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The Ultimate Sacrifice

Jasmine sat up in bed. Her large brown eyes opened wide. She pulled her hair behind her shoulder and sighed. Looking down, she saw Aladdin laying next to her. She put her hand on his chest and stroked it lightly.

“How is it that you look so good-looking, even though you are asleep?” she asked him softly. She tenderly touched his jet-black hair and kissed him on the forehead, then walked out to the balcony. She propped her head in her hands and stared out into the night sky of Agrabah.

“I’m so excited about tomorrow. Imagine being along with Aladdin for two whole weeks. There’s so much I want to do with him,” Jasmine sighed again, “Hopefully that dream won’t come again, it’s beginning to make me wonder. . .”

“What dream?” a voice came from the royal bedroom. “Are you alright, Jasmine? Do you want to talk about something?” Aladdin staggered out into the moonlight sleepily and put his arm around her waist. You’ve seemed different since our marriage.”

She smiled weakly. “I’m alright, I guess.” She turned around and stood with her back against the marble railing. “I just, this dream, it’s like. . .” He took her hands in his own and she lay her head against his shoulder. “You know I’m here for you Jas. I love you.” He kissed her gently. “Now tell me about your dream.”

“Oh, Al.” She stared into his sparkling brown eyes, her own eyes brimmed with tears. “It’s you and my father. I’m supposed to choose between you. I’m supposed to choose which one of you is going to die. . .” She trailed off.

“Jasmine, I . . .”

“No there’s more. My father wants to give up himself for you, and you for my father. You can see it in your eyes. Father and you both mean the world to me. And I’ve only just married you, and I don’t know what to do. I know it’s just a dream, but it seems so real.” Tears slid down her cheeks. “I’m scared.” Aladdin was speechless. All the lethargy in him was gone now. “Jasmine, I truthfully don’t know what to say. I feel like if I say something, it’ll be like I’m telling you if it were to happen to choose me. And that isn’t what I want.” He brushed a tear off her cheek. “Let’s try to forget about it. If it happens during our trip we’ll talk about it again. I love you and want you to feel better.” He tilted her chin towards him and kissed her, long and compassionately. He pulled her up to her feet and kissed her again. “Shall we go back to bed now?”

“I cannot cram these clothes into this trunk.” Aladdin moaned to Jasmine the next morning. She knelt beside him folding his robes and putting his boots in the corner of the trunk. “Where is your vest to match this outfit? And your underclothes? Don’t leave without those.”

“I don’t see you packing those in your own trunk.”

“Why do you always leave everything until the last minute? Besides, I packed yesterday, and Al, honey, put more clothes in there, you need two weeks worth of clothing.” She smiled sweetly. “C’mon Al, lets go upstairs.” When Abu and Iago (he was back for a visit while Cassim went searching for new followers and a place to stay), banged down the door to Jasmine and Aladdin’s royal bedroom (okay, there was some help from Genie involved), they found Jasmine laying on top of Aladdin, kissing him.

“Hello?” Iago shouted in Aladdin’s ear. They both sat up, Aladdin looking sheepish. “Um, that’s the reason you are going away for two weeks, right? So we don’t have to see you two lovebirds doing disgusting stuff like that.”

“I certainly believe so,” A voice from the hallway declared. Jasmine sunk behind Aladdin, trying to hide her embarrassment of being found kissing her husband passionately in front of her father. “But, as long as my Jasmine is happy, I really shouldn’t be complaining.” The Sultan waddled into the room, followed by carpet.

“What are we, Jas, putting on a show?” as he put his arm around her and kissed her. She smiled awkwardly, picked up Aladdin’s turban and cape from the floor as well as the pile of clothes for his trunk. He handed her her favorite scarf, and unaware of the lipstick marks on his face and neck, together with Carpet, Sultan, Abu and Iago, they left the royal bedroom.

When finally settled on the small island to be called home for the next 14 days, they had picnics everyday. Aladdin and Jasmine talked about life before they met each other, about their families and many other subjects. Jasmine had a couple of questions just for Aladdin, and he had some just for her. One, of the more important inquiries (at least from Aladdin’s point of view) was how it felt to kiss Jafar. It resulted in the two kissing each other for quite some time, partly to show Aladdin how much of a better kisser he was, but mostly for their own enjoyment.

The days passed quickly. Jasmine and Aladdin almost missed Agrabah and their friends. On the second to last day before leaving the two sat in a loveseat before the fireplace Genie had set up, Jasmine laying upon Aladdin’s lap when suddenly there was a shudder. The whole cabin shook. Aladdin covered Jasmine from falling debris as right then the roof began to fall in. He pushed her into the side room where they slid under the bed and she sidled up to him.

“What’s happening?” she asked him in the dark. He took her hand in his own.

“I don’t know Jas, but there’s got to be an explanation, I’m going to go see.” He crawled out from under the bed and crouched amid the wood and marble. He turned back to her. “Jasmine, please stay here, I have a feeling this is going to be dangerous.”

“Please be careful Al, I love you.” She began to feel upset. She wanted to follow him. She started to struggle out from beneath the bed. Then she waited. What was that sound she heard?

“We’ll see how much your pretty princess likes you when she is required to choose between her Daddy and her Honey,” a loud sarcastic voice said.

“Jasmine is strong and smart. She’ll find a way to save us both.”

“Ah, and if she doesn’t, Prince,” There was a slapping noise, and a yell, “Well then I guess she’ll just have to marry me, huh Aladdin? See you on the other side of the island, ‘princess’, or should I say my bride?” At that a whoosh and then silence.

She crept out from under the bed. The words she heard were true and Aladdin was gone. All that was left was his turban. She began to weep uncontrollably. The dream was coming true!

The next morning Jasmine knew she would go after Aladdin or die trying. She filled a bag up with any leftover food, and supplies. She packed both of the trunks to leave in the forest, if by some miracle they did end up leaving this island alive. She hoisted the bag over her back, put on boots and comfortable clothing, donned Aladdin’s purple vest (although it didn’t match, but reminded her of her husband) and was about to trek into the forest to search for the other side of the island when, “Jas? Al?”

“Genie, is that you? Oh Allah!” She shrieked and ran over to him, knocking him to the ground.

“Whoa, Jas, you should be doing things like that to Al, I’m too old for it. By the way, where is that little lovebird?” Tears pouring down her face, Jasmine hastily told him the story of Aladdin’s alleged kidnapping.

“Oh, Genie, I’m so nervous, I don’t know what to do. And the worst part is, I’ve been having this dream.” She quickly filled him in on that too.

“Jasmine, that’s part of the reason I came early. Your father was . . .” Genie swallowed hard. “The Sultan was kidnapped, last night. Agrabah’s gone crazy, and I left Carpet, Abu and Iago in charge, well, mostly Iago since he’s the only one who can speak. Who knows what’ll happen with that crazy bird in charge.” Jasmine laughed bitterly. “I figured to come get you guys early, have Aladdin solve this little mystery and have you rule Agrabah while we’re gone.” Noticing the determined look in Jasmine’s eyes, Genie sighed, “It’s not going to happen that way. We’ll going to go back to Agrabah for a sec, just to drop off all this luggage and junk, tell everyone we’re planning on staying awhile, then we’ll find your boyfriend and your pop.” He tossed Jasmine onto his shoulders handed her the trunks, “Hold on tight, we’re going for a ride!”

When the duo landed back in the forests of the vacationing island, both Jasmine and Genie quickly became frustrated. Looking at the island from the air proved nothing at all. A couple of clearings here and there, but there was no sign of Aladdin or the Sultan. Genie was trying to cheer Jasmine up, but it wasn’t working, after all, she hadn’t seen her husband for the past 24 hrs.

“Okay, Jas, look over that way. I’m going to look over here for a minute, then follow you.” She nodded and forced a grim smile.

“Call out if you see something. I’ve already lost 2 of the most important people in my life, I don’t need to lose another one.”

“Jas, I’m basically invincible, so worry about yourself instead. But I’ll call out. Trust me.” They walked separate ways for about 10 minutes, when suddenly Jasmine called out.

“Genie?” Come here! Now!” He popped out of the bushes and asked what was up. “Shhh…” she tried to quiet him, “Look!” In the small clearing was Aladdin tied to a nearby tree. He was wearing his street rat pants and little red hat. Jasmine had his vest. Nobody else was in sight. “Aladdin?”

“Jas? That you?” He blinked and swiveled his head. “Where are you?”

“Over here. Can I come. . .”

“He’s not here, he’s eating, but he’s expecting you.” She ran to him and kissed him firmly on the lips. “Where is he? And my father? What happened? I heard the conversation but I…” She hugged him as best she could, “Oh, Allah, I thought I lost you.” She stroked his cheek. “Come on, we have to get you out of here.” She touched the cuts on his arm, chest and face. “Are you alright?” She kissed him again.

“Jasmine,” Aladdin said, “you cannot free me until the spell is broken. He cast a spell on me, and your father. He will find you, I promise, and, Jas, oh I’d kiss you but I’m stuck to the tree, but I’m scared, I’m scared for your life. He wants you dead, or as his wife.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the nose.

“I’ll never be anybody’s wife but yours. I love you, and Genie and I will find a way to free you- and my father. Hopefully we can do it quickly, as we left Iago in charge.” He smirked and she kissed him again. “I’ll be back soon, I promise you my love.” Jasmine touched his cheek.

“Jas, Al, look we got to go,” Genie said. “He’s coming, I can hear him.”

“Jas, he knows you’re here. He’s going to make you choose you have to…” Suddenly, there was a huge crash! “Hide, Jasmine, It’ll be alright.”

“Who are you talking to Aladdin? I do not allow any friends around here, do I?” He slapped Aladdin across the face, opening up the cut on his cheek. He was a bit weird looking, almost like a human but with green skin and purple hair. He had red eyes and was about 8 feet tall.

“No Croton, you do not,” Aladdin said, blood dripping down his neck. “And there were no friends here so you’ve got nothing to worry about.”

Jasmine trembled with fear from behind the tree. “Oh Aladdin,” she thought, “How am I going to get you out of there?”

She started crawling towards the clearing were her father was hidden. Certainly that monster Croton couldn’t be in two places at once. But when she arrived there, Genie at her side, 3 more of the monsters were waiting for her. She screamed as they jumped out upon her and tried to turn and run away. More were behind her. She yelped and struggled with them. They didn’t seem to notice. She swiveled her head around, but didn’t see Genie being led away. “Yes,” Jasmine thought. “At least someone will be able to help us. Someone with semi-phenomenal cosmic powers.”

When Genie saw Jasmine being led away, he knew he couldn’t help her. He had to lie low for awhile, just until something bad would happen. He flew over to where the Sultan was hidden.

“Hey Sultan?”


“No it’s the Genie.”

“Oh Genie zap me out of these chains please. I want to go back to Agrabah.”

“Sorry that would be going against powerful magic, can’t do that. That Croton man’s like a sorcerer or something. Not until the spell is broken than will you two be free.”

“Well, what is the spell?” The Sultan exclaimed. “And who did you leave in charge?”

“Iago. And I think Jasmine has to make a choice, then the one who wasn’t chosen dies. But after she makes that choice, I can free the other person.”

“Where is Jasmine?”

“Well, she kind of sort of got, gulp, captured. I tried to look out for her, but its just…”

“Oh my dear Jasmine forced to make this horrible choice. Tell her I would die for Aladdin, that I’m already to old to rule Agrabah, that Aladdin would just have to do that.”

“Oh Sultan,” Genie said, his voice kind. “I don’t think Jasmine would make a kind of choice like that, she’d rather sentence herself to death than…” His voice stopped.

“Genie, go find her now! Please before she makes that awful choice.”

“On it Sultan!” He turned himself into a huge airplane and flew off into the distance, not seeing Croton come free the Sultan and have his followers drag him across the ground towards the volcano on the deserted island.

Back in Agrabah, things were not going too well. Rasoul had made sure he too was able to get on the island when Genie and Jasmine came to drop the luggage and tell everyone. He came armed with swords and many of the palace guards. And, little did he know, Carpet followed the guards who traveled on horses. Iago and Abu were not ruling Agrabah too well, as neither of them had too much practice. Nothing too awful went on in Agrabah that day, but still, how many more days could Agrabah go on without Sultan, Princess Jasmine and Prince Aladdin (boy that sounds stupid) being ruled by a bird and a monkey who would both do anything for jewels, wondered the townspeople in Agrabah. They were about to find out.

“So Princess Jasmine,” Croton said, “Ready to stop struggling and marry me? Do that and Poppy and Honey live. What do you say?”

“Never,” she snarled at him. “Absolutely not. I’m married already.”

“So, we’ll just have to break up that little marriage. It wasn’t a very good one, anyway, royalty and street rat? Nope, just doesn’t go. Now I on the other hand am Prince Croton of the Roptof people. Your very own Prince Charming.”

“Funny, you don’t seem very charming to me.” Jasmine spat at him.

“Oh, I will once you see what’s, or rather who’s at stake here.” He cackled like every villain does. “Bring out the stakes, and the people on them.” As his green friends heaved out the struggling Sultan and Aladdin, Jasmine’s heart sank. “It’s easy Jasmine, become my wife, pick daddy, or pick honey. If you have any other ideas, tell me, I’ll gladly discuss it.”

~It’s going to be so hard to do this’, she thought. ‘How am I going to get Aladdin, my father and myself free of this monster’s wrath?~ An unexpected idea visited her. Stall him until Genie got here, if he got here.

“Why do you want me here anyway?” Jasmine questioned, “There’s plenty of other women in the world, why me?”

“Ah, but look. You are the Princess of Agrabah, you are royal, as I am, and obviously gorgeous. No doubt this dirtbag Aladdin over here liked you. Besides, I want to rule Agrabah.”

“But still, there are plenty of other princesses in the world. And plenty of other kingdoms to rule. And plenty of other pairs to break up.”

“Ah, but none like the pair of you. Strong, smart, but so deeply in love with another I felt it would be a challenge to obtain you. You are a true diamond in the rough, as many thought of your filthy, shameful husband.”

“Why I oughta. . .”Aladdin started.

“Now, now Aladdin, you want your princess to live through this?” Aladdin nodded feebly. “Then silence! Oh and I almost forgot,” Croton drawled, “Daddy-o. How about you? What do you think, Sultan?” he said this with mock admiration. “Do you want your daughter to survive?” He too nodded. “And do you want to survive?” The Sultan looked down at the ground. “Do you?” Suddenly Croton grew. And grew. And grew. With his huge hands he picked up the Sultan. “Do you?”

“I, I…” the Sultan faltered, “I..” Croton tightened his grip.

“Do you?”

“Stop,” Jasmine shouted. “Please, put him down, I can’t, I’ll, I’ll make your choice.”

“I’m listening,” and he dropped the Sultan and shrank back to his size.

“Father? Oh, are you alright?”

“Now’s the time, Princess.” Croton said.

“May I have some words with each of them? Before, I, you know…”

“Be quick.” She ran to Aladdin.

“Oh, Allah. Are you alright?” She smoothed his hair. “I’m so sorry.” She buried her face in his chest. “I love you, but you have to trust me when I make this choice, please don’t…” she swallowed, “Don’t play hero.” She kissed him.

“Jas, look, it’ll be alright, we’ll get out of it, somehow.”

“I don’t know. This time there just doesn’t seem to be a loophole.”

“Do you trust me?” He asked her, love shining in his eyes.

“Oh Allah, yes. Of course, I love you.” She started to cry.

“Hurry, I don’t have all day,” Croton growled. Jasmine started for her father.

“Oh Jasmine,”

“Shhh… Father, I’m sorry, but please, don’t do anything when I make my choice, please. It has to be done.”

“Jasmine, I know your choice, you can’t, you just, take me instead, please, you cannot… I’m old, you’re still young, please.”

“No father, I… I love you.”

“No, Jasmine please.” He began to sob. When Aladdin saw this, he knew, he knew the awful choice Jasmine was going to make. Fortunately, Croton was too stupid to figure it out.

Two voices rang out at the same time. “I love you Jasmine.” An old man’s loving voice, and a young man’s caring voice. Both were grieving for her. “I’m ready,” Jasmine said this determinedly, ready to sacrifice her life for her father’s and husband’s. A snap of Croton’s fingers, and the trio was standing on a ledge atop the volcano.

“I figured whoever you chose, the other we could just, ah, drop them down.” Jasmine glanced nervously at the swirling lava below.

“Well, you told me that you would converse with me on the subject. If I were to sacrifice my life for theirs, would you set them free?” She concealed her fear and dread.

“Hmmm. I did want you for my wife and companion, but if you did that, I’d only have to take care of these two idiots to control Agrabah, correct?”

“Yes,” Jasmine lied solemnly, thinking of Genie, Carpet, Abu, Rajah, and Iago. She’d never see them again. They’d fight though. She’d never kiss Aladdin, never stand on her balcony and look at the stars, never hug her father, never hold Rajah, never again laugh at Genie’s jokes. She swallowed her dread and fear once again.

“Well then, alright. I’d rather control Agrabah with a wife, but controlling Agrabah is just tickling me with excitement. Yes. Alright. Sacrifice your life for theirs. Why anyone would do anything so stupid is beyond me.”

Jasmine turned to look at Aladdin. She’d never see him again. And she was so young, she had her whole life ahead of her. Aladdin tried to hold back tears. She ran to him, with open arms, wanting to hold the man who she loved. She kissed him, their last kiss, but it showed all the emotions they couldn’t put into words..

“Meet you up there.” She pointed to the sky. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Aladdin said. “I always will. And I’ll always be with you.”

“I know you will, and I know father will be too.” Her father nodded gravely. She kissed his nose. “I love you daddy.”

Memories washed over the three like waves washing over sand. Jasmine walked slowly and silently towards the cliff, although she wanted to scream and yell and have Aladdin hold her tightly. She thought of meeting him in the marketplace and pretending she was crazy, jumping over buildings, and falling in love with an ordinary boy from the streets of Agrabah. And the way he took of his turban to ward Rajah off, and there was that sparkling resemblance to that boy she had fallen in love with. The way he understood her, and their first kiss. The day father changed that law. Their day of marriage. The happiest day of her life. It was all bubbling up inside of her.

The Sultan too was thinking deep thoughts. The moment Jasmine was born and he held her, cooing. Telling her she looked like her mother, giving her Rajah, watching her face light up from an ordinary boy, knowing that he was the one with the power to make Jasmine happy. The day she got married. He had already lost his wife, and now his daughter too?

Aladdin was remembering the smile she always had on her face, her eyes and her hair. They way she let him touch her everywhere, even though he lived on the streets. They way she smoothed his hair and touched his chest. The way she cared about him, when no one else did. He recalled when they met in the market and how he knew when he saw her she was like no one else he’d ever met. How he took her to see the world and she tricked him into revealing who he truly was inside. How she kissed him and snuggled up to him in bed. The day he married her, something he had been waiting for a long time. Would he really have to let go of Jasmine? He couldn’t bear to think of life without her.

When Jasmine had reached the end of the huge magma rock that jutted out above the lava. She looked back with tears streaming down her face. She uttered an incomprehensible statement under her breath. “I love you both. I’ll never forget you.” At that she leapt off of the cliff.

“Nooooooo!” Two voices rang out into the air, both losing the person in their life that mattered most. “Now for the splash!” Croton cackled happily. “Oh I can’t wait.” Eyes flashing, Aladdin scowled at Croton. How far down was that fall? “Oh, yes.” He snapped his fingers, “Your chains.” They disappeared. Aladdin knew she couldn’t make it, but still he. . . Jasmine fell off the cliff tumbling, soaring and dropping. She wanted Aladdin to know her last thought was of him as she hit the molten lava. But wait what. . .

Aladdin started to weep as she fell, he knew she was dead, and he couldn’t cling to false hope. Croton started towards the cliff, just as Genie’s hand protruded from the bushes, gave him a small push, and watched him fall towards the lava.

“Well he should have fun going swimming, huh?” he said as he watched Croton retire to the churning lava. “Hey where’s Jas? I see she must have made her choice considering the two of you are. . . Oh Sultan, no she didn’t.” He spotted a brokenhearted Aladdin crying on the floor.

“I’m afraid she did.” he said between tears.

“No,” was all he could say. From the bushes came Rasoul.

“Where is the Princess?” He saw Aladdin withdrawn sobbing on the floor, the Sultan crying on Genie’s shoulder, and Genie rubbing his nose with a box of something he called ‘tissues.’ He too could only say no.

“Well, I do say, I’m amazed you all have given up on me like that.” At the sound of that voice, four miserable heads turned, eight watery eyes blinked disbelievingly, three guys and a big blue lug all opened their mouths at the same time and uttered in astonishment the same word.


And then Aladdin was flying towards her, and she to him, and he ran and knocked her straight to the ground, all the while his lips upon hers, and her arms around his neck. The Genie followed suite grabbing the two around their waists and holding so tightly Jasmine began to lose feeling in her lower body. Her father was, too wrapped around her, trying not to let go. And Rasoul? He was standing nearby, crying. And her rescuer? Well, Carpet peeked out from behind a tree. All at once the crowd left Jasmine and tumbled upon carpet. All except Aladdin, he picked up Jasmine, kissed her, still marveling of her survival, and brought her to Carpet, tears welling up in his eyes.

“Carpet, you, you saved her.” Aladdin’s voice wavered, as Jasmine pulled herself out of his arms. “Oh, Allah, those moments, those moments, they were the worst of my life. I thought I lost you.” He pulled her close to him, as Genie and the Sultan took a step back, not wanting to interfere. “Carpet. Thank you so much, you brought her back to me.” Jasmine smiled and kissed Aladdin.

“Yes, Carpet, thank you. You saved my life, and I am ever so grateful. I told you in the cavern. But…” She paused, “Can I talk to Aladdin alone?” Carpet nodded as well as a carpet could nod. He understood that they needed some time to themselves, they had been through a great ordeal. He too backed off from the pair. Carpet then explained (with Genie’s help) some of the finer points of Jasmine’s rescue, including how he caught her and hid her in a cavern in the side of the volcano when Genie pushed Croton over, distracting everyone from hearing a splash. They were extremely proud. Rasoul told them of the palace guards he had brought, how they had taken care of the rest of Roptof people. Thus keeping everyone busy, Aladdin took Jasmine’s hand, trying to keep himself from trembling before his one true love. “Jasmine, you weren’t planning on having Carpet save you, were you?”

“Aladdin, I didn’t even know Carpet was below me.” She sat down on the ground.

“I thank Allah he was though, because the thought of living without you made me want to jump right after you.” He sat down beside her, and put his hand on top of hers.

She smiled up at him and put her head on his chest. “I love you so much.”

“You proved that to me today Jasmine, even though I was aware of it already. You almost died today, just to save the life of me and your father.” He kissed her forehead and she put her arm around him. “That was the bravest thing you’ve ever done, Jasmine. I’m really proud of you.”

“As am I, my dear.”

“Father?” she said, immediately removing her head from Aladdin’s chest.

“Oh, Jasmine keep your head there. I don’t mind a little romance, not at all, and certainly not at this point in time.” Jasmine replaced her head, and Aladdin put his head in her hair, smelling the sweet aroma of her shampoo.

“Awwwww. You two are soooo cute.” It was Genie. He and the Sultan stood there, with huge silly grins on their faces staring at the two lovebirds. Aladdin kissed Jasmine again, just as a loud voice sounded. Carpet fluttered above them, Rajah, Iago and Abu sitting upon it.

“Hello?” Iago shouted at Aladdin. Jasmine and Aladdin both sat straight up, Aladdin looking sheepish. “Um, that’s the reason you two went away for two weeks, right? So we didn’t have to see you two lovebirds doing disgusting stuff like that.”

“Well,” Jasmine started, “I don’t bmrph…” Aladdin forced Jasmine down and kissed her.

“Is that mushy enough for you Iago?” Aladdin called up to him.

“Blechh!” he exclaimed, which Abu chittered in agreement. Everyone stared at Aladdin and Jasmine, as if waiting for something. This time Jasmine pushed Aladdin down. And when they were done, strangely, nobody complained, not even Iago. They all just stared, grinning and marveling at how lucky they were. So, to break the silence, Aladdin asked her a question.

“What are we, Jas, putting on a show?” And all Jasmine did was thrust him down in the dirt, kiss him again and smile.