Bree: I gotta date!

Kat: Me too!

Bree: Guess who!

Kat: Guess mine!

Bree: You're is Angel right?

Kat: It's Steven!

Bree: Cool, everyone thought me and steven were together but heck no! [looks mad]

Kat: Yours?

Bree: Scott!

Kat: Huh? Scott, Scott? Four Scott?

Bree: Yea!

Kat: NO fair! You're with my man and I am with yours.

Bree: Like I said, heck no.

Kat: Fine! [mad]

Bree: You're not really with Steven right…[looks worried]

Kat: I am! Ha ha ha. [happy]

Bree: Too bad…

Kat: Fine!

Bree: Fine!

Narrator: Who's duh who? Stay tuned