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old news


Plant Atkinson film project

This project culimnated in the production of the film, Woman with Train, starring Ginna Goode and a train. It was filmed entirely at the Metro Atlanta Industrial District near the CSX Transportation Putnam Connection. It is currently not availible for distribution, but it is availible for screenings. Email me to learn more about this.

The other film that grew out of this project is still under construction, although it has been put on the back burner. It is no title as of yet and probably won't be completed for a while.

Demo Tape Project

Buried Electric Cable's musical fraction is in the process of producing its first cassette single. Due to unexpected technical failures and corporate incompetance, we were unable to remix a few tracks on the single that we would have liked to have been able to re-mix. However, due to pressing time constraints and the need to pay back debts owed to larger and more powerful forces than buried electric cable, you get to listen to older mixes of the songs, "Demolition 101", "A Life of Crime", "Fear of the Lord (machine won't re-mix)" and my personal favorite, "Terminus City Warriors"- a pulverizing 20 minute long track that pays tribute to the Vining's Punk Rock Scene/Gang's most influential influence.

BEC Logo Contest

The concept for the BEC logo is the creation of the very active mind of Brian, and looks like this:

However, as cool as the concept is we deffinatley need to smooth out the edges and make it look more professional. So, we are inviting any and all graphic artists to submit their versions of the BEC fist to our logo contest. Submissions can be mailed to, and the winner will recieve a free BEC demo tape if they are a boy, or a date with Christian from Buried Electric Cable if they are a girl. Good Luck!