Quotes (Page 63)!

  1. "One thing you can say about Angel - he's consistent. It's always some little blonde driving him over the edge." ~Cordelia Chase
  2. "My nose skin is hurt." ~Cordelia Chase
  3. "He's got cow eyes, big and black. Moooo." ~Druscilla about Lindsay
  4. "My arse is not pansy!" ~Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
  5. "I need to be dead, now." ~Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
  6. "We came, we sang, we fought the urge to regurgitate." ~Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
  7. "Can't a woman wreak a little havock without a man being involved?" ~Darla
  8. "I'm fine, it's just...we should go before I pass out. Or possibly during." ~Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
  9. "Dead already? Bad soldiers!" ~Druscilla
  10. "I don't need a manual, I need a pair of wire strippers, a hammer, and a beer." ~Martin Crane
  11. "Are you sure they're English? I thought English people were, um, gentler than...normal...people." ~Tara Maclay
  12. "You all stand around and look somber. Good job." ~Rupert Giles to assembled Watchers
  13. "You were about to be regrouped into separate piles." ~Spike
  14. "Well, that's a boatload of manly responsibility to come flyin' out of nowhere." ~Spike
  15. "I love what you've, um, neglected to do with the place." ~Joyce Summers to Spike
  16. "I think we should start a movement, and everyone should just start wearing metal pants to the airport." ~Ed Robertson
  17. "Sometimes I love writing dialogue too much, and I would write scenes where people talk but nothing happens. And I know I have to write the Stuff Happens bits too." ~Neil Gaiman
  18. "A crazy hell god?! And the fun just keeps on leavin'." ~Xander Harris
  19. "I wasn't lurkin', I was standin' about. It's a whole different vibe." ~Spike
  20. "Please don't punch my laptop." ~Joel Heyman
  21. "And that's why Kagome left me - so I can protect you from being protected by him." ~Shippou about Miroku
  22. "And my dog found a stick, which was the best stick any dog had ever found in the whole of history. There never was such a stick." ~Neil Gaiman
  23. "Regularity? Must be important when you're full of crap." ~Starbuck to Baltar
  24. "You are the Harbinger of Death, Kara Thrace." ~Sam Anders
  25. "She's really not evil. She's just Cordelia." ~Marshall
  26. "Oh Giles. He's so Giles." ~Marshall
  27. "I am so glad I met you guys. It's entertaining, really." ~Charles Gunn
  28. "What I hear - and maybe, hopefully, I'm still dreamin' - is 'The Star Spangled Banner' bein' belted out by a loud, green demon." ~Angel
  29. "You just get darker and darker. And the weird thing is, your aura? Beige." ~Lorne to Angel
  30. "Seventeen karaoke bars. I need to lie down and scrub out the inside of my head." ~Angel
  31. "Sometimes you need to wallow. Just let the depression settle in." ~Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
  32. "You guys must be so excited...in that really dry, suicidal way." ~Virginia Bryce
  33. "You just let these facts kind of...dribble out, don't you?" ~Cordelia Chase to Virginia Bryce
  34. "Oh, this is a Yee-Haw moment. I definitely think this is a Yee-Haw moment." ~Gene Rainey
  35. "I like to think of him as our little mad man." ~Lorne
  36. "So, there's another gear after that number two thingie?" ~Lorne
  37. "And you should never hurt the feelings of a brutal killer. Uh...that's actually some pretty good advice." ~Xander Harris
  38. "Water poses no challenge for Payday Man." ~Xander Harris
  39. "Spike, you diabolical fiend..." ~Xander Harris
  40. "Yes, thank you for the little backpedal." ~Rupert Giles
  41. "You can tell it's not going to have a happy ending when the main guy's all bumpy." ~Tara Maclay about Notre Dame de Paris
  42. "Not nice to change the game in mid-play, Spike. You've taken my chair and the music hasn't stopped." ~Druscilla
  43. "I think I shall be very cross with you when I'm free again." ~Druscilla
  44. "Oh, we can, you know. We can love quite well. If not wisely." ~Druscilla
  45. "What the BLEEDIN' HELL is wrong with you BLOODY WOMEN?!?" ~Spike
  46. "What part of punching you in the face did you not understand?" ~Buffy Summers
  47. "I'm from Florida. 65 degrees is like the Arctic Circle." ~Kenny from Angel
  48. "We should be able to de-occulate her. Uh...just the one in the back." ~Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
  49. "Hey, Gunn graduated with a major in dumb planning from Angel University. He sat at the feet of the master and learned well how to plan dumbly." ~Cordelia Chase
  50. "Damn, somebody have an Apocalypse and forget to invite us?" ~Charles Gunn
  51. "I'm alive. I can tell 'cause of the pain." ~Xander Harris
  52. "So that's my secret to attracting men. Y'know, it's simple, really. You slap 'em around about, you torture 'em, you make their lives a living hell... Sure, the nice guys'll run away, but every once in a while, you'll come across a real prince of a guy who gets off on it." ~Buffy Summers
  53. "At first, the whole idea of computers was like, 'Whoa. I'm eleven hundred years old! I had trouble adjusting to the idea of Lutherans.'" ~Anya Jenkins
  54. "I'm thinking of buying something expensive. Maybe an antelope." ~Anya Jenkins
  55. "She speaks with a strange evenness and selects her words a shade too precisely." ~Anya Jenkins
  56. "Was that guy bothering you? Should I offer to get inappropriately violent or something?" ~Ben
  57. "Ow. I don't know about you guys, but I've had it with super strong little women who aren't me." ~Buffy Summers
  58. "Oh, dear god, I'm the grown-up who sees the world through my job. I'm like my Uncle Dave, the plumber, and I must be shot." ~Xander Harris
  59. "Um, well, we listened to aggressively cheerful music sung by people chosen for their ability to dance ... then we ate cookie dough and talked about boys." ~Rupert Giles after babysitting
  60. "Oh, yes, [I have] dozens [of books on robots]. There's an enormous amount of research we should do before...no, I'm lying. I haven't got squat; I just like to see Xander squirm." ~Rupert Giles
  61. "Too many girls. I miss Oz. He'd get it. He wouldn't say anything, but he'd get it." ~Xander Harris
  62. "Okay, now, I was afraid of this. Misrepresentations, misunderstandings, slurs and allegations." ~Spike
  63. "'Shimmed'? Is that even a real word? Do you have any idea what you're talking about?" ~Buffy Summers
  64. "I think I've actually turned into someone you want around after a crazed robot attack." ~Xander Harris
  65. "You know, I, well, really couldn't help but notice the goats." ~Angel
  66. "It's LA. The evil's probably just tied up in traffic or something." ~Cordelia Chase
  67. "Were you running low on dramatic irony?" ~Xander Harris
  68. "What in god's name is Angphlel?" ~Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
  69. "If it had taken you much longer to hit your bottom, I'd have kicked it." ~Lorne to Angel
  70. "Isn't this just the sort of 'tude that got you where you are now? I think I'm speaking for everyone when I say if all you're gonna do is switch back to brood mode, we'd rather have you evil. Then at least - leather pants." ~Lorne to Angel
  71. "You'd have known that if you hadn't had your head firmly up your...place that isn't your neck." ~Wesley Wyndam-Pryce to Angel
  72. "Okay, try not to say the word 'gestating' anymore." ~Charles Gunn
  73. "If there is no great glorious end to all this, if - nothing we do matters, - then all that matters is what we do. 'cause that's all there is. What we do, now, today." ~Angel
  74. "Buffy never hears of this, okay? If she found out what I was doin', she'd drive a redwood through my chest." ~Spike
  75. "Just because the lights are dim doesn't mean the juice is all gone." ~Doc
  76. "Life goes by so fast. If you don't write it down, it just gets lost." ~Willow Rosenberg about journals
  77. "Be sensitive to their feelings, their opinions, especially before you take some action one might construe as - oh, let's just call it insane." ~Wesley Wyndam-Pryce to Angel
  78. "Atonement's a bitch." ~Angel
  79. "Cacophony. That's pretty. What's it mean?" ~Harmony
  80. "Now we're saving the vampire from vampires? I've got two words - 'Nuh' and 'uh'." ~Charles Gunn
  81. "Weird love's better than no love." ~Buffy Summers
  82. "I breathed in, like, a quart of vampire dust. That can't be good." ~Anya Jenkins
  83. "Angel's lame. His hair goes straight up, and he's bloody stupid." ~The BuffyBot
  84. "The guys that work for Glory, you said they're kind of like Hobbits with leprosy? Well this was a whole flock of Hobbits." ~Xander Harris
  85. "What the hell is that, and why is its hair that colour?" ~Glory about Spike
  86. "Damn right I'm impure. I'm as impure as the driven yellow snow." ~Spike
  87. "Hey, I know this! They're both Buffy!" ~Xander
  88. "'Guyles'? Spike didn't even bother to program my name properly!" ~Rupert Giles
  89. "We will bring you the limp and beaten body of Bob Barker." ~Murk
  90. "The 10 Doctors merge their consciousnesses, experiencing each others memories past and future. Then, combined into one mighty Doctor, they face off against the Dalek conditioning. Y’know, written down, that sounds stupid." ~Rich Morris
  91. "Look Ma! No Dalek!" ~The Tenth Doctor in Rich Morris' "The Ten Doctors"
  92. "It's Jamie! How did he get here? He should be with me!" ~The Sixth Doctor
  93. "I seem to remember I was always rather fond of Jamie." ~The Sixth Doctor
  94. "I exist, therefore I am and was." ~The Sixth Doctor
  95. "Yu certainly specialize in arcane knowledge." ~Peri Brown to The Doctor
  96. "When you've been locked in as many dungeons as I have, you wouldn't fail to recognize it." ~The Sixth Doctor
  97. "If anything happens to myself, I will never forgive himself." ~The Sixth Doctor
  98. "Oh, I do wish you would stop switching personal pronouns." ~Peri Brown to The Doctor
  99. "Guess what I found! More nothing than usual." ~Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
  100. "Wow. You could see your reflection in that glass. I mean, I couldn't because of the vampire situation, but a normal person? ::whistles::" ~Angel



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