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Full Name
Professor Severus Snape
Age: Around 35
Position: Head of Slytherin house and Potion's Master of Hogwarts
Appearance: Greasy black hair, oily skin, hooked nose, long black robes and eyes 'like dark tunnels'
Character Analysis
Dark and solitary, he roams around the dungeons of Hogwarts in his black attire, sneering at student faults in his Potions classes. His mannerisms, sarcasm and air of mystery that surrounds his past is what makes this character so intriguing. Snape is quick to anger, though at times calm, and is one for sharp witty remarks. He is nasty, and is disliked by many students. Though he holds childish grudges and favours students of his own house over others, he plays a spy for Dumbledore, who trusts him. Love him or hate him, he is a fascinating character. His past remains open to questioning, though we know that he was enemies with James Potter and is an ex-Death Eater.