dress she wore when her father announced her wedding to Prince Ali. (Genie had retuned it to her dresser after Jafar vanished.)

“I like that one.” Aladdin told her. “But I like the person who wears it much more.” She giggled as he handed her the purple pants and a low, long-sleeved shoulder hugging top and the matching shawl. “This one I like too.”

Jasmine picked up the matching headbands, three pairs of shoes, and a pink top and pants. She folded them, unaware of Aladdin watching her intently. When she finally noticed his eyes on her, she turned to look at him.

“Is there something wrong?”

He snapped out of it immediately. “No, it’s just… Wow, Jasmine, I still can’t believe you’re my wife.”

“Believe it,” she said, going closer to him. She threw her arms around his neck. “I can believe you are my husband.”

“Yeah, I guess, it’s just... How in the world could a street rat like me end up with a beautiful princess like you. It’s like something out of a fairy tale. Anyway, put those in your trunk,” He handed her a pile of bedclothes and a bunch more outfits.

“Aladdin, how come none of my longer nightgowns are in this pile?” Jasmine began to unfold and refold to see what he handed her. He looked at her sheepishly.

“You are so beautiful, and its not like you ever wear short skirts...

“You are so fresh.” But she put her arms around him and kissed him anyway. He fell to the bed, beneath her. She didn’t let go of him for a long time.

Sultan had left Genie in charge of Agrabah, which upset Iago a lot. He didn’t complain too much, luckily, because Genie appointed him Royal Vizier. Sultan told them if anything was to happen, send Iago with Carpet to them, someone would take care of it. When the trio arrived in Jayah, a huge feast awaited them. There was a parade, and they got to stay in the finest bedrooms in the palace of Jayah, by Sultan Tajeed’s royal command.

That night, Aladdin sat up in the room, Jasmine by his side. She was in fact wearing one of the short nightgowns, and Aladdin definitely appreciated it. He didn’t feel at home here and he wasn’t fitting in too well, so seeing Jasmine looking so attractive definitely boosted his spirit.

Jasmine was curled up under the covers of the bed, asleep, and Aladdin was stroking her back softly. Moonlight shone in through the balcony and in a way it seemed to lull Aladdin to sleep. Just as his eyes were closing, Jasmine awoke.

“Aladdin?” She asked quietly.

“Yes honey?”

“Oh Aladdin, it feels so weird here,” She sat up, “I’ve been to plenty of different palaces before, but something seems weird here. For one thing, we have yet to meet the people our age father spoke of.”

“Why is that weird?” he asked her.

“Well, out of good manners, you are supposed to be present to welcome visitors to the city,” She continued.

“I have a lot to learn about good manners.”

“You have fabulous manners when it comes to me,” she told him adoringly and cuddled up towards him.

“Well, I act like myself around you. It’s hard to do that with people who treat you like dirt.” He put an arm around her shoulders.

“Oh Aladdin. You’re haven’t been treated like dirt. And I love you, even if they don’t.” “Thanks. But I have.” “You know, I’m trying to make you feel better,” she told him giggling.

“Yeah, I do.” He wrestled her below him and kissed her. Jasmine draped her arms around Aladdin’s neck and kissed him.

“Goodnight, my handsome prince.”

“Sleep well, Princess.”

The morning came and Aladdin and Jasmine got dressed. “I hope you packed enough clothes, Al.”

“They’re just going to have to live with me wearing the same clothes twice."

“You’ll never change,” she laughed heartily, “C’mon, let’s go find Father, and get some breakfast. I’m starving. Maybe we’ll meet those people our age too.” “Yeah, maybe honey.” He took her hand and shut the door behind them. “C’mon. Let’s go.”

After wandering most of the palace together, they finally found the dining room, where the Sultan, Sultan Tajeed, and a young man and woman were waiting for them.

“Why, good morning you two,” the Sultan exclaimed.

“Yes,” Sultan Tajeed agreed. “Good morning, Aladdin, good morning, Princess Jasmine. Oh, yes, this is my son Prince Hondut, and my daughter Princess Haldra.” Hondut was a blonde, clumsy looking boy who was the same age as Aladdin although he looked years younger. Haldra was a brunette with shoulder length hair. She was very awkward looking.

“Good morning to you all,” Jasmine replied, curtsying towards the prince and princess. She jammed Aladdin in the side with her elbow, and he too bowed notably. She took his hand in her own, and stroked it softly. He turned to her, apology and embarrassment written all over his face. She smiled understandingly and patted the cushion next to her. Sultan Tajeed beckoned for the two to sit down near him.

“Now. You three come in favor of a treaty between Jayah and Agrabah, correct?” Sultan Tajeed asked. The Sultan, Aladdin, and Jasmine nodded. “What are the reasons of this treaty?” Aladdin cleared his throat, oblivious to the way Prince Hondut and Princess Haldra had rolled their eyes mockingly. Jasmine saw and glared at them. They smiled innocently back.

“We’d like to propose a treaty for many reasons, one of the most significant reasons is for trade. It would work in both ways as we would trade…” he droned on, until even Jasmine, although she loved the sweet sound of Aladdin’s voice, became bored. Fed up with treaties and trade, her eyes began to wander until she noticed Princess Haldra watching Aladdin intently. There was no longer doubt in her eyes, but shining admiration. Jasmine snorted, disgusted. No one was stealing her husband!

“Ah, Aladdin, my boy, how about if I take over for now. You did fabulous. Why don’t you and Jasmine sit in the menagerie awhile? Would that be alright Tajeed?”

“Ah, yes, of course. Haldra, Hondut, accompany them if you please.” They walked out, Jasmine sighing with relief, except for the fact that Haldra was trying to walk next to Aladdin.

“Aladdin, can I, talk to you for a moment, alone?” She glowered at Haldra, and began to drag Aladdin towards the other side of the garden. “Aladdin, I don’t like that Haldra…”

“How was I?” he pulled up his collar, trying to look as regal as possible, “Did I sound alright? Made up for the bow, huh?”

“Aladdin, you sounded fabulous, and you looked fabulous as well. There was nothing wrong with the bow. I just forgot to tell you. But, you always look and sound fabulous to me.” He beamed with pleasure. “But Haldra, the princess, she’s checking you out.”

“Jasmine, that’s ridiculous, no she’s not…”

“Aladdin, yes she is, listen to me.”

“Why in the world would she…”

“Aladdin, believe it or not, you are good looking, and she likes you.” She kissed him softly. “As of now, they think I’m a jerk, because I keep pushing you around, so I have nothing to worry about with Hondut, but definitely watch out for her, Aladdin, I’ve got a bad feeling about her.”

“Oh, Jas,” he gave her a hug. “I can take care of myself, and Haldra over here is not a problem.” He kissed her, still doubtful. “Don’t worry about me. Come on, If she does anything, I’ll explain to her I have a wife, and my wife’s the only person I’ll ever be in love with.”

“Oh, Aladdin. You are a great prince. I love you.” “I love you too.” At that they walked back to Prince Hondut and Princess Haldra and pretended nothing was wrong. Little did they know, the prince and princess had heard their whole conversation and were prepared to ponder over it.

Later that night, the two children of Sultan Tajeed met out in the menagerie.

“Ugh, we need to get rid of that Aladdin riffraff before anything else.”

“Yes, but how? We also need to get rid of Jasmine, and her ridiculous little father.” Haldra replied. “I think I have an idea.” Hondut schemed. “But it would require this …”

“Aladdin, it’s just, she makes me nervous.”

“Oh, Jasmine, come on, you’re overreacting. It’s okay.”

“Aladdin, did you see the way she clung to you, asking about your life, and all your friends. She had her hand on your arm the whole night, staring at you adoringly. Ugh.” She sighed. “Only I can do that.”

“And, Jasmine, you’re the only one I’d ever let do that.” He leaned close to Jasmine’s slender body, stroking her soft skin. “I love you with all my heart, and you know it.” He ran his fingers through her hair. “Whatever happens Jasmine, this girl isn’t going to destroy my love for you, I promise. I love you.”

“I know, I love you too.” She kissed him firmly on the lips and he put his arms around her waist.

“Jasmine, we’ll do something about her. It’s only what, a week and a half left? Twelve days? Only you could win my heart in that small of an amount of time. Now, come on, lets get some sleep.”

The next morning at breakfast Jasmine conversed with her father.

“Carpet brought me a letter from Genie, Jasmine dear.”

“Really father, that’s nice. What did he say?”

“Oh nothing really. Everything’s fine in Agrabah. Ah, but he said Iago was happy about the decline of romance, but he missed you both. Genie claimed he admitted it too. Pretty funny, huh?” The Sultan told her happily.

“Yes,” she said, touching Aladdin’s hand. “Pretty funny.”

“Well,” Sultan Tajeed said, “shall we get back to discussing this agreement? Haldra? If you please?” Princess Haldra awkwardly stood up, pushing her short brown hair behind her ear. She began an argument of how we shouldn’t form a treaty because we should learn to be independent. She glanced at Aladdin one too many times during her speech, that even the Sultan began to notice, and both Aladdin and Jasmine felt uncomfortable. When they were dismissed, Aladdin realized Jasmine had been right all along and told her so.

“Jasmine, I’ve got to talk to her, tell her I have a wife who I’m deeply in love with, that she shouldn’t even hope, nothing between us will work out.” “Do you want me to come?”

He shook his head, “I don’t think it will look right. It’ll seem like you’re ordering me around.” She kissed him.

“I would never,” she said in mock astonishment. “Go ahead, I’ll meet you back at the room at five, then we’ll change and walk down to dinner.”

Jasmine hung around with her father and wrote letters to everyone back in Agrabah that day to pass time. At half past five Jasmine began to wonder. He spent five hours explaining to a girl he didn’t like her? Besides, he was supposed to meet her back here half an hour ago. It doesn’t usually take that long, she thought. She pulled herself up from her soft bed, and walked out to the menagerie. No Haldra, no Aladdin, only Hondut sitting by the flower garden.

“Hondut? Have you seen Aladdin or Haldra lately?” “The last time I saw Haldra was when I passed by her room earlier.” He offered her directions to Haldra’s room. She thanked him and when she left, he turned away and laughed a high pitched cackle. As she trudged up the stairs, she began to feel pain in her chest. Why did she have such a bad feeling about this? And where was Aladdin? Hondut had said the second door on the left, stopping there, she noticed it was open a crack.

“Oh yes. Haldra, I realize now you are my one true love.” Was it Aladdin?

“I know, and you are the man I want to be with for the rest of my life.” Haldra?

She listened disbelievingly to their conversation which turned more and more loving every second. Jasmine felt as if she couldn’t bear it another moment. She stood close to the door, peeking inside. “Forget that silly Jasmine girl. You should be my husband.” Haldra again.

“Ah, yes I will.” And then he leaned over her and kissed her. Jasmine got closer to the crack in the door, watching the two, still shocked, and then felt outrage and distrust. That wasn’t just a little peck kiss, that was a full force, tongue action kiss- the way he kissed her! She was dazed, standing, staring into this room.

“What are you doing?” She ran into the room, yelling.

“Oh, my new boyfriend and I, we were just planning our wedding.” Haldra said.

“Aladdin? You…” her voice quivered.

“Jasmine, I just am no longer attracted to you, it’s just… Sorry.” He turned to look at Haldra. Jasmine didn’t see the smirk on her face.

“Oh, Aladdin, I…I’d thought we’d be together… together forever, and we’re married… Oh, you traitor!! You… you traitor!!” She turned and ran to her room, tears flooding her face. She sat, crying on her bed, still skeptical at what she just saw. Could it really have been? Maybe she was just daydreaming.

“Oh, that’s it. I need to go for a walk.” She sifted through her trunk, still crying, looking for her street disguise clothes. She walked out into the marketplace, after quickly throwing the disguise over her. “For some reason, I can’t give up on him, why is that? I just don’t understand. I just saw him cheating on me with another woman, and yet, I’m still trying to forget what I saw. Could it be, I still have feelings for him?” She saw a ladder on the side of a building, and decided since she had nothing better to do, to climb. She hopped from building to building, for hours, skipping dinner and staying out late. There was no use going back, she thought, let Aladdin be happy with that jerk Haldra.

Later that night, Haldra and Hondut sat at the fountain, proud of the way they had disposed of both Aladdin and Jasmine. Aladdin was stuck up in an abandoned building in the marketplace, knowing he had just led Jasmine to believe he cheated on her. He was probably yelling and screaming for her, Hondut thought cruelly, and the real Hondut and Haldra were there too, probably also shouting. But, then they probably didn’t have enough strength to do that.

“Neither Aladdin, nor Jasmine are here to be suspicious of us. All we have to watch out for is the chubby father. He’s asleep and so is Hondut and Haldra’s bodies, so can we change back into our real forms? I’m sick of this Haldra form.”

“Sure,” Hondut replied. “Now, we have to find that Jasmine girl, right, Klona?

“Yes, Haldra/Klona replied. She suddenly began morphing, sifting, changing shape. Instead of an awkward, overweight girl with short brown hair, she was a tall, thin, blonde woman. Hondut/Flone too transformed. A gorgeous red-headed man transformed out of the tall, blonde, yet clumsy young man called Hondut.


“Yes, Flone.”

“Shall we find the Jasmine girl?”

“Yes, we should.” Klona replied.

“I’ll check the room. You go to the marketplace. She cannot have gone too far.”

“Please hurry, the Sultan will begin to wonder. Aladdin’s Portrayal will last only four more hours, and we don’t have Jasmine’s strength captured to depict her Portrayal.” Klona said with a grin, “and we still have need to capture the Sultan.”

“Thank goodness she believed that Portrayal of Aladdin.” Flone said.

“Ah, yes. Thank Allah.”

“Oh, Allah. What did I do to ever deserve this? What made you make him turn on me?” Jasmine sobbed on the top of a building in the marketplace. It was almost dark, and Jasmine dried her tears and began to climb down the wall of the building she was on top of. Stopping about halfway, she thought she heard whimpering. Climbing onto the side, she peeked into the window. It was dark, but she could just make out Aladdin’s figure, along with Haldra, and Hondut. She was tempted to just keep climbing, but she knew in her heart, even though he had cheated on her, she still had feelings for Aladdin. Nobody else was inside the room, so she started to crawl in, pulling her delicate frame into the abandoned building.

“Would you be quiet Haldra? Stop crying. I’m trying to figure out a way to get Jasmine to come save us.” “You know she never will, Klona and Flone made one of those portrayals of us. She thinks you’ve cheated on her now,” she said sobbing.

“I hope Jasmine would never believe I’d do a thing like that,” he said fiercely, “I love her with all my heart, and I’d never cheat on her.”


“Jasmine? I knew you’d come!”

“You… you cheated on me. With her- that Haldra, she did it. I saw you. I saw it. I saw you kiss her. The way you used to kiss me. And then you told me you weren’t attracted to me anymore. I heard you.” Her voice shook. “I didn’t want to believe it. I prayed to Allah it wasn’t true.”

“Jasmine, I didn’t. I swear, I’d never ever.

Jasmine, Why do you think Haldra and Hondut and I are stuck up in here with no strength? We can barely move at all, only speak and move slowly. We have no strength to even stand up! We can’t possibly get back to the palace and prove things right. They took our strength, Klona and Flone, and they made pictures of us. They either controlled them with their minds, or they turned themselves into them. They’re called Portrayals, and they are programmed to depict anyone that Klona and Flone say.”

“Hondut, wake up. Please, help us explain to Princess Jasmine about Klona and Flone. She won’t believe us. She thinks Aladdin had an affair with me.” He stuttered.

“Princess Jasmine, I would bow to you, but I’m chained to the wall. Flone and Klona came to the palace depicted as suitors for the two of us one day. We both fell in love and they captured us, absorbed our strength, keeping us here, but portraying us. My father has no idea his children aren’t really his children anymore. We have no strength to leave and have been here for weeks. They took it all. They were waiting for your arrival. They have to keep us alive to hold the Portrayals over them. They also have a Portrayal of Aladdin, but they control it with their minds, not their bodies, because it was more important to keep up Portrayals of the two of us.”

“I, I… I don’t believe you.” She said stubbornly. “I saw you two. I saw you kissing. You, you,” she pointed at Hondut. “You told me to go there. You knew, you knew I’d see them.” She sat on the floor, and started crying. “Oh, Aladdin. I thought you loved me. Now I know the truth.” She got up and began to climb out the window.

“No, Jasmine you don’t… please no. You’re the only one who can help us now.”

“Jasmine, please, look at me,” Haldra pleaded. “We have no strength to make you stay, except for persuading you. But I want you to know, Jasmine, I’d never ever persuade Aladdin to date me if I knew you two were married. That is the most repulsive thing ever.”

“Well, sorry Haldra, I saw you do it. And I can’t believe you.” She began pulling herself out of the window, when she slipped. Her arm began to slide off the windowsill. She turned her head. The ground was a long way down. “Oh no!” she shouted in terror.

“Aladdin, she’s going to fall,” Haldra screamed, “We have to do something.”

“Haldra, we can’t, we have no strength,” Hondut said. “They took it all!”

Suddenly, Aladdin was at the windowsill, grabbing, leaning out the window, trying to pull Jasmine up so she wouldn’t fall to her doom.

“I’ve got you Jasmine, I promise.” He pulled her up until her hand was on the ledge, then he put his hand under her thighs and began to haul her through the window. She tumbled to the floor. “Jasmine, oh no. Please, Allah. Are you alright? Talk to me.

Jasmine…” He hoisted her into his lap, wiping the sweat off her face.

“Aladdin, you saved me, but you and Haldra, but what happened?”

“Jasmine, I never had an affair with Haldra, it was the Portrayal. I tried to tell you.” He grabbed her and held her tightly. “I love you. I’d never do such a thing.”

“Oh, Aladdin. I’m sorry, I love you too.”

“I love you too and always will.” He kissed her swiftly and she smiled at him. “But, now we have to figure out what to do about Klona and Flone. Haldra, Hondut? Any ideas of how I broke that spell?”

“My guess is that love broke the spell. Neither Klona nor Flone have ever felt love, at least not for another person. Maybe a passion for taking over the world, but never love,” Hondut said. “If I try love for my father, and worry what they’ll do to him…” His chains of missing strength vanished, and Haldra’s did too. “I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of that before now.”

“We have to get out of here, and confront the Portrayals. Then they’ll turn back into themselves, all their magic disappears. All we have to do is defeat them.” Haldra said, convincing everyone they could do it.

“And they’ll probably give up if they realize it’s two on four, no magic involved.” Hondut said hopefully.

“C’mon, Jasmine, let’s go. Did you see any exits when you climbed around the building?”

“No only the window. But we’re on the second floor, so if we climb out and work together, we should make it down. How’d you get up here anyway?”

“I got knocked unconscious and found myself up here paralyzed.” Aladdin said. Haldra and Hondut nodded in agreement. “I’ll go out first, Jasmine you follow, I’ll catch you, Hondut, you next, then you Haldra.” He boosted himself out the window and carefully climbed down. Jasmine jumped down and he caught her nicely.

“Thank you.” She kissed him on the nose. “I’m sorry about not believing you. It seemed so real,” she told him, and Hondut started climbing down the building. “I understand,” he told her, “don’t worry Jas. I know why you got upset. I would’ve too.”

“The whole time, Al, even though I saw you cheat on me, I still loved you. I couldn’t let go of you.”

“I know, I hoped you wouldn’t, but we’ve got to talk later, okay Jas?” Aladdin ran and coaxed the fearful Hondut down the building.

“Alright.” Jasmine said. Hondut came down and Haldra jumped. He caught her safely.

“Thanks bro. Let’s go save daddy.” The four ran to the palace as quick as they could. They crawled through the hallway, past the dining room, where Tajeed and the Sultan sat speaking about where both Jasmine and Aladdin could have disappeared to.

“Father, we haven’t seen either of them anywhere. We already checked their room, the menagerie and most of the palace.” Flone and Klona, using Haldra and Hondut’s energy.

“Aladdin, should we go in?” Jasmine asked nervously.

“Yes. Everyone, go inside. You two,” he said,

pointing to Hondut and Haldra. “Confront them.” They crouched inside.

“I just don’t see where they could have gone. It’s not like they know their way around Jayah,” Sultan said.

“We’re right here dad.” Jasmine stood up, Aladdin by her side. She took his hand. “We just went on a quick date.” He kissed her, and Flone and Klona stood looking astonished.

“Is there something wrong Haldra?” Sultan Tajeed asked Klona.

“Oh, no, nothing,” Haldra/Klona replied. “Actually, there is,” and the real Haldra stood up. “What?” Sultan Tajeed asked.

Suddenly Haldra/Klona turned back into herself. Her stolen brown hair vanished, and it turned long and blonde. She grew tall and thin, and Sultan and Sultan Tajeed turned to stare at her.

“Yes, there is something wrong.” The real Hondut stood up beside his sister.

Flone began to transform back into himself as well. His blonde head vanished, and he sprouted red hair and a gorgeous complexion.

“What is the meaning of this?” Sultan Tajeed asked sternly. They expected Flone and Klona to explain.

“We wanted to control Agrabah and Jayah, two of the richest cities in Arabia.”

“And you did this with magic, you stole people’s bodies, you tried to break Jasmine and I up. Despicable.” Aladdin spat at them. Sultan Tajeed smiled at Aladdin for the first time.

Flone and Klona told their story, and lamely promised they wouldn’t make havoc in Jayah and Agrabah again. Sultan Tajeed was a bit soft on them, so he proposed releasing them in the desert, realizing they had no magic and couldn’t mess up Jayah. He apologized endlessly and thanked Jasmine and Aladdin for helping to save his children.

“It was nothing, they saved me from believing something that could have ruined my life,” Jasmine said, nuzzling Aladdin, glad he was hers once again.

“Jasmine, Aladdin, please you are excused from the table, pack your things. You’ll be leaving tomorrow. I’d appreciate a treaty between Agrabah and Jayah, I know I can always count on you to help us out in times of trouble.” Sultan Tajeed bowed low, and this time Aladdin bowed back right away. Jasmine curtseyed and they left the table.

“Oh, I’m so tired.” She flopped on the bed. He pinned her down below him, surprising her. She smiled up at him. “Oh Aladdin. I’m so sorry about not believing you. I really am.” She ran her hands through his hair, and a tear dropped from her eyes.

“Jasmine, it’s okay. It really is. I understand why you didn’t believe me.” He wiped the tear off her cheek. Jasmine struggled to get up, but realizing she wouldn’t be able to, she flipped Aladdin over so she was laying on top of him. He looked stunned.

“What, you don’t think I’m strong enough to flip you over?” She put her head near his cheek and he started to laugh. “What’s wrong?”

“Your hair is tickling me.” He smiled and put his arms around her elegant body. “It’s almost ten, Jas, I’m going to pull down the bed. Put your nightgown on honey. I don’t know about you, but I’m packing tomorrow. He moved the pillows around and put a clean sheet upon the bed. He lay on the bed more tired than he had ever felt before, the comfort of the bed getting to him, his eyes fell shut. Just then he heard Jasmine’s voice. He struggled to open his eyes. “Oh, I’m so tired. Don’t make me pack tonight. Please?”

“Oh Aladdin of course not.” She sat him up and pulled off his hat, smoothing his hair. He turned to her and she put her arms around him and unhooked his cape. He lay his head against her shoulder, eyes fluttering and she pulled his shirt up over his head and arms. “C’mon sleepyhead, at least help me out. You can’t be that tired.” Jasmine got up, grabbing his street pants to use as his bedclothes. She knew he was most comfortable wearing those. She pulled off Aladdin’s boots and shook him awake. “Oh Al, just put these on and get under the covers for a good nights sleep.” He pulled off his pants and threw his street pants on. He collapsed once more and she dragged him to the pillows near the headboard. She giggled, kissed him goodnight, and snuggled up as close to him as she could, he wrapped his arms around her and she fell asleep, realizing how lucky she was to have a man like him in her life.

The morning they left Jayah excited both Aladdin and Jasmine in many ways. Sultan Tajeed bowed to Aladdin in thanks for helping his children. He bowed back with a huge smile on his face, for he was accepted by the royal community in Jayah. Jasmine just wanted to go home, but she promised to keep in contact with Haldra, for she wasn’t as bad as Jasmine had once thought. The Sultan was in high spirits because his daughter and her one true love were both happy, and was delighted because the peace talk and treaties were all signed and the rich kingdoms of Jayah and Agrabah were united.

Once back in Agrabah, after telling Genie, Iago, Abu, Carpet and Rajah their separate stories, Jasmine asked Carpet to take her out to the oasis with Aladdin for the night.

“Oh, Aladdin, we’re finally alone together.”

“Yeah, Jas, we didn’t even have to wait two weeks, huh?”

“Only a couple of days.” Aladdin lay on his back looking at the sky, Jasmine perched comfortably on his knees. He slid his knees down to the ground, and sat up. Jasmine looked at him. She got up and sat next to him.

“Is there something wrong?” She put her arm around him and her head on his shoulder.

“I’m just thinking about how lucky I am to have you. I almost lost you yesterday, and it’s been bothering me about how close it was. I almost lost you as a wife, and I almost lost you when you fell out that window.”

“What can I say? I’m accident prone?” She asked cheerfully.

“No you’re not.” He turned to her, his arm around her waist. “But you are beautiful, smart, kind, loving, and gentle. And there are plenty more words to describe you. But I have a favorite one.”

“And what is that?”


He pushed her to the ground, leaning over her, smiling. She was shocked, but realizing what was about to happen, she smiled back. And then he kissed her. A full force, tongue action kiss- the way he kissed her and only her. And it would be that way for the rest of their lives.