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Alice Underground  

written and directed by Robert E. Lee


Elena Korikova . William Paul Michals . Ed Deacy . Kevin Fitzpatrick Murphy


What Makes Alice Underground Unique?

Alice Underground is an experiment in animation and filmmaking.  Director Robert E. Lee,  presents a series of photographs, (hundreds per second!), shown in succession and accompanied by the actors voices’, a cool soundtrack and thousands of sound effects, all brought together to create the illusion of a live action film.  This experimental film technique was used to enhance the often alluded to concept of Wonderland as a drug-induced episode of Alice’s mind.  Photographer, Zsolt Sarvary-Bene, used Kodak’s Digital VCS 620, to capture the psychedelic and unique style of Alice Underground.


Find out more about director 

Robert E. Lee's upcoming projects!

 General Productions



“Best Experimental Short” 

New York International Independent

“3rd Place Experimental”  

Zoie Film Festival

"Official Selection"  

Hamptons Film Festival


Cast Highlights

Alice Underground stars Elena Korikova (Alice), a renowned star of film and theater in Moscow, Russia, and three time “Best Actress Award” winner, William Paul Michals (The Cheshire Cat), star of Broadway’s Beauty and the Beast and Ed Deacy (Father/Narrator), an accomplished actor, singer and musician and native New Yorker whose credits include: Goodfellas, Copland, Ishtar and Die Hard With A Vengeance.


The Story of  Alice Underground

A Modern, PSYCHEDELiC telling of Lewis Carrol’s Alice in Wonderland  

New York City: the Wonderland that never sleeps and for Alice, the City offers an easy opportunity for a beautiful, wealthy, twenty-something girl with little responsibility or direction in life, to get lost in the endless nights of booze, drugs and parties with fabulous people.  However, on this particular night, the city will show its dark side, filled with scoundrels and lunacy.  On this particular night, Alice will see what she is likely to become if she continues this pattern of sleeping all day and partying all night.

On this night, Alice will meet The Cheshire Cat, a seedy bartender who seems to pop up most everywhere, and the very person who slips a hallucinogen into her drink.  This drug will distort her perception of reality and initiate her wild journey through the streets of New York City.  Along this journey, she will meet people who want to help her, corrupt her or people who don’t really give a damn about her.  

She will meet The Mad Hatter, an insane barfly and his trusted sidekicks, The March Hare, and The Dormouse.  She’ll run into The White Rabbit, a call girl in bunny ears and white fishnets.  The Caterpillar is a groovy dude who smokes a hookah on a park bench and Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum are two escaped cons.  

All of these characters pose one prolific question to Alice:  “Who are you … little girl?” to which she responds with failing assurance, “I’m Alice, of course.” But she is beginning to lose grasp of who she is. Alice must ultimately face The Jabberwocky, a dragon that stalks her through the Village.  Whenever she finds herself alone, and has a brief moment to think about where she is and what is she doing, the Jabberwocky rears its head.  In order to face her fears of growing up, Alice must first destroy the monster with the able assistance of The White Knight, a trustworthy cab driver. 





Alice Underground

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Alice Underground


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“The Effect of Living Backward; The Making of Alice Underground”  


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Contact the filmmakers at    General Productions