Bree and Kat's Lyric Lounge

Along the way we have found songs that remind us of our stories and characters. Here they are!

we dont own these songs

I worked extermely hard to find the songs and post them so if you have any songs that remind you of a certin play or story email us with the lyrics and the story name. NEW SONGS ARE UP PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT!

Thanks, Bree

Song Lyrics

Skittles's Song I wanna be bad
It's All Over
Pony song
Kat's song
Jerry's song
Ben's Song My way
Bree's Song California Love
BK's song to guys A little Bit
BK's song to Ben and Jerry Bug a boo
Kat and Dan's song Every Other Time
After collage song and Bree's parents song Fill me in
Bree's Passion Song Its Been a while
Dan's Song Kryptonite
Abs' song to Bree Miss. California
Skeeter's song Wanna be a baller
Ben and Jerry's Song Pretty Fly for a white guy
First Date
The Gang Parties Song- Am to PM
I Do- Flirt Song
Bree's Second Season Song- Turn off the light
The funny song [explicit! ]
The Valley Girl Song
