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Produced in 1992 by Sega this game is loosely based on the second Batman flick with Catwoman and The Penguin. It's certainly not one of the great Batman games, but it has some good points that make it pretty fun for a short while if you like the Dark Knight and/or the film Batman Returns.

GRAPHICS: The graphics of this game, to put it plainly, are average. The sprites are of medium size but poorly detailed and some of them very pixelated. The animation could and should have been better. The backgrounds are suitably dark, some of them are nice but most of them are like the sprites, plainly average. What I really liked is the final stage.

SOUND: The sound follows the average standards of the graphics. The opening tune is nice and reminds of the film's music, but the rest of the music has nothing to do with it. Some of the tunes are quite good and fun to listen to while playing, but in general the quality of the music is average. The SFX are nothing remarkable. They are not that good but they do their job. What I really liked apart from the opening tune is the tune that plays at the ending of the game.

GAMEPLAY: In my opinion, gameplay-wise this game is better than the SNES version, it's the poor graphics that bury it. Batman has a lot of moves for a platform. He can punch, kick, do a duck kick and also use his hook to climb platforms. A very nice addition is that he can use 5 different weapons: batarang, hook gun, killer bats, super batarand and smoke bomb. And all of these moves can be used easily since the control is perfect. The levels lossely follow the story of the film. Batman has to fight his way through rooftops, the streets and the sewers of Gotham city to reach his goal, the final showdown with the Penguin in his lair in Gotham Zoo. The levels are full of enemies that can easily be killed if you learn their patterns. There are also several bosses, including the statues in Gotham plaza (!), Catwoman, a Big Guy and of course, the Penguin. There are 5 acts in total divided in several stages. At the end of each act you fight Penguin.

OVERALL: All in all, I could say that this is a fun game let down by the poor graphics. The sound doesn't matter a lot, the music is nowhere as good as the film's but if the graphics were as great as they should, this could be one of the best movie games for Genesis, since the gameplay is good. If you ask me, I like this game since it reminds me of childhood, but I recommend this game only to Batman fans who need to play every Batman game available.