Quotes (Page 5)!

  1. "Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues..." ~Nick Carraway
  2. "For a while these reveries provided an outlet for his imagination; they were a satisfactory hint of the unreality of reality, a promise that the rock of the world was founded securely on a fairy's wing." ~Nick Carraway about James Gatz
  3. "Let us learn to show our friendship for a man when he is alive and not after he is dead." ~Meter Wolfshiem
  4. "Oh, I don't wear a bathing suit. I wear a tent when I go out." ~Greg Proops
  5. "Don't say 'No,' say 'Gilbert,' ladies and gentlemen." ~Greg Proops
  6. "I'm one of the only people in the world who has talked to Scooby and he talked back." ~Freddie Prinze Jr.
  7. "...genius is no proof against shooting one's own foot." ~John Calvin Batchelor
  8. "[Gosh darn] you all; I told you so." ~H.G. Wells' preferred epitaph
  9. "I have never met such a chap. I could not survive another." ~George Bernard Shaw about his friend, H.G. Wells
  10. "Lord, what fools these mortals be!" ~Robin Goodfellow
  11. "Give me your hands, if we be friends:/And Robin shall restore amends." ~Robin Goodfellow
  12. "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." ~Nick Carraway
  13. "'It is forbidden to fight on the Killing Ground,' he said, and paused while he considered the sense of this." ~Terry Pratchett, The Colour of Magic
  14. "Rincewind tried to force the memory out of his mind, but it was rather enjoying itself there, terrorizing the other occupants and kicking over the furniture." ~Terry Pratchett, The Colour of Magic
  15. "Tell him I'll quiz him on it when I'm back next week and that he doesn't have to like it or anything, but if he doesn't, tell him I'll kill myself. Give him that message exactly, please; I wouldn't want to apply any extra pressure or anything." ~William Goldman, The Princess Bride
  16. "Denise, the copy editor, has done all of my books since Boys and Girls Together and she had never been as emotional in the margins with me before." ~Willaim Goldman, The Princess Bride
  17. "Humans can be a very depressing people." ~Ambassador Delenn
  18. "That's a scary thought - first alien contact and it's with a lawyer." ~Admiral Al Calavici
  19. "All I can suggest to you is, if the parenthesis bug you, don't read them." ~William Goldman, The Princess Bride
  20. "I don't get it. What's the point of being rich if you're going to be nice to everyone?" ~Adonis
  21. "Bouncy ball is the source of all goodness and light." ~A fortune I once got
  22. "But you wouldn't have ever known I was going to kill you if I hadn't been the one to tell you. Doesn't that let you know I can be trusted?" ~Inigo Montoya
  23. "When it absolutely positively has to be destroyed overnight." ~A Marine bumper sticker
  24. "You've got to die to be famous." ~Lee Ann Womack, "Something Worth Leaving Behind"
  25. "When you kill someone by chopping off their head, rolling them up in a carpet, and burning it, you'd better make sure they're dead." ~Colin Mochrie
  26. "Everybody was so dangerous, big, mean, and muscular, and so what if he was the greatest fencer in the world, who'd know it to look at him? He looked like a skinny Spanish guy it would be fun to rob. You couldn't walk around with a sign saying, 'Be careful, this is the greatest fencer since the death of the Wizard of Corsica. Do not burgle.'" ~"S. Morgenstern" about Inigo Montoya
  27. "...the world didn't work that way. Good got attracted to good, evil you flushed down the john and that was that." ~William Goldman, The Princess Bride
  28. "Jesus, what did you read me this thing for?" ~William Goldman, The Princess Bride
  29. "We're alien ducks. How non-conformist can you get?" ~Wildwing Drake
  30. "This would be a good time for Zeus to take a personal interest in my life." ~Icarus
  31. "The advocate will refrain from making her opponent disappear." ~Data
  32. "My brains, your strength and his steel against a hundred troops? And you think a little head-jiggle is supposed to make me happy?" ~Westley to Fezzik
  33. "Widows happen. Every day--don't they, Your Highness?" ~Westley threatening Prince Humperdinck
  34. "But I also have to say, for the umpty-umpth time, that life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death, that's all." ~William Goldman, The Princess Bride
  35. "I could have had a nice three-headed goldfish." ~Hades
  36. "I'm not playing hard to get, I am hard to get." ~Gesture
  37. "If I wanted to date myself, I could carry around a mirror and save all kinds of money..." ~Stuart Waldinger
  38. "Not everyone can reclaim their head after they've lost it." ~Hudson
  39. "Born on the ides of March under a full moon in 1983 to a fireman and a community education worker, I initially suspected that I was the reincarnation of Julius Caesar. I soon realized that this couldn't be so as the idea of conquering Europe, or even living there, didn't appeal to me in the slightest. With the exception of a passing infatuation with the music of Michael Jackson, the 7 years immediately following my birth were fairly uneventful. Then I decided I wanted to act. So I did." ~Sean Biggerstaff
  40. "Don't do this. Don't have eye surgery, knee surgery, and don't do this." ~My grandfather after his triple bypass
  41. "...take my word for it, no matter when you live and how you live there's always somebody somewhere else who thinks you live in the Golden Age." ~ Mr. Jelling
  42. "He wondered if any man could fail to fall in love with a girl who came, or merely thought she came, from another era of time..." ~Fritz Leiber, "Yesterday House"
  43. "Liveliest dead man I've ever been strangled by." ~Denton Cassal
  44. "The Geaux Cup: Bar and Drive Thru" ~A sign on an establishment in Crowley, LA
  45. "But we _all_ have a bit of an inner child inside--some, like Quackerjack and I, can't get the kid to go to bed and stay up all night gleefully playing games with it..." ~Captain Chaotica!!
  46. "Here, shirtie shirtie shirtie. Quick, go get me some bait." ~My cousin trying to catch his shirt after it jumped into the lake
  47. "A bad hair day is better than no hair at all." ~Mi abuela
  48. "Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying." ~Terry Pratchett, The Colour of Magic
  49. "Sometimes I think a man could wander across the Disc all his life and not see everything there is to see. And now it seems there are lots of other worlds as well. When I think I might die without seeing a hundredth of all there is to see it makes me feel, well, humble, I suppose. And very angry, of course." ~Twoflower
  50. "Yes, I thought it would be something like seaweed. They certainly taste like seaweed would taste if anyone was masochistic enough to eat seaweed." ~Rincewind
  51. "The Luggage had an elemental nature, absolutely no brain, a homicidal attitude toward anything that threatened its master, and [Rincewind] wasn't quite sure that its insides occupied the same space-time framework as its outside." ~Terry Pratchett, The Colour of Magic
  52. "To be sure, I could write to [Walter M.] Miller and ask him, but...it's more fun to speculate, and gives on much needed mental exercise." ~Isaac Asimov, The Great SF Stories: 14 (1952)
  53. "...I was thinking that Dora warned me I'd get myself killed. She'll never let me hear the last of it." ~Dick Swenson
  54. "Sometimes I think it is a great mistake to have matter that can think and feel. It complains so. By the same token, though, I suppose that boulders and mountains and moons could be accused of being a little too phlegmatic." ~Winston Niles Rumfoord
  55. "One day the schoolchildren were taken by Miss Fenstermaker on an educational tour of a flamethrower factory." ~Kurt Vonnegut, The Sirens of Titan
  56. "There is no reason why good cannot triumph as often as evil. The triumph of anything is a matter of organization. If there are such things as angels, I hope that they are organized along the lines of the Maffia." ~Winston Niles Rumfoord
  57. "Any man who would change the World in a significant way must have showmanship, a genial willingnes to shed other people's blood, and a plausible new religion to introduce during the brief period of repentance and horror that usually follows bloodshed." ~Winston Niles Rumfoord in his Pocket History of Mars
  58. "I was a victim of a series of accidents, as are we all." ~Malachi Constant
  59. "...so many things had happened to him recently he was prepared to concede that he might have died and not noticed it in the confusion..." ~Terry Pratchett about Rincewind, Eric
  60. "You'd be astonished how many kingdoms aren't ruled by Amazonian princesses, Eric." ~Rincewind
  61. "There's a test they can do to determine a baby's gender ahead of time; I think they insert a tiny photo of Leonardo DiCaprio into the uterus, and if the baby punches it, it's a boy." ~Dave Barry
  62. "�ahead of Vimes was a ding-a-ling so big he'd been upgraded to a clang-a-lang." ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
  63. "No one can be as sane as he is without being mad." ~Mr. Boggis (?) about Vetinari
  64. "Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
  65. "This is that thing you call sarcasm, isn't it?" ~Ford Prefect
  66. "Life will be a very great deal less weird without you!" ~Old Thrashbarg saying "the nicest thing anybody's ever said to [Arthur Dent]"
  67. "I wonder what it's like to be the grave mower." ~Gesture
  68. "Wouldn't it be nice if education got all the money it needed, and every time the military wanted a new bomber they had a bake sale?" ~A bumper sticker my band director saw
  69. "You know, why doesn't he just leave him alone? He has pointedly made his refusal to eat this dish clear. The mere hypothetical change in location is irrelevant and tedious. And that Sam I Am is so bloody repetitive I could scream!" ~Observer (aka Brian)
  70. "Oh, great. Terrific! He decides to keep the zoo open so you kill him! Brilliant! Well done, thank you so much! Especially for shooting him right between the eyes so that it doesn't look like an accident� Because the people at Octopus will know that he was coming to close us down, so there's our motive for murdering him. Stunning! Well, Mr. Brain of Britain, what are we going to tell the police, who are, of course, already on their way here?! Another example of the thoroughness of your plan. Go on, I'm all ears. What do you suggest we do with the body of the incredibly famous man who you have just ASSASSINATED?! Sorry, I didn't�quite catch it� What? What was that? Pop him in the blender?" ~Rollo Lee
  71. "It seems that randomly blowing up things would NOT be a good idea in a spaceship." ~Tom Servo
  72. "Why do we think the people on stage are the only ones having fun?" ~Jeanne Marie Laskas
  73. "Whatever may or may not happen from here on out, I just want you to know: I respect you. Just not a lot." ~Ford Prefect to Zaphod Beeblebrox
  74. "There's nothing worse than having only one drunk head." ~Zaphod Beeblebrox
  75. "I said 'cover,' not 'create an alternate universe.'" ~Milo Kamilani
  76. "An intelligent guard. Didn't see that one coming." ~Preed
  77. "Never trust a Chia pet." ~Kelly
  78. "Mr. Notlob, there's nothing wrong with you that an expensive operation can't prolong." ~A Monty Python doctor
  79. �You�re a total, total�a word has yet to be invented to describe how totally�whatever it is you are, but you are one. And a total, total one at that.� ~Arnold J. Rimmer
  80. "I could never say no to my little girl! Not if I want to wake up in the morning..." ~Drake Mallard
  81. �Rincewind wasn�t used to people being pleased to see him. It was unnatural, and boded no good.� ~Terry Pratchett, Eric
  82. �That was the thing about time travel. You were never ready for it. About the only thing he could hope for, Rincewind decided, was finding da Quirm�s Fountain of Youth and managing to stay alive for a few thousand years so he�d be ready to kill his own grandfather, which was the only aspect of time travel that had ever remotely appealed to him.� ~Terry Pratchett, Eric
  83. �The trouble is that things never get better, they just stay the same, only more so.� ~Rincewind
  84. �Aargh.� ~Rincewind
  85. �Nightmares are usually rather daft things and it�s very hard to explain to a listener what was so dreadful about your socks coming alive or giant carrots jumping out of the hedgerows.� ~Terry Pratchett, Eric
  86. �Now he realized what made boredom so attractive. It was the knowledge that worse things, dangerously exciting things, were going on just around the corner and that you were well out of them.� ~Terry Pratchett, Eric
  87. �He didn�t like the sound of Him being back and Him being angry. Whenever something important enough to deserve capital letters was angry in the vicinity of Rincewind, it was usually angry with him.� ~Terry Pratchett, Eric
  88. �Ow! Those paintball thingies hurt!� ~Most of the Daria cast
  89. �Being Jane Lane�s what I do best.� ~Jane Lane
  90. �You are correct, sir. I do tend to babble.� ~Lieutenant Commander Data
  91. �When has justice ever been as simple as a rule book?� ~Commander Will Riker
  92. �Is there such a word as �intolerabler�?� ~Daria Morgendorffer
  93. �Oh, uh, Daria, maybe we should go inside before lightening strikes and bits of you get all over my nice, new shoes.� ~Jane Lane
  94. "Graduation speeches were invented largely in the belief that college students should never be released into the world until they have been properly sedated." ~Garry Trudeau
  95. "I'd probably be famous now if I wasn't such a good waitress." ~Jane Siberry
  96. "If men can run the world, why can't they stop wearing neckties? How intelligent is it to start the day by tying a little noose around your neck?" ~Linda Ellerbee
  97. "I do not want people to be agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them." ~~Jane Austen
  98. "Silly is you in a natural state, and serious is something you have to do until you can get silly again." ~Mike Myers
  99. �I feel strongly that the visual arts are of vast importance. Of course, I could be prejudiced. I am a visual art.� ~Kermit the Frog
  100. �As she tucked in her hair and observed herself critically in the mirror she sang a song. She sang in harmony. Not, of course, with her reflection in the glass, because that kind of heroine will sooner or later end up singing a duet with Mr. Bluebird and other forest creatures and then there�s nothing for it but a flamethrower.� ~Terry Pratchett, Carpe Jugulum



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