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Glenn lee alan Davis - Director/Musician/Artist

This section gives me a chance to introduce myself to those who wish to care. More so, it is a journal of my abstract thoughts and philosophies. Much of this page may not make sense, but it is more intended for my own personal ranting than for the average mentally anguished. I would also like to thank all those who have taken the time to visit this site for what ever reason. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Funny how our existence works. One minute you feel you are in the darkest pit of emptiness, then the next you are on top of the world, crushing those below you. I will no longer take for granted the wonderful things in my life. So many times we as humans get bored with the common place, no matter how amazing or gracious it was or is... The mundane will destroy our sense of reality. But I see now. I feel now. That I am full of rage no longer. I have a very beautiful woman to thank for that. Of course life could still come crashing down at any minute, but I think I am a little bit more prepared now. As we all are with time and experience. My quest is still hate. But as long as I am doing what I want in life and have someone to share it with, then it doesn't weigh so heavily upon my soul. Thank you Ana, for helping me feel happiness again. You are forever in my heart.

Pleasures in the mist of a dying breed, we shelter the nothingness of uselessness... pray to the false deities, ponder the grave of failure.. I am this rotting being, i am this useless tool... the one who ever wonders the endless universe for something whole... for something pure.... but the depression of lost chemicals sends me swirlling... sends me to an unknown place... like my kitten crying in the dark... i feel lost in the path of shadows... because of this uncertainty... because of the age dewelling upon my death... i have nothing to show the gods of nature... i have nothing to show the peaceful winds that there is something more for life... that all is not what it should be... Am i what i am worth... do i make a difference.... does anyone... should anyone... in the end there is only death.. but with all death there is life which continues the existance of our humanity... yet humanity is fading... like a plague... like rotting flesh... and sheltered corpses... playing at the unseen hand of fate.... and fate shall rule all that shall not fade into the darkness... As there is not good and evil as we may suspect... there is only the human mind... that the creator of all things.. nothing is real... nothing seems real in this lonely place amongst the shadows... I am here in the now... and i am now alone... wondering hopelessly again... when will the shadow end... when will it end...
The darkness has been gathering... Like death ill fated to all man kind. I am wonderless, I am breathless. And in all my desperation and despair, I must look to my belief. But I think my belief was jolted, I have not lost all hope for humanity, not yet anyway. I must thank my sweet dark angel (my protector if you will) Vermissa. Sometimes on the lonliest paths we find the greatest gifts. That there is something hidden behind all of us.

I am under the clouds of destruction. I see more and more how useless this life is to me. I see more and more what needs to change but no one changes it. Then I wonder, why do i keep on living. Why am I here? To the world we are blinded. To life we can not see. I am sick of hiding. I am sick of just listening. It is time for a change. Either I will leave this world or this world will leave me. But there must be purpose. All dreams are clouded by laziness, by disgust of the rules of accomplishing anything. Mindless drones... Yes I am one of those drones... And perhaps that is why I hate... Because I can not break the cycle. I am too scared. I can not break through no matter how hard I try. My fear, my disablility of being around people, to get close to them. I drive all away. I feel so lonely. How do i feel Free?

Pity, I am the destructor. Pity, I hate the world. There will come a time, when all goes full circle, when these writings will no longer be a part of my imagination, but the stories that many will tell for generations. Hopefully all will learn from my lesson. Hopefully all will learn to devour the obvious. It is through all that I see a vision. A vision that came to me before the existance of substance, before the great lie was told. That there was a tell long since forgotten. The story of one entity who has corrupted and destoryed the open minds of humanity since its ability to think.....
"Let it be known that there are only a few that know the truth...
The only God of this universe is the one Jesus calls "Satan".
And soon it will be revealed to you, why this is so.
That Satan is the creator of Earth and all that is inhabited.
But the psychology of humanity could not comprehend the simplicity of reality.
Thus, the true bringer of Evil is established - GOD!
Feeder, upon the weak minds of lost souls,
A being that has created Sin in all the pleasures of life
Punisher of all that could be enjoyed of mankind
How else could one get the attention of so many believers?
By telling lies, by creating a place of wonder and everlast,
Where every desire is met as long as your thoughts and
actions are imprisoned by a scroll of rules
Set forth by the Father of Jesus"

"And it is written, that when a season is none,
There shall be a new plague upon mankind.
Disguised as holy, a man that will speak of great belief.
That there is a heaven beyond the sky and beyond the stars.
That every soul is true to him. But for a price.

And the world will know him as Jesus Christ, Son of God.
The Book of Hell, Life on Earth
By Glenn Lee Alan Davis

Time is a wager we do not plan to win. Its odd how we need time to keep track of things yet time is the ultimate distroyer of our lives. Time is what causes us to decay. We are rotting everyday because we set boundries and limits to the motion around us. We circle towards death, day in, day out. If not for the company of the sun or the stars or the beauty of nature... People dont understand evil... People do not understand good... Many times when I get involved in a conversation with others and I start to shoot my mouth off about my views (darkness and evil and hatred and what not...) I always seem to get the same response. At least from the ones that are open minded enough not to just run and cry. They always ask... You seem like such a nice guy to have such horrid thoughts. And at that point I realize that I have put my foot in my mouth by offending too many people. So I shut up and think to myself... how can I have such thoughts and be so nice on the outside... But how can one truely understand evil with out understanding the beauty of a flower. How can I truely say I hate unless I have truely loved. You have to be a master at burning both ends of the candle. Mindless killing or destruction in the name of satan is no different than doing good in the name of God. It becomes pointless. There are two kinds of people in hell... Those being whipped and those doing the whipping. We all have to make that choice, regardless of what we believe in... Do we want follow blindly or actually understand what we are doing and ask the right questions... So many people jump right into faith, because its all we know.... from birth, this is what we are taught. And they deffend this faith, to the death if need be, with out even asking a question. But that is the mark of a true follower..........

You will see the mark of death. It will be writen in the sky, from a great hope, a great battle... In time we will all see. But it is nothing I seek. It is the future of the infestation of society, the disease of humanity. It will cripple us all. The weak are becoming cared. They are destorying the link between growth and destruction. The heart was designed to irrigate the flow of life but the pit stop of its imaginary friend is slowing it down. We must face the crossroads we are at. We must face it with certain conviction. If we do not, we will fall to the false prophets of this time. We will all be the pig. We will all be the experiment to an imaginary GOD!
Only brave men question the faith of the mindless. Only geniuss truely do not know what lies beyond the vally of death. If we do not seek an answer to our nothingness, we will become the traveler without a destination. We are all doomed by the hand of ill fated thought. Nothing can save the mindless. Nothing can help them survive. But the words of fiction give them hope. And then we see hope. The masses are the ones.... The masses are the ones....

What follows is a guest book signature and email discussion from a christian... I will give her comment and then mine... if any further of this conversation goes on, I will post it too.. I originally had this on my madman page but that was not the type of stuff i wanted on that page. thank you...

Dear Sir,
Ah the heart of a preacher and psalmist but devoid of light and the Spirit of God and all is heard is the sound of a noisy gong speaking against the Creator, his creation and even one's self. All one hears is the debar of God because we have grown complacent in the dark. We have traded hot tears of repentance for the fuzzy blur of denial, divine purpose for blind ambition, love for lust, and truth for self-deception. Not a smart move. With all love and respect for the creation here is one truth you might ponder...Hell is a truth realized too late. Hell was not created for you so why go there?
A Child of the Light M
To the Christian who signed my guest book,

Normally, I would not go out of my way to offend anyone or push my beliefs upon them... They are mine and mine alone... Part of the reason I have this web is site for people like myself who know the truth but are lost and confused just as I am half the time. Hopefully a safe haven for atheists, if you will... But you entered my realm and desecrated my guest book with the tales of stupidity and of a false GOD!!! I understand your position; you are poisoned by the childhood memories of love and joy that surrounds your heavenly father. But these are lies, my dear. Please, if you will, show me your God in the flesh and I will believe. Does your GOD speak to you? If so, the good grace he passes on to you, why not, to the thousands who have killed in the name of GOD? Why not to the priest (PRIESTS) who molests little boys. Who you would think would be closer to GOD than you. And did not your Son of God, Jesus Christ, himself question the belief of the Romans and said that their structure was wrong? Could it be true that your religion is in the same position that Mythology for the Romans were in, when Christianity came to rule. I seek hell, because I know there isn't any. I approach the vengeance of your god with out fear, because I know it doesn't exist. Are you so blind, that you do not ask questions? And if you are, then you must surly forgive the terrorist who ran planes into the world trade center. Their only crime was doing the work of GOD. OH! But their god is not just. Their god is not the real savior. How can you make that judgment? From a 2000 year old book? If so, then you should not have the power to speak to me at this moment Ms. Heidi. Because it is stated that women are made from the rib of man. That all women are beneath men and should be their servants. But the question of that belief is what gave you the right to vote. So I say, open your mind and stop poisoning people with the evils of your religion. I only speak when spoken to. I do not go out of my way to brainwash the minds of the many for wealth, power and ego. I do not ask anything of anyone. Yet I am evil. When you are the one calling for sacrifice.
Thank you for your time.
Glenn lee alan Davis
In The Shadow of Death

This person then wrote me back again through email and this is what follows: She even went so far as to give me her phone # to call her... hahaha.. of course I will not post it, although it would be fun to prank call her but as you can see with people like this it is like talking to a brick wall. So I made no further attempt to contact her. Although I must point out that she still did not answer any of my questions nor show me her god.. I'm still waiting to see him.

I love you Glenn Lee Alan Davis. I harbor no contempt for you. Your master is my enemy not you. You can post my sentiments for I have nothing to hide. I have a deep love for my God and the only thing which is a witness for Him is His spirit that dwells inside of me. The Bible or anything else cannot be understood with just the intellect. This would explain your confusion and pain. God in the flesh was Jesus Christ and He was misunderstood also. Devoid of the Spirit of God leaves a man crippled , limited and condemned. This is why Jesus came to save. Because of something not our fault we are under condemnation and death ,fear, and sin rules us. To be rescued from that we have to have the Spirit of God placed inside of us. It comes with repentance, and a sincere act of faith. Once that happens then the journey home begins. It doesn't mean instant perfection, holier than thou attitude etc. it means daily dying to oneself so that the Spirit of God inside can reign. Flesh and God's Spirit are diametrically opposed. Your flesh is the only thing that stands in the way of true peace in the midst of terror, true forgiveness in the midst of horror placed upon mankind, true joy in the midst of persecution and mockery, true strength and power in the midst of servanthood, true selflessness in the midst of a world bent on feeding every fleshly desire there is. This could be yours my dear preacher man and tenderhearted psalmist. Come home to heaven Glenn Lee Alan Davis, your family awaits you. I wish to call you brother more than anything. It's my Father's desire to call you His son. He is real, just believe. I know it is scary but it is worth it. I can only point you to the door but only you can walk through it. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. You can call me at home if you would like. (918) ***-****
As a child of God I am at your service,
Ms. Heidi

The Book of Hell, Life on Earth

"And it is written, that when a season is none,
There shall be a new plague upon mankind.
Disguised as holy, a man that will speak of great belief.
That there is a heaven beyond the sky and beyond the stars.
That every soul is true to him. But for a price."

And the world will know him as Jesus Christ, Son of God.

~Time Line~


Graduated from highschool and moved to Hollywood to play in Willow Wisp. Willow Wisp is a gothic black metal band with an outrageous stage show. My brother is the guitar player and singer. You can check out the music and history of the band at


Began writing short horror stories. After many rejections, I met Clive Barker on the set of "Lord of Illusions". He was and still is my biggest inspiration. He encouraged me to keep writing no matter what. So shortly after I started my own magazine called "The Arc of Descent" that showcased my writing and that of others across the country. I put out 2 issues and started the 3rd before I ran out of money to keep it going. Soon after its demise, a metal magazine from Brazil (I think) came out with the same name. ODD???


Produced two CDs with Willow Wisp. "The Building Up and Breaking Down of Matter" and "Delusions of Grandeur, A Gathering of Heretics". At the same time, I went through a tough depression. Nothing seemed real. Nothing held any value to me. I would play a show with Willow Wisp and leave right after, not talking to any of our fans. I felt really uncomfortable to be around groups of people. I was a recluse. Still continued to write music and stories.


After almost 10years of being with Willow Wisp I quit the group. Music no longer was my passion and I was lost. I moved across the country to Maine. To find peace within my self from Hollywood and gain back my sanity. I started my solo project "In The Shadow of Death". It is dark ambient gothic music. Almost like horror movie soundtrack music. I put out one CD called "Immortal Hatred". You can check it out at

Towards the end of the year I did my first short movie called "Silenced". Totally cheesy, not to be taken seriously. It was mainly to find out that becoming a director is my true passion in life. Telling stories is what I love doing. Although I shot the short in two hours with people who really didn't want to be there and didn't even know what the hell was going on, I loved every freakin minute of it. It made me feel alive again!


Again I was in a bit of a slump not knowing what to do next or what to film, with no money! Then I watched a interview of Clive Barker on the Sci-Fi website. He said "What ever you do, just do it! If you have to steal the camera to make the movie, then steal the camera. If you have to write the story, then write the story." And again I was inspired. I started writing the script for "The Arc of Descent" originally titled "The Journey of a Man". I put out ads for actors and was shooting by the End of Oct. Next I put out ads for an editor and composers. I maybe spent $500 on the whole project. It should be complete by the end of May, 2003.


I am now living in Hollywood, CA again. Working on my next script, "Side Show Freak". Will be looking for funding for an actual budget. In either case, the movie will get made!

So now I must pass along the same words of wisdom that was given to me. If you have a passion in life. Get off your fucking ass and do it. STEAL the camera, write the story, write the song, paint the picture! If no one listens, no one watches, if no one cares. FUCK THEM!!! Do it for yourself and the rest of the mindless drones will follow your lead!

Thank you for your time

Glenn lee alan Davis