Old Updates

April 6,2002

BIG NEWS JUST FOUND OUT THAT IN MAY THERE WILL BE A BIG FIVE WEEKEND...*SNIFFLE*... iF YOUR A BIG BEN AND JERRY FAN. please keep the five pride alive,for me?. Plus remember Abs....? The link will come on, on the weekend, so check back!

April 5, 2002

Happy Ben and Jerry Day i have put up tons of new plays chack it out!

April 4, 2002~ TOMORROW IS BEN AND JERRY DAY! It will be the second annual Ben and Jerry Day! This holiday was made by the original Skittles in Kat's planner. Tomorrow, the B and J of our school will get notes wishing them a happy Ben and Jerry Day. Cross your fingers! New plays will be up soon! Remember to celebrate the day with plenty of Ben and Jerry's ice cream!

March 13, 2002

Here's a new look for March stay tuned for more plays and stories!

February 7, 2002 We're back for this month with a whole new look and loads of new plays! Cookevegas's earthquake is done but what damage has been done to the gang? Find out in our new plays. Please sign the guestbook!

January 9, 2002 Today we have up a bunch of new plays in season three. We are working on getting up a section for the plays we keep finding that we forgot to put up.

January 3, 2001 Today we have up a new section called The Story So Far where you can go to see what has happened to the group without reading every single play to catch up. We finally have up all the plays for season two! WE EVEN HAVE UP THE SEASON FINALE! It is a little late but we hurried and here it is. The end of season two! We have up one new story. Please sign the guestbook. We started a little of season three. Just the the part after the season finale so you guys won't be hanging on that much of a cliffhanger but you will have to wait for the rest. We all ready have lots written but they need to be typed. Kat is taking a typing break because she typed all these new plays and her wrists are beginning to hurt. Plus, she is about to begin a typing job. Bree on the other hand, has no internet at the moment.

January 1, 2002

Happy new year! January 21 is hugging day!

December 27, 2001 In the movies section we have THE CHRISTMAS MUSICAL and we have tons of new plays. We are working on a section for the story so far and a section on all the characters. Please email us with any suggestions!

December 15, 2001 GO TO MOVIES SECTION! PEARL HARBOR Check out "Inside the Name"


BEN AND JERRY FANS LOOK!------> IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO TAKE A REQUEST TO MAKE YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE A BEN AND JERRY PLAY PLEASE EMAIL US! (Be looking for the ben and jerry adaptions of "Grease" and "Pearl Harbor")

November 29, 2001 Thanksgiving has passed and now we are left with less than a month from Christmas! Here is the new background to get you in the Christmas spirit.

November 21, 2001 Someone sent a animal request for a cat but left no email if it was you please send your email to so_over_whats_his_face@hotmail.com

November 7, 2001 We have up new plays. Please sign the guest book.

November 4, 2001 The november look is up sorry it took so long Bree the busy Bee...lol. Look for new stuff added in the next few days !

October 30, 2001 We have up lots of new plays and a few Halloween ones especially for Halloween.

October 21, 2001 There are plays to put up but Kat won't stop thinking about a certain guy to put them up! Bree seems to have writers block? We had a disk with lots but it broke. THis is just not the site's month I'll tell ya. There is a new lyric up for you Dawn and Hope lovers!

October 10, 2001 We have up new plays and one new movie! The gang's first year at college, will they make big mistakes?

October 6, 2001 We have up new plays and one new movie for all you Resident Evil fans!

October 2, 2001 We have new plays.

September 30, 2001 We have up lots of new plays and a new look for October. We hope you like it! Please do the new poll and sign the guest book! ENJOY

September 27, 2001 five have broken up prepare for the worst!

September 19, 2001 We have some new plays. And knew parts in the behind the scenes. Please sign the guest book and send in your own writings up ben and jerry.

September 17, 2001 We have a lot of new plays in season two and one in the movies. It is for all you Jurassic Park Fans.

September 16, 2001

We have a few plays..the end of Love story...and a funlib up! Plese Support the U.S.A! The New York bombing has been a great shock on all of us.

September 15, 2001 We now have up the season two profiles.

September 13, 2001 Today we have up a few new plays and will have up two movies if kat can get out of writer's block and solve a few of her "issues" (read more on it in her diary if she decides to spill her guts) Plus, there is also two more plays that kat needs to get typed up and Bree has a lot on a disk that is messed up lol. Please sign the guest book we like to know if anyone comes THIS PART BY BREE: hi all, yes my disk is messed up but don't fear! it will be fixed in time! i hope. LOL

August 30, 2001 New back to school background~ It is the whole new month site. We have new backgrounds everywhere~ Hope you like the new look!


August 27, 2001 We now have Ben and Jerry wallpapers. They aren't the best in the world but look so great on a computer background. The interactive story isn't being worked on and if you didn't know it was there, it's in the games and stuff section. And check out the quotes there. you will laugh your head off. We are working on a Ben and Jerry Scrapbook so if you guys have any ideas just email us using the link at the bottom. Please sign the guest book

AUGUST 23,2001 SORRY EVERYTHING IS SLOW. there are a few movies up and the love story parts are coming soon!

August 17, 2001 I got a new P.H.D link up check it out and i took off some of the NEW signs b/c they arent working hehe

August 15, 2001 OK so everything is slow...soon when school starts it will be even slower i put all these cute NEW signs up! Please check out the messege forum and put up things. Sometimes those stupid NEW signs dont work..lol August 13, 2001 We have a lot of BRAND new lyrics up! If your reading a play and find a mistake please email us and tell us August 12, 2001 We have a messege forum! August 10, 2001 We have a lyrics lounge link up! new plays are comin atcha fast! POLL RESULTS: AND THE WINNER IS...DAN..HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? Ben and Jerry each had 1 vote and Bree and Kat each had 2. Mr. F and Abs had 1 vote each. Poor Skeeter and Skittles they had NO votes... August 9, 2001, We now have up new plays and new movies. August 6, 2001 We now have up a thank you section. That is where we thank everyone and give credit to those who deserve it. We are working on typing up a bunch of Movies and hope you will like them. Don't know if the zoo link is working yet...if you have signed up for one, please email us cause we are having problems with it. Please send us in any Ben and Jerry stories or pics that you do. We need a fan page. Come Back,

Aug 5, 2001 WHO SAID DAN WAS A PIMP DADDY ON THE POLL COMENTS??????? lol just wondering...its so funny b/c its so not true...ha ha ha- Bree

Aug 4 Part 2, Kat here. My computer is working FOR NOW and I have gotten up LOTS of plays. Hope you enjoy!

August 4,2001 Bree here im goin out of town so you might not see some changes unless kats computer starts working we have some new text up in the five area. And Were getting season two up as fast as we can.

August 3, 2001 Bree here. In the next week we will have some of our best stories up. Kat computer is messin up so it might take a few days. We have a ben and jerry yahoo club up for all those who dont check out me and Kat diarys. Sign up for our Fan club and get 24/7 info. We also started a Abs and Scott weeklyzine. More in for coming soon or go to yahoo groups and type in Abs and Scott 4ever.[ whos Abs and Scott? clisk the link that says Abs and Scott] Do me a favor and get a zoo pet! they are interactive and really cool. Come Back,

August 2, 2001 Thanks to all that came to the chat last night we had a lot of fun. A special thanks goes to Ellen who kept getting kicked out on accident but kept coming back in. We now have a fan club so please sign up for it! It will be worth your time. Sign the guestbook!

August 1, 2001 We have new links and pictures for our 5ive page. There are also some new graphics. COMING SOON...crystal ball fantasys and Passions- the summer reunion also sing up for our mailing list for more updats and cool stuff

July,31,2001 Ok we have a bunch of things up including a behind the scenes thing. We now have a "adopt your own pet" up if your sign up it might be a while before we get to ya

July 28, 2001 New season two movie and season two plays are now up. We will have a celebration chat on Wednesday August 1, 2001 at 9:00 PM central. Hope you like the new plays! We also have a link of the month! Hope you like that. And we have a Behind the Scences that tells about the real characters. And, we have up a new profile in About Us. We are working on the new characters

July 25, 2001 HOORAY! SEASON ONE IS OFFICIALLY OVER! All of the season one stories are up and some time very soon, we will start putting up Season Two which bring Ben and Jerry back in a whole new and better way. Season Two has something for everyone. Comedy, romance, drama, horror...just about everything. There will be lots of movies out for this one too. We are going to have a CELEBRATION CHAT but we have yet to set a date.Please Take this poll so we know what to write about! July 20, 2001 There is now an old update section so if you need catchin up, you can check that out. Also, there is a new movie and about 5 new plays.

July 18, 2001 We now have diaries up! As for Kat, she didn't even know what the date was. Thanks Jamie! Without you she'd still be sitting there wondering. Anyway, Kat went on a drawing spree and when someone gets a scanner, she will put her pics on the site.

July 12, 2001 CONTEST! Unfortunatly, Kat went into her drawing room after a year of not drawing and found she was having problems drawing as good as she use to. We need you, the reader, to send us your drawing of us! Start sending in pics of any of the characters you read about! We do not know yet when this contest will close. It depends on how many entries we get! Our email is at the bottom. Please Sign the Guest Book! And we now have up a chat room, interactive story, and tell a friend under our Games And Stuff section. Come Back,