Bree: They can't find out, it will ruin the whole purpose.
Kat: I know. They find out and it won't be fun anymore.
Ben: What won't be fun?
Jerry: Yeah.
Kat: The fact that…uh…
Jerry: She's stuttering! S…s…s..tuder-ing.
[B&J high five]
Bree: When our boyfriends turn forty…it won't be fun.
Jerry: [eyeing Bree] What won't be fun?
Kat: Watching movies?
Bree: Playing soccer?
Ben: Huh? Pick one.
Kat: Soccer movies.
Ben: [eyes them] Nice save BK.
Jerry: Booger King, we'll find out BK!
Bree: Oh my fudgestick.
Kat: What?
[Bree whispers to Kat]
Ben: Oh there's my mom. Back to home. I miss old Cookevegas.
Jerry: Where we live in harmony.
Ben: Jiggity, jiggity m jigg.
Jerry: Bye.
All: Bye.
Jerry: Well I better go too. [leaves]
Bree: What.
Kat: Oh look…that was close. Maybe too close. Maybe one day we'll tell them…
Bree: Maybe…let's tell them now.
Kat: Let's.
Bree and Kat: Naw!
Narrator: Ben's short visit back home turned into a "They Know" day. Stay tuned for a "Secret Files of Ben and Jerry."