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He is the murderous head of Gotham's underworld, a job his deputy, Jack Napier, would dearly love. Grissom realizes Napier's plans of killing him to replace him as head of the ''family'' and tries to dispose of him. However, Napier survives and re-emerges as the Joker, and kills Grissom. Jack Palance is an old hand at playing villains and heroes, and his credits include I Died A Thousand Times and Dracula. He received an Oscar Nomination for the classic western Shane.

A well-known character of the comics, Harvey Dent appears in the film as the newly elected District Attorney, who is determined to stamp out corruption in the city. As you may know from the comics and/or Batman Forever, Dent was attacked by a Mafia Boss and the half of his face was horribly deformed. He blamed Batman for his accident and the criminal Two-Face was born. In the comics he was white, but Williams proved excellent in this small but significant part of the film. He would be replaced by Tommy Lee Jones. Williams was Lando Calrissian in the Star Wars films.

A man with forty years' police experience in Gotham City, he thought he had seen everything until he had his first sighting of The Batman. In the comics his role is very important, but in the film he plays a small part. Gordon alongside Alfred are the only ones that appeared as the same actors in all of the Batman films. Pat Hingle is a well-known character actor in US, and he has portrayed more American cops than he cares to remember. His credits include On The Waterfornt, Splendor In The Grass and The Ugly American.


A tough, wise-cracking reporter, determined to solve the identity of the mysterious Batman. Throughout the dark atmosphere of the film and the murderous humour of Nicholson's Joker, he appears as a genuine comic relief when the action stops. Robert Wuhl appeared among others in Flashdance and Good Morning Vietnam.


Other characters in the film include Jerry Hall as Alicia, Carl Grissom's narcissistic girlfriend who has a secret affair with Jack Napier (the Joker), fat and corrupt police lieutenant Eckhardt (played by William Hootkins), and Mayor Borg (Lee Wallis).