Ben: No way, Bree and Kat can not like Skeeter and D…I mean, it ruins everything!
Jerry: I know. We can’t let them go.
Ben: Then we need to get them back with Dan and Abs, then they won’t get hurt.
-At Bree’s House-
Bree: La la la…hmm…
Jerry: Bree, stop the humming!
Bree: Can’t… [smiles ear to ear]
Jerry: [doorbell] It’s the doorbell, wonder who it could be…[repeated winks noticed by Ben; Jerry opens the door] Oh look it’s Dan and Abs! What a surprise! Come in!
[Dan and Abs come in]
Bree: And why are they here?
Ben: To help decorate Bree’s tree of course. [they all start decorating]
Jerry: Bree, Abs, I think the tree’s lopsided. Come here and look.
Ben: Oh look, they are under the mistletoe!
[Bree pushed Jerry in her place]
Bree: No Jerry and Abs are under the mistletoe.
Kat: This is dumb. Abs, Dan, LEAVE! Ben, Jerry, get out and never come back! You hear me! Never!
[Ben and Jerry run, Abs and Dan walk off]
Bree: Poor Ben and Jerry.