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Here are a few links to help you learn more about BEC and the punk rock scene for which it stands, as well as to provide you with an oppertunity to further explore the ideas that shaped BEC, which we can arm ourselves with to help us fullfill our historic mission as the international working class:

GOD SUCKS - The official hopepage of the vinings punk rock gang, this should be the starting point for any serious study of BEC

Brian's updates site and Brian's Personal Site which looks suspiciously like...

Xian's official site

Barlow doesn't have an offical site, but if you are interested in his ideas, check out the website of this groups he is part of. it is called

Stevo's personal site

If you are looking for political theory that I personally think is based more on history and economics than petty-bourgeois idealism ;) check out the definative recourse for marxist thought at

If you are looking for a good way to apply the ideas of marxism to the world today, you might be interested in checking out the International Socialist Organization, or its paper, Socialist Worker, or its Magazine, International Socialist Review, or its conference, s03.

If you would like a good introduction to the ideas of Fredrick Engles and Karl Marx, check out the Communist Manifesto

If you would like a good introduction to the ideas of Leon Trotsky, check out Ducan Hallas' work Trotsky's marxism

If you want to read about marxism in french, check out the French IS group here