Quotes (Page 41)!

  1. "It is as if the hairs on my head have a life of their own, behaving perfectly sensibly all day, then waiting till I drop off to sleep and starting to run and jump about childishly, saying, 'Now what shall we do?'" ~Bridget Jones
  2. "Wish had not been born but immaculately burst into being in similar, though no identical, manner to Jesus, then would not have had to have birthday. Sympathize with Jesus in sense of embarrassment he must, and perhaps should, feel over two-millennia-old social imposition of own birthday on large areas of globe." ~Bridget Jones
  3. "I have been waging a campaign on our street against car burglar alarms which are intolerable and counterproductive since you are more likely to get your car broken into by an angry neighbor trying to silence the burglar alarm than by a burglar." ~Bridget Jones
  4. "For some reason, the whole business suddenly made me furious with Daniel. It was his responsibility too and he wasn't having to spend ₤8.95 and hide in the toilet trying to wee on a stick." ~Bridget Jones
  5. "Bugger. Where am I going to find a twenty-three-year-old who will come to dinner with Smug Marrieds on a Saturday night instead of taking contaminated Ecstasy tablets?" ~Bridget Jones
  6. "It is with great regret that we must announce that so great was Miss Bridget Jones's distress at not bring able to accept the kind invitation of Mr. Mark Darcy that she has offed herself and will therefore, more certainly than ever, now, be unable to accept Mr. Mark Darcy's kind..." ~Bridget Jones
  7. "The basis of my own addiction [to Pride and Prejudice], I know, is my simply human need for Darcy to get off with Elizabeth. Tom says football guru Nick Hornby said in his book that men's obsession with football is not vicarious. The testosterone-crazed fans do not wish themselves on the pitch, claims Hornby, instead seeing their team as their chosen representatives, rather like parliament. That is precisely my feeling about Darcy and Elizabeth. They are my chosen representatives in the field of shagging, or, rather, courtship. I do not, however, wish to see any actual goals. I would hate to see Darcy and Elizabeth in bed, smoking a cigarette afterwards. That would be unnatural and wrong and I would quickly lose interest." ~Bridget Jones
  8. "Jude just called and we spent twenty minutes growling, 'Fawaw, that Mr. Darcy.' I love the way he talks, sort of as if he can't be bothered. Ding-dong! Then we had a long discussion about the comparative merits of Mr. Darcy and Mark Darcy, both agreeing that Mr. Darcy was more attractive because he was ruder but that being imaginary was a disadvantage that could not be overlooked." ~Bridget Jones
  9. "Feel disorientated and worried, for surely Mr. Darcy would never do anything so vain and frivolous as to be an actor and yet Mr. Darcy is an actor. Hmmm. All v. confusing." ~Bridget Jones
  10. "I always hoped I would turn out to be a genius, but I never believed it would actually happen to me�or my left breast." ~Bridget Jones
  11. "I just can't wait for Star Trek: Voyager to come on tonight." ~Hillary
  12. "What's beautiful about the animal cracker is that it's crunchy, but it has just enough sugar for you to be like, 'Wow, it's sweet.' And then it gets mushy, but not so mushy that it's like you're eating Cheerios that have been sitting out all night." ~Hillary
  13. "['Dalek']'s one of those episodes that should NOT have worked as well as it did, because it's essentially about the Doctor having a psychotic reaction to a ticked-off R2D2 with a deadly eggbeater." ~Draca Darkwingette
  14. "If you put all of your trust in some mathematical equation, you will fail." ~My Statics prof
  15. "She's gonna steal an icicle. She's scared [excrement]less, and she's gonna steal an icicle." ~Hillary
  16. "This wasn't in the lecture, but we have to do it because, um, I get paid anyway." ~My Solid State prof
  17. "If in doubt while having to draw a picture tomorrow, draw a straight line." ~My Solid State prof on energy band diagrams
  18. "Every time I hear the fire trucks, a little part of me hopes that it�s University Commons." ~Hillary while we were living at UC
  19. "Being released to the public is what makes technology obsolete." ~Sarge
  20. "Isn't it a better thing to travel hopefully than to arrive?" ~Susan Foreman
  21. "I don't make threats, but I do keep promises. And I promise you, I shall cause you more trouble than you bargain for if you don't return my property." ~The First Doctor
  22. "We're gonna pretend you're a lush, because that will make this easier." ~Hillary
  23. "...it had taken a hundred and fifty years to acknowledge this truth, that in dealing with crowds, it is wiser to multiply exits than to limit them." ~Jules Verne as translated by Richard Howard, Paris in the Twentieth Century
  24. "...there is no space so great that it cannot eventually be filled." ~Jules Verne as translated by Richard Howard, Paris in the Twentieth Century
  25. "I have no more than a single day of freedom, at least I shall spend it as I please. I have a little money, and it I shall spend on books beginning with the great poets and illustrious authors of the last century. Each evening they will console me for the vexations of each day." ~Michel Dufr�noy
  26. "We'll get there eventually--nothing is eternal in this world, not even stairs." ~Quinsonnas
  27. "...he inhaled that literary fragrance that rose to his brain like a warm emanation of bygone centuries, shaking hands with all these friends of the past he would have known and loved, had he had the wit to be born sooner!" ~Jules Verne as translated by Richard Howard, Paris in the Twentieth Century
  28. "Chapter XIII: Concerning the Ease with Which an Artist Can Starve to Death in the Twentieth Century" ~Jules Verne as translated by Richard Howard, Paris in the Twentieth Century
  29. "This was not a satisfactory state of affairs; reality would have to be faced, and he had not yet acquired the habit." ~Jules Verne as translated by Richard Howard, Paris in the Twentieth Century
  30. "Informing the shareholders would be a kind gesture. But who knows how the news would be received? What gamblers usually regret the most is losing not their money but their mad hopes. In the end, I pity them less than the thousands of wretches who could have benefited from so many riches if properly distributed, whilst now they will never be of any use to them at all!" ~Dr. Aronnax
  31. "Where the [Tartarus] has the camera been all this time?! He didn't roll it out when they visited Atlantis!" ~My Verne prof on Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas
  32. "Walls were invented to annoy scientists. There shouldn't be any walls." ~Conseil
  33. "Bows and arrows sufficed for centuries to stain the earth with blood. Powder is only an invention of yesterday, but war is as old as the human race, unfortunately." ~Gideon Spilett
  34. "Of all masters, necessity is the one we listen to the most and the one who teaches us the best." ~Jules Verne as translated by Sidney Kravitz, The Mysterious Island
  35. "They had knowledge, and the man who has knowledge succeeds where others would vegetate and inevitably perish." ~Jules Verne as translated by Sidney Kravitz, The Mysterious Island
  36. "Ayrton's and Gideon Spilett's carbines then spoke and doubtless said some disagreeable things to two convicts, because they immediately fell backwards to the ground." ~Jules Verne as translated by Sidney Kravitz, The Mysterious Island
  37. "History loves heroic madness, while condemning the consequences that result from it." ~Cyrus Smith
  38. "But if lucky little Omicron was immune to seasickness, and Mr. de Schack had the cast-iron stomach of a multibillionaire, this wasn't the case with Forsyth and Dr. Hudelson. It was their first time at sea and they were paying heavy tribute to King Neptune." ~Jules Verne as translated by Frederick Paul Walter and Walter James Miller, The Meteor Hunt
  39. "Even evil can be cute sometimes." ~Ron Stoppable
  40. "It's like a little slice of experimental computer chip heaven." ~Dr. Drakken
  41. "You know... that was a really bad joke... and I think I'd probably appreciate it if we just pretended I didn't say that." ~Eric
  42. "It can be funny or it can be consistent, but it can't be both." ~Jick
  43. "There's also an Avengers episode that involves serious rufflage and cravatage and DEFINITE sneaking around in a dungeon with a torchage. " ~Captain Chaotica!! doing her best to entice me
  44. "Note to self: Never play god-games when you're fighting off about 48 hours worth of insomnia." ~Captain Chaotica!! on The Sims
  45. "I promise to wash my hands before killing the abomination of nature." ~Church
  46. "It's a wonder our country doesn't implode." ~Jon Stewart
  47. "I don't think you have to get the marriage annulled if the groom is eaten. By a dragon." ~Duckie
  48. "Oh, confound it... Confound my tell-tale reference points." ~John Oliver
  49. "And we conquered two-thirds of the world with that accent? I guess people were too busy snickering to put up much of a fight." ~John Oliver
  50. "Iran is the middle child of the Axis of Evil. Iraq is the oldest child and gets the lion's share of the attention, and North Korea is the crazy baby." ~John Oliver
  51. "Nobody else in this entire galaxy has ever even bothered to make edible ball bearings. Genius!" ~The Tenth Doctor
  52. "I'm being facetious. I... There's no call for it." ~The Tenth Doctor
  53. "Who's going to hold his hand now?" ~Rose Tyler
  54. "::whimper:: I'm low and I can't get my bathing suit back on." ~Duckie
  55. "In this universe, effect follows cause. I've complained about it, but..." ~Dr. Gregory House
  56. "Why do you sound like a sick Kraken?" ~Brittany in response to Guybrush's "picking up wenches" voice
  57. "Well, I have manly things to do in a sensitive way." ~Guybrush Threepwood
  58. "I can't imagine a man letting a duck peck at his nose for hours on end and not seeking medical help." ~Freddie from Escape from Monkey Island
  59. "Aw, how cute! Little, itty bitty boats floating around carrying little itty bitty pieces of something that appears to be edible!" ~Guybrush Threepwood on sushi boats
  60. "What is this compulsion you have to dress me up, you pantalooned freak?" ~The Dainty Lady Figurehead to Guybrush
  61. "Evil needs no face!" ~Murray
  62. "Starfish Date 123: The Gamma Quadrant has...no monkeys." ~Guybrush Threepwood
  63. "Sometimes I think that the only projects worth doing are the ones which require building a new tool." ~Rob Cockerham
  64. "I�ve been fortunate to view the world as if Tom Cruise is constantly walking in front of me on his way across a tarmac before an aerial dogfight. I�m speaking cinematically here. The homoeroticism was an accident that I wont dismiss." ~Jason Mraz
  65. "I'm not...I'm not...I'm not...I'm not from Mars..." ~The Tenth Doctor
  66. "This friend of yours...just before she left, did she punch you in the face? Stop bleeping me!" ~Donna
  67. "But that's what you do, the human race � make sense out of chaos, marking it out with...with weddings and Christmas and calendars. This whole process is beautiful, but only if it's being observed." ~The Tenth Doctor
  68. "He's not...he's not the loveliest." ~David Tennant on Barty Crouch, Jr.
  69. "Cities are easier to hunt than criminals. Larger, and prone to staying in the same place for years." ~Mike Nelson in Matt Piotecher's MiSTing of "The Terror that Flaps in the NIght"
  70. "I'll be reclining on a bed of money, having champagne drip-fed to me by a harem of scantily-clad witches. I'd imagine that's how I'll spend Christmas." ~David Tennant on his new-found fame and wealth
  71. "Moths are the ones that freak me out. It's something to do with the way that, if they get squashed, they turn to dust. There's something very wrong about that. It all feels a bit Gothic." ~David Tennant
  72. "Mike...help me...I'm allergic to plagiarism..." ~Crow T. Robot in Matt Plotecher's MiSTing of "The Terror that Flaps in the Night"
  73. "If it unnerved you, Crow, than I'm impressed, sacred, and nauseated all at once." ~Mike Nelson in Matt Plotecher's MiSTing of "The Terror that Flaps in the Night"
  74. "[Tom fights back the tears, which is easier than expected, since he has no tear ducts.]" ~Matt Plotecher's MiSTing of "The Terror that Flaps in the Night"
  75. "If you kill Elaine, won't she hate you even more?" ~Guybrush Threepwood
  76. "You're not quite stable, are you?" ~Lemonhead to Guybrush Threepwood
  77. "There's something about your weakness and ineptitude that I find infectious." ~Elaine Marley to Guybrush Threepwood
  78. "I do not like you Crown Victoria lady...and your dry cleaning." ~Duckie's own particular brand of road rage
  79. "He's out Ringoing Ringo." ~Lily on the guy dancing with Ringo in A Hard Day's Night
  80. "Now you're just taking pictures recklessly." ~Molly
  81. "That's a bit miraculous. Not really, that was the wrong word." ~Molly
  82. "I'm going to start saying 'finitely.' Everyone will think I'm retarded; it's going to be awesome." ~Duckie
  83. "Snarkir: v. To make an unsolicited sarcastic remark. Ex: The girl was snarked by her sister." ~Duckie
  84. "That's a lovely couch, most likely available at the highly affordable price of leaping into the bed of the truck, throwing it into your car, and jumping back...all while driving down the highway at 70 mph." ~Duckie
  85. "There's a frightening image: Someone who is so self-destructive he hurts his own body." ~Random guy in a program about exorcisms
  86. "Mmm... Nana tea." ~My uncle savouring my grandmother's tea after an extended period of drinking only store-bought tea
  87. "College dropout, Shego. They let me in, I let myself out." ~Doctor Drakken
  88. "I make it up as I go along. But trust me, I've got a history." ~The Tenth Doctor
  89. "I never talk nonsense. Well, hardly never." ~The Second Doctor
  90. "He's a right little delinquent, isn't he?" ~Ben Jackson on the Second Doctor
  91. "Life depends on change and renewal." ~The Second Doctor
  92. "I can't very well report back to a seventeenth century Navy..." ~Ben Jackson
  93. "I got myself a gun." ~Captain Jack Harkness
  94. "Oh, don't be so thick. Like I was ever going to shoot..." ~The Ninth Doctor wielding a BFG
  95. "Do I look like an out-of-bounds sort of guy?" ~Captain Jack Harkess
  96. "I'm The Doctor, and if there's one thing I can do, it's talk." ~The Ninth Doctor
  97. "I wish I'd never met you, Doctor. I was much better off as a coward." ~Captain Jack Harkness
  98. "I'm dead or about to die, and that's okay - hope it's a good death." ~The Ninth Doctor
  99. "If you want to remember me, you can do one thing. That's all, one thing: have a good life. Do that for me, Rose. Have a fantastic life." ~The Ninth Doctor
  100. "Never doubted him, never will." ~Captain Jack Harkness on The Doctor

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