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Season2 Episode 9 "The Four Horsemen Part 2"
Written by Greg D'Angelo

A voice says previously on Brimstone, It shows the following clips.

1-From Ashes, Bush says to Zeke "the mellenium's coming, it's gonna be war on the streets."

2-From Pilot, Zeke tells Kane "the four living creatures from the book of revelations here on earth."

3-From The Four Horsemen, A chinese man sharpens his sword & says "war will cut them," an african woman washes her withered hands & says "famine will starves them," a native american man chants & says "Pestilence will blind them," a european man raises his axe & says "death to them all.

4-From the end of Encore, Zeke tackles gilbert on the ground, then pierces his eyes with the spade (garden tool), then digs in the ground for the wedding rings.

5-From The Four Horsemen, Zeke is in his hotel room. There is a knock at the door, he goes & opens it. It's Rosalyn... Zeke looks like he's seen a ghost, "Hi Zeke" she says.

Intro/opening Credits

Scene 1: "Roz, please come in." "Thank you" she replies, she walks inside & crosses her arms, her body language demands some kind of explaination. "Would you like something to drink" In a beautiful & calm voice she says "Zeke, I'm your wife not a house guest." "Not that I'm not happy to see you, but how did you find me?" After the bank robbery, I thought I saw you walking away, so I hired a private investigator. It seems some strange things have been happening across the country, and you've been playing Superman." "Oh Roz, you know I prefered Batman." Roz gigles, "I missed that sense of humor, I missed you so much." "I missed you more." "Then why did you leave me, to play vigilantee cop,... it's my fault isn't it. After I was raped I was so cold to you." "Oh no, is that what you think?" "I don't know what to think!" He hugs her, she hugs back, they are silent for a moment. "When you were raped it changed everything. I was boiling inside,... I have to tell you the truth, Gilbert didn't overdose, I killed him & made it look like a drug overdose. It actually did calm the fire inside in me,... 2 months later I was chassing a low life thief. When I caught up with him, he shot me. As you know, I died ." "No you didn't, you're right here!" She grabs his hand & checks for a pulse, obviously she doesn't find one. "Please don't ask if I'm an angel, cause I'm not. I'm more like a demon." "Why, what happened to you?" "After I died, I went to hell, because I murdered someone" Rosalyn Looks kind of horrified, feeling unimaginable pain for Zeke, she hold him & touches his face. He continues "Aparently 113 souls found away to escape, I was sent back, by The Devil, to catch all of them." There is a knock at the door, he opens it & sees The Devil. "Do come in, you're missing the party,... oh Roz, this is my good friend and bussiness partner, The Devil." "Hi" says Roz, "How do you do" says The Devil

Scene 2: "This is taking to long" shouts Death, "Relax my lord, this is all going acording to plan" says Famine. "Soon it will be my turn, let not us but them feel the pestalence" says Pestalence.

Scene 3: Zeke is walking down the street, he sees a countless amount of people fighting, for blocks & blocks. He hears laughter. He looks around the corner & sees War laughing wickedly, as he gets on his horse & rides away. His face is covered with a mask, but it is noticable that his face is hidiously ugly. "Damn it" says Zeke to himself, pissed that he wasn't able to catch the horseman to alone.

Scene 4: Roz is watching TV, there is a knock at the door. She opens it & sees no one, "up here," she looks up & sees The Devil standing on the ceiling as if it was the floor. She looks puzzled. He says "Sorry, I must have took a wrong turn back there." He runs down the wall & back onto ground level. "You really are The Devil aren't you!" "Yes, are you suprised?" "I,... I don't know." "Well that's ok, nobody wants to believe in me these days." "You look troubled, is something on your mind?" asks Roz.

Scene 5: Zeke is still walking down the street, he sees a tall Native American man wearing clothes similar to War. It is Pestilence, he is holding a staff. He walks over to a woman, who just stands there. He hands her the staff, it becomes a sign that says "The End Is Niegh." She walks away, looking like a zombie. At this point Zeke is right behind Pestilence, who doesn't seem to care. Zeke has his gun out, "turn around and face me." Pestilence just ignores him and starts to walk away. Zeke blasts 4 bullets into his legs, it dosn't appear hurt him, only stun him the exact moment of contact. Zeke tackles him, they have a brief wrestling match, Zeke appears to have Petilence pinned. Then he lifts Zeke up, and throws him through a wall. Zeke appears to be in to much pain to move . He takes out his gun & waits ready to blast Pestilence, but he gets on a horse & rides away.

Scene 6: Rosalyn & The Devil are sitting at a table. "You don't need to expalain anything, Zeke already told me about the 113 souls." "Maybe you should keep some distance, Zeke has a very difficult mission!" "I don't understand." "I cannot allow our good friend Ezekiel any rest until he sends back all 113 of the escaped souls!" "I... see."

Scene 7: Zeke walks into a police station, he looks a mess. He walks over to a desk & says "Is Detective Kane around?" "And you are?" "I'm his friend, Zeke." "I'll get him." Zeke paces the floor, a few moments later Kane walks out & says "Boy, you've looked better, what's wrong?" "It's my latest case!" "Let me guess, it has something to do with all the chaos and famine!" "But of course!" "Ok then, tell me." "The latest souls from Hell are the four horsemen." "You mean War , Famine, Pestilence, & Death?" "That's right, & now they're gonna destroy the world." "Why would they do that?" "Because they're insane!" "ok, & what do you need from me?" "two things, one is personal the other is of the utmost importance ,... The Horsemen are about to go balistic, they're going to wage a war against Earth." "And now you have to stop it." "That's right, but if I can't you need to make sure the police are ready for the apocalypes, & you know how to stop them right?" Kane nods & says "the eyes,... and what's the other thing?" "My wife is in town, while I'm out hunting these freaks I'd like you to watch her."

Scene 8: "I do sympasize with you Mr. Devil." "Oh please, no need to be formal." "Well haven't you ever heard of perfect?" "Yes." "well that's what Zeke is." Lost for words the Devil puts his hand over his face, & out of confusion rubs his eyes, then shakes his head.

Scene 9 (Please note I invision 'The Garden Of Allah' by Don Henley to be playing here): Zeke is back on the street he hears the sound of hoves. He sees 2 Horsemen aproaching, he he rubs his stuby beard as if thinking. He turns around draws his gun, & shoots the horses of the other 2 horsemen who tried sneaking behind him. The horses fall, & they are tossed on the ground. The other 2 charge Zeke, he sees, & jumps out of the way in time.

Scene 10: Trust me Rosalyn, I do understand love, without it I would have no job." "What will you do, if Zeke decides to come back to me?" "He can't, we have an agreement." "But what if ?" "He won't, Zeke is far to concerned with his goody goody image!" "You're wrong!" Satan begins to laugh, but there is a knock at the door. "Who is it?" asks Roz. "My name is Detective Kane, Zeke sent me." The Devil nods, as if telling her Kane is ok. She opens the door. "Sorry to intrude on your company" Says Kane. "Oh it's all right, I need to be going anyway" says The Devil, & in a puff, he disapears. Det. Kane just shakes his head, kind of in disbelief, but amussed. Rosalyn asks "Is something wrong?" "Zeke's latest nether world case is dangerous, & he wants me to protect you," "Uh huh."

Scene 11('The Garden Of Allah' is still playing): Famine & Pestalence aproach Zeke in zombie fashion. He pops a shot in Famine's eye, but then War hits him from behind. He falls, but goes into a roll. War charges at him, & Zeke shoots repeatedly at his face. The eyes are hit & War is sucked back to hell. The camera shows Death up close angry & ugly, "your luck now ends, foolish human." "Try me" mumbles Zeke. Death begins galloping. The Devil appears, Death rides right passed him, splashing a puddle on him. The camera shows a close up of The Devil, he looks disgusted, & says "oh that's not nice, my fine seer sucker suit is all soaking wet." The Devil points at Death who then slips off his horse. Pestalence swings his staff at Zeke, who somehow grabs it & pulls him into Famine. Death is going after Satan, & Zeke runs toward Death. Satan puts his left hand up telling Death to stop, then points with his right hand. Death looks around & Zeke blasts his left eye, immeadiatly, he hits Zeke in the chest, he goes flying. Death knells down & covers his face. Famine & Pestalence don't miss the opertunity, they pounce on Zeke & they tackle him. "Finish him him now you lowly dogs!" Pestalence holds Zeke down by the arms. Famine reaches for his eyes, but he kicks her away. Then Zeke pulls Pestalence over & into a headlock, then rips out the eyes. He goes back to hell. "Help me my lord" shrieks Famine. Death gets up & clenhes hos fists, an axe appears in his hand. He hurls the axe at Zeke, & it sinks into his chest, Zeke falls on his back, & he drops his gun. Famine grabs Zeke's head, he is struggling to grab for her. She tries to gouge out his eyes, but he presses her hands against his forehead. Zeke then breaks a stick from the axe, & buries it in Famine's arm. She grabs her arm & sreams in pain. He then turns & pokes her remaining eye, she goes back to hell. He rips the axe out of his chest & goes for his gun, but Death throws a knife into Zeke's hand. Zeke's face shows pain, but he rips it out & throws it back at Death. Death catches the knife, but Zeke has grabed his gun. Zeke starts shooting, but no lucky shots, he presses oncemore & the trigger clicks empty. Death laughs wickedly & jumps through the air at Zeke. The brawl. Death tosses Zeke on the ground, Zeke again shots Death, a bullet hits & freezes him, he then usses the opportunity to trip the last horseman. Zeke holds him down and points his gun. In defeat Death puts his hands up, "what manner of demon are you?" Zeke smiles,... "Hell Cop" he replies, followed by a wink. He puts a bullet into Death's remaining eye, sending him back to hell. Zeke feels burning, a tattoo that looks like 4 pieces burns off him. "That's my boy" shouts the Devil.

Scene 12: Kane is sitting at a table, Roz brings some coffee over. There is a knock at the door. Kane pulls out his gun, Rosalyn then walks over & looks through the peep hole. "It's them" she says exitedly, & she opens the door. Zeke & Satan stand there. "ZEKE" says Roz, as she grabs him & hugs him, luckily for him he is dead or she would suffocate him. "So it went ok" asks Kane, "the mission was sucessful" replies the Devil.

Scene 13:(I invision 'I Want To Know What Love Is' by Foreigner playing here): Roz & Zeke are walking down a beach. Rosalyn stops "so what happens now" she asks. "Now,... the same thing, my job continues." "And what about us?" "Us, that's the hard part, but I have to do this." "After, what about after?" Zeke stares blankly, not finding the words, then says "Roz, I can't ask you to wait", "why" asks Roz. "It's been nearly 2 decades,... and there are dozens & dozens more souls to find." "So?" "It can be many many years before this is all said & done." "I guess this is why you were chossen, you can resist all the temptions. Now they just stare. He reaches into his pocket, he pulls out a ring (the wedding ring that gilbert took from her). "I want you to have this" he says & hands her the ring. She takes it, & lowers her head. She looks half sad, half happy. She takes it, & lowers her head. He puts his index & middle finger on his lips, then to her lips, & back to his. They hug, & the camera slowly fades.

-The End-
'The Four Horsemen' by Metallica plays over the end credits

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