Quotes (Page 39)!

  1. "Rewatching [Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire] after I've viewed season two [of Doctor Who] a few times is, I'm pleasantly amused to say, probably gonna be one of the entertainment highlights of my life. ('Look!! (*snerk*) ... The Doctor is doing the DARK MARK, ha ha!!!! (*chortle, snort*),' etc.)" ~Draca Darkwingette
  2. "I'm weird, but I have such FUN with it." ~Draca Darkwingette
  3. "If you can't do it with one bullet, don't do it at all." ~Alan Quartermain
  4. "Pride and Prejudice 2: Pride and EXTREME Prejudice; Cover photo: Colin Firth holding a shotgun. Tagline: They called him Fitzwilliam one too many times." ~Shalen of MRFH
  5. "At twenty-three, single, without even the faintest hint of a boyfriend on the horizon, and absolutely zero desire to try and _get_ a boyfriend at this point in my life ... well, on my list of concerns, how I might react to my baby throwing up on me is on my list of worries right BELOW what I'll do if I realize that another co-worker of ours is actually a Slitheen in a skin suit." ~Draca Darkwingette
  6. "I'm getting old." ~The Ninth Doctor
  7. "Blimey, you can smell the testosterone." ~Rose Tyler
  8. "Your face is, like, green, and people ask you why, and you say, 'Guacamole was raining from the sky because God loves me. Or my avocado tree is ripe. I haven't decided yet.'" ~Hillary
  9. "This is the second morning that I've found a gob of some strange, pinkish-orangeish, vaguely gel-like substance in my bathtub. Either my shaving cream is undergoing some sort of metamorphosis, or a strange alien growth is spawning from the shower curtain. Given the frequency with which I clean my bathroom, it's really fifty-fifty." ~Draca Darkwingette
  10. "I don�t like anyone before eleven a.m. on a weekend." ~Tom Sloane in The Angst Guy's "A Midsummer Nightmare's Daria"
  11. "Generally speaking, I prefer a little more sense in my nonsense (Terry Pratchett is my hero) but by the end of [Spirited Away], most things had fallen into place. Kinda sorta." ~Sue of MRFH
  12. "Hey, come back here and stop conforming when I'm talking to you!" ~Justin of MRFH
  13. "Good guys with darkness inside them are always way more interesting, and that game proved that Guybrush is one of them. Everybody takes him for this innocent, harmless little pile of fluff, but if you dig around in that fluff too long...you'll cut yourself on a hidden _razor blade_." ~Captain Chaotica!!
  14. "There's nothing as irritating as a smart-ass paperclip." ~Inexplicably scribbled along the side of one of my papers, presumably by me
  15. "I think even Bill and Ted skipped [Homeric] times, and Doctor Who always brought his own tea. No wants to go back to those times, do they? It�s cool to write fiction about those times, but it�s only cool when you�re writing the stuff in air-conditioned goodness. " ~Kyle from MRFH
  16. "It was nice to see Sean Bean get to play someone who survives the movie. It's probably why Odysseus is looking so smug as the end credits roll." ~Shalen from MRFH on Troy
  17. "Don'tcha just _hate_ when you're trying to have a nice wedding, and the Cirque de Soleil bursts in uninvited and starts singing to you? Gah, so many weddings have been ruined by that (shakes head sadly.)" ~Captain Chaotica!! on the "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" video
  18. "[Mos Def] makes me not trust...Hollywood....I don't have a problem with Mos Def...I just have a problem with Mos Def _as Ford Prefect_. The same way I would have a problem with anyone who can't _speak English_." ~Jick from Kingdom of Loathing
  19. "[Skim milk] is only sought out by people who want something that's like water, but with an eerie blue tinge, and added tastelessness. And no, I don't know how you can have an additional absence of something, but the makers of skim milk do." ~Hucklebubba
  20. "I've long since accepted the apparent fact that vasectomies and liver spots are infinitely more horrifying to some people than the prospect of having all of their internal organs catch fire." ~Hucklebubba
  21. "If you can do Half-Life or Doom or...whatever the latest shoot-em-up game is, you can do [PSpice]. It's simple." ~My Electronic Circuits prof
  22. "You never want to use your circuit as a fuse." ~My E. Circuits prof
  23. "What else is V-sub-T? Thermal voltage. Forget that with MOSFET. Turn that off. ::click!:: Be like Data: turn that emotion chip off." ~My E. Circuits prof
  24. "What kind of voltage are we going to get? A lot. Maybe a lot squared." ~My E. Circuits prof
  25. "Math is beautiful." ~My (female) Signals prof
  26. "You know the difference between grad students and undergrad students? If you say 'good morning' to a room full of graduate students, they write it down." ~My (female) Signals prof
  27. "I'm joking, but I'm serious. I'm giving you serious jokes." ~My (female) Signals prof
  28. "At the end of this class, your brain will be all wiggly." ~My (female) Signals prof
  29. "You can outsource a lot of things, but it would be hard to outsource defense." ~My (female) Signals prof
  30. "These days whether CDs are music or not is questionable. I have teenagers out the wazoo. Has anyone heard Pantera? My god, that stuff is terrible. Megadeath is nothing compared to Pantera. What's the range of human hearing? 20 to 20kHz... I can guarantee my son can no longer hear 20kHz. I'm surprised he can still hear anything." ~My (male) Signals prof
  31. "When you use the scope, it keeps records because it knows how stupid we are." ~My (male) Signals prof
  32. "I like to leave [the demonstration] until the end of the lecture because it's so exciting...to allow for applause!" ~My (male) Signals prof
  33. "I'll turn the strobe off for our own sanity, but I'll leave the fan on because it's such a hot lecture. That was a joke. A really bad joke." ~My (male) Signals prof
  34. "When I was younger...when the whole world was younger... The plates were closer together when I was young." ~My (male) Signals prof
  35. "When I was in school and they weren't afraid to be a little geeky, we called [the sinc function] 'octopus on a fence'." ~My (male) Signals prof
  36. "You've gotta have two times an infinite number of samples... That doesn't work very well." ~My (male) Signals prof
  37. "I put it over there again. At least I'm consistently stupid." ~My (male) Signals prof
  38. "Oh, yeah. There's a function for everything." ~My (male) Signals prof
  39. "Just shut up for an hour, that's all I want. Monday, Wednesday, Friday." ~My Signals prof
  40. "The answer to all Statics problems: nail gun! Just bolt it down!" ~Annonymous Electrical Engineering student
  41. "Someday you will be an old parrot...or an old person." ~My (female) Signals prof
  42. "Are we going to have anything exploding? No. Safe. Safe and sound." ~My (female) Signals prof
  43. "'Close enough to within an order of magnitude.' What's the English translation of that? 'Wrong'." ~My Analysis prof
  44. "I'm an engineer. I never read the manual." ~My Analysis prof
  45. "You don't have to know nuthin'. You're wasting your time going to school." ~My Analysis prof on using Mathcad
  46. "This is confusing as [Tartarus]." ~My Analysis prof on the epsilon-neighbourhood definition of continuity
  47. "You're an engineer - you'd damn well better learn how to use the computer." ~My Analysis prof
  48. "Since I got off drugs, it's a little hard to picture [4D representations of complex graphs." ~My Analysis prof
  49. "[Unit-step functions] are not something a gentleman deals with." ~My Analysis prof as a mathematician
  50. "PSpice has a message: 'You're out of your tiny little mind'." ~My Analysis prof on unit-step functions
  51. [Laptop makes loud, urgent beeping noise] "What's going to happen? Is it going to blow up?...It's a Dell and it's running Microsoft. Anything could happen. Dick Cheney's probably listening to us." ~My Analysis prof
  52. "The other day in the middle of class, this thing very helpfully downloaded updates and shut down for me. Microsoft gets a lot of nasty emails from me, but I don't think they pay any attention." ~My Analysis prof
  53. "They're gonna wrap you up in a little white coat and take you away if you try to do the determinant by the definition. Let's do one!" ~My Analysis prof
  54. "This is a pain to the ninth decimal place to prove." ~My Analysis prof
  55. "Plagiarism is really dumb, so if you ever think it might be a good idea, realize that you are dumb." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  56. "The O.C. will come into the Victorian period. Believe me, it will happen." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  57. "How many Victorian Literature classes do you get to read books with pictures in colour?" ~My Victorian Lit teacher introducing The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
  58. "I will misspell words on the board. Do not correct me; I know they are misspelled, I just don't know how it is spelled." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  59. "You used to have a small old fake submarine, and now you have Pooh's Playland." ~My Victorian Lit teacher on Disney World
  60. "Disney has taken over all English literature." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  61. "I actually kind of like [the LoEG movie] for its kind of crazy [badness]....When you got to Venice next time, try and take a drive." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  62. "Sodomy is not illegal, it's the forcing of it that is. So don't go home and say, 'I can't do that because my English teacher said it's illegal'." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  63. "They get Jekyll...and then they have Hyde." ~My Victorian Lit teacher on The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
  64. "Orphan boy makes good? Oh, wait, that's every Dickens novel." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  65. "If you're offended by cursing, I'm sorry... I enjoy it." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  66. "I'm not expecting creative genius, but it would be nice if there were some nuggets of goodness." ~My Victorian Lit teacher on our final projects
  67. "At this point, you're like, 'Duh, Jonathan!'" ~My Victorian Lit teacher on Dracula
  68. "He's a reader... He is a studier--a studier? He's a scholar. [mocking self] 'I'm a studier.'" ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  69. "Transformers were the coolest toys ever, especially when they were made with metal and you could really hurt people with them. Now that they are made of plastic, it's just not the same." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  70. "I always want to talk to the novels, but they never talk back." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  71. "If you didn't get the sexual imagery when she's sucking his blood, you just weren't reading the book." ~My Victorian Lit teacher on Dracula
  72. "Whale bone, you know, doesn't bend. So remember that next time you want to...breathe." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  73. "High cheekbones? But high cheekbones are pretty!" ~My Victorian Lit teacher on Dracula's "degenerate" characteristics
  74. "Basically, Hyde is supposed to be degenerative... I'm not giving anything away." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  75. "Most people aren't wonderfully radical 24/7...and most of them have really terrible personal lives." ~My Victorian Lit teacher on being disappointed by the biographies of historical progressives
  76. "I have a feeling I would get something like Victorians in Space. While that sounds really cool, I have a feeling it would be lame." ~My Victorian Lit teacher on our final projects
  77. "'Come and suck my juices...' How can you get more... If you don't get that, I don't... I don't know what to say." ~My Victorian Lit teacher on "Goblin Market"
  78. "The Victorians were the Victorians. It's not like they had gay pride parades every weekend." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  79. "It's coded, right? So it's not like it comes out and says 'Lizzie and Laura had sex and it was great'." ~My Victorian Lit teacher on "Goblin Market"
  80. "When you're John the Baptist, you're not allowed to go around sleeping with whoever you want." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  81. "I think they should just give you Prozac with [The Wasteland]" ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  82. "Restrain your nerdness at parties... There's no Heigle at parties, there's only pies and other fun things." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  83. "Wilde would so skewer Wordsworth, and then Wordsworth would be sad and be like, 'I want to go back to Tinturn Abbey.'" ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  84. "You can have your own alternate reality, but it doesn't gel well with, you know, being in college." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  85. "Wow. I'd rather be asleep than watching Alexander." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  86. "If you were at a dinner party with Hamlet, would you enjoy yourself?" ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  87. "Do you guys wanna have class or something?" ~My Victorian Lit teacher during a lull in conversation during our break
  88. "By the way, never try and conquer Russia... Land war in Russia, not a good idea." ~My Victorian Lit teacher on Axis and Allies
  89. "I hate handing back the first essay. You always get a bunch of looks like, 'You used to be my friend!'" ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  90. "If you don't have a sense of humour about the Victorians, you're not reading them right." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  91. "We're all sort of fond of the Old Testament...some more than others." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  92. "That's how you know that you're a big person - if there's a bust of you and it's in a library somewhere." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  93. "He notices there's less elephants, but he never thinks, 'Well, I just killed sixty of them...'" ~My Victorian Lit teacher on Alan Quartermain
  94. "[Tom Sawyer] can get other people to paint fences for him. That's really important in your superheroes. He clearly belongs in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  95. "It's entertaining yet...slightly boring." ~My Victorian Lit teacher on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
  96. "I love talking about Disney Land because it's the perfect example of everything." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  97. "Think before you recall [books at the library]." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  98. "The library website is not exactly the most helpful place on the planet." ~My Victorian Lit teacher
  99. "Don't sacrifice your holiday on this research." ~My Victorian Lit teacher, who apparently actually understands her students have more important things to be doing
  100. "I apologize for my profession if you do have classes on [the Wednesday before Thanksgiving]." ~My Victorian Lit teacher

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