Quotes (Page 75)!

  1. "'Do. Not. Fail. The Daaaaaleks,' indeed, you stupid tin boxes..." ~The Master
  2. "[Suzie Q] can take out a loud speaker playin' muzak at a hundred paces." ~Earl Sigma
  3. "Happiness is nothing unless it exists side by side with sadness." ~The Doctor
  4. "There are no other colours without the blues." ~The Doctor
  5. "This may qualify as the worst miscalculation since life crawled out of the seas on this sad planet." ~The Doctor
  6. "This is no madness. 'Tis England." ~The Doctor
  7. "You'd better listen to him, weasel features, 'cause he's The Doctor!" ~Ace McShane
  8. "Sorry, Dad, I was just being the voice of a generation." ~Leopold Stotch
  9. "Fear breeds hatred and war. I shall speak to them peaceably. They'll see I'm unarmed; there's no better argument against war than that." ~Temmosus
  10. "I seriously considered marrying her out of sheer awkwardness." ~Ted Mosby
  11. "The gap between the Doctor’s own ethics and the ethics of us fans, there’s a subject for a future blog." ~Paul Cornell
  12. "I don’t think [Russell T Davies] sits up at night worrying about canonicity, except for the times when I’m pretty sure he does." ~Paul Cornell
  13. "There is no indignity in being afraid to die, but there is a terrible shame in being afraid to live." ~Alydon
  14. "I've learned not to ask questions. Just dye the eggs and keep my mouth shut." ~Stan Marsh
  15. "Zombies appear to have very nimble fingers." ~The Doctor
  16. "There is no harder scientific fact in the world than the fact that belief can be produced in practically unlimited quantity and intensity, without observation or reasoning, and even in defiance of both, by the simple desire to believe founded on a strong interest in believing. Everybody recognizes this in the case of the amatory infatuations of the adolescents who see angels and heroes in obviously (to others) commonplace and even objectionable maidens and youths. But it holds good over the entire field of human activity. The hardest-headed materialist will become a consulter of table-rappers and slate-writers if he loses a child or a wife so beloved that the desire to revive and communicate with them becomes irresistible. The cobbler believes that there is nothing like leather. The Imperialist who regards the conquest of England by a foreign power as the worst of political misfortunes believes that the conquest of a foreign power by England would be a boon to the conquered." ~Bernard Shaw
  17. "I have always despised Adam because he had to be tempted by the woman, as she was by the serpent, before he could be induced to pluck the apple from the tree of knowledge. I should have swallowed every apple on the tree the moment the owner's back was turned." ~Bernard Shaw
  18. "For the M.O.H. (Medical Officer of Health) as we know him is only the beginning of that army of Public Hygiene which will presently take the place in general interest and honor now occupied by our military and naval forces. It is silly that an Englishman should be more afraid of a German soldier than of a British disease germ, and should clamor for more barracks in the same newspapers that protest against more school clinics, and cry out that if the State fights disease for us it makes us paupers, though they never say that if the State fights Germans for us it makes us cowards. Fortunately, when a habit of thought is silly it only needs steady treatment by ridicule from sensible and witty people to be put out of countenance and perish." ~Bernard Shaw
  19. "Science becomes dangerous only when it imagines that it has reached its goal. What is wrong with priests and popes is that instead of being apostles and saints, they are nothing but empirics who say 'I know' instead of 'I am learning,' and pray for credulity and inertia as wise men pray for scepticism and activity." ~Bernard Shaw
  20. "[Professional men of science] are mostly trained not to believe anything unless it is worded in the jargon of those writers who, because they never really understand what they are trying to say, cannot find familiar words for it, and are therefore compelled to invent a new language of nonsense for every bok they write." ~Bernard Shaw
  21. "Use your health, even to the point of wearing it out. that is what it is for. Spend all you have before you die; and do not outlive yourself." ~Bernard Shaw
  22. "Most discoveries are made regularly every fifteen years; and it's fully a hundred and fifty since yours was made last. That's something to be proud of." ~Sir Patrick Cullen
  23. "There is at bottom only one genuinely scientific treatment for all diseases, and that is to stimulate the phagocytes. Stimulate the phagocytes." ~Sir Ralph Bloomfield Bonington
  24. "We're not a profession: we're a conspiracy." ~Sir Patrick Cullen about doctors
  25. "When you're as old as I am, you'll know that it matters very little how a man dies. What matters is, how he lives. Every fool that runs hsi nose against a bullet is a hero nowadays, because he dies for his country. Why don't he live for it to some purpose?" ~Sir Patrick Cullen
  26. "A blackguard's a blackguard; an honest man's an honest man; and neither of them will ever be at a loss for a religion or a mortality to prove that their ways are the right ways. It's the same with nations, the same with professions, the same all the world over and always will be." ~Sir Patrick Cullen
  27. "Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh." ~Sir Colenso Ridgeon
  28. "The noun doesn't matter after an adjective like 'multiple.' Nothing good ever follows 'multiple.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!
  29. "I think I'm having a craving. That's new, never had cravings before." ~The Eleventh Doctor
  30. "Beans are evil. Bad, bad beans." ~The Eleventh Doctor
  31. "Course you're not [scared]. You're not scared of anything. Box falls out of the sky, man falls out of the box, man eats fish custard, and look at you, just sittin' there." ~The Eleventh Doctor to Amy Pond
  32. “I'm The Doctor. I'm worse than everybody's aunt...and that is not how I'm introducing myself.” ~The Eleventh Doctor
  33. "Twenty minutes to save the world, and I've got a post office. And it's shut." ~The Eleventh Doctor
  34. "Nothing says non-terrestrial like a sonic screwdriver." ~The Eleventh Doctor
  35. "Did he just save the world from aliens and then bring all the aliens back again?" ~Rory Williams
  36. "I'm saving the world. I need a decent shirt." ~The Eleventh Doctor
  37. "Hello. I'm The Doctor. Basically...run." ~The Eleventh Doctor
  38. "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Eleventh Doctor
  39. "Hello! I'm The Doctor! I believe you want to kill me." ~The Seventh Doctor
  40. "I believe in the direct approach." ~The Seventh Doctor
  41. "Let them kill me, Doctor. Don't surrender." ~Ace McShane
  42. "Now, there's an example of exactly the kinda thing we're not gonna do anymore, right?" ~Flash to Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl
  43. "I had dinner with two women at the same time. 'Cause I'm a stud." ~Flash
  44. "The gods are decreeing stuff all the time around here...ma'am." ~Hawkgirl
  45. "Are you worried that, when you go to hell, you'll only be taking the local and not be on the express? Why would you look for a loophole to deny coverage to children with preexisting conditions?" ~Jon Stewart
  46. "Oh, god, I hate myself right now. I don't ever want to pretend to be St. Augustine again." ~Kat
  47. "My man pants are on backward, and apparently over my head, because I can't see anything out of my butt right now." ~Kat, imitating a loserface
  48. "Sorry, checking all the water in this area. There's an escaped fish." ~The Eleventh Doctor
  49. “I think a lot. It's hard to keep track.” ~The Eleventh Doctor
  50. "This fell out of her pocket when I accidentally bumped into her. Took me four goes." ~The Eleventh Doctor
  51. "Once every five years, everyone chooses to forget what they've learned. Democracy in action." ~Amy Pond
  52. "Hold tight. We're bringing down the government." ~The Eleventh Doctor
  53. "Right, then. This isn't going to be big on dignity." ~The Eleventh Doctor
  54. "There's nothing broken, there's no sign of concussion, and, yes, you are covered in sick." ~The Eleventh Doctor
  55. "Amazing, though, don't you think? The star whale. All that pain and misery...and loneliness. And it just made it kind." ~Amy Pond
  56. "It's always a big day tomorrow - I've got a time machine; I skip the little ones!" ~The Eleventh Doctor
  57. "Can't you appreciate that she's nuts?!" ~Clyde Langer
  58. "I think you'll live to punch suspects another day." ~Green Arrow to Black Canary
  59. "You're cute when you're an insufferable smartypants." ~Black Canary to Green Arrow
  60. "This is so unnecessary..." ~Green Arrow
  61. “Look, if we die, I promise I'll let you know.” ~Black Canary
  62. "You're absolutely right. I'm sorry I saved our lives." ~Green Arrow
  63. "People don't like finding out they've been lied to, because a lie is just a great story that someone ruined with the truth. Barney Stinson." ~Barney Stinson
  64. "Hey, buddy? You wanna maybe let someone who isn't having some sort of manic episode drive for a while?" ~Marshall Eriksen to Ted Mosby
  65. "Hey, guys - great new game! Drunk or Kid! Which one was I?" ~Marshall Eriksen
  66. "These hips are not Eriksen baby compliant." ~Property inspector
  67. "Que sodding sera sera." ~Spike
  68. "Ya know, I'm not sure what pisses me off more...the fact that you gits framed me for the crime o' the century...or the fact that, fifty years ago, I wouldn't ‘o cared." ~Spike
  69. "He wants us to ease pain...with more pain? Would Angelus approve, I wonder? Yes, probably." ~Drusilla
  70. “You have a habit of seizing the obvious...and simultaneously missing it.” ~Dracula to Spike
  71. "I'd have to be pretty sodding stupid to believe anything someone called the Prince of Lies tells me, now, wouldn't I?" ~Spike
  72. "No, the enemy of our enemy is still our enemy, and anyone who tells you different is trying to sell you something." ~Spike
  73. "Sure, he kidnapped Drusilla from me once before...and then there was the time in Rome when the immortal had his way with her...but this is the end. This is the final insult. I'm getting Dru back, and going back to la dolce vita, and give the Count a dolce...uhm...unvita." ~Spike
  74. "Oooo! My Spike knows an instrument, too! He's playing the jealous lover!" ~Drusilla
  75. "I've never seen the girl before in my life. But it doesn't matter. Over the years, I've learned one thing – before I was sired, after I was sired, soul or no soul, every single mistake I've ever made was because of a woman. Some I tried to save. Some I tried to kill. Some I tried to save AND kill. Not in that order, but... Forget sunlight. Forget stakes. The fairer sex is and will always be my Achilles heel." ~Spike
  76. "I may not be a bloody villain anymore, but that doesn't mean I'm a bloody hero." ~Spike
  77. "Why did I do that? I was all set to walk away, and they had to go...and bring HIM up. Forget sunlight. Forget stakes. That whiny git is officially my Achilles heel." ~Spike about Angel
  78. "Ha ha ha ha! Never lose that sense of humor, my boy! No matter how insanely, uncontrollably torturous life gets!" ~Mah Zinn
  79. "Don't mean to pull rank here, but I've saved the world, stood behind or next to people saving the world, or babysat for people saving the world more times that I can COUNT." ~Lorne
  80. "This group is a joke. No Slayers, no Vahla Ha'nesh demons, not even a smart-ass with an eye patch." ~Spike
  81. "I laugh in the face of danger. And then I hide until it goes away." ~Xander Harris
  82. "For I am Xander, king of cretins. May all lesser cretins bow before me." ~Xander Harris
  83. "You're my Xander-shaped friend." ~Buffy Summers
  84. "Oh, right, give her your jacket. It's a balmy night; nobody needs to be trading clothing out there." ~Xander Harris
  85. "He's one of the only teachers who doesn't think Buffy's a felon." ~Willow Rosenberg
  86. "So, I'm an undead monster who can shave with my hand. What am I afraid of?" ~Buffy Summers
  87. "So that's a martini, huh?" ~Xander Harris
  88. "Possibly the only dismaying aspect of excellence is that it makes living in a world of mediocrity an ongoing prospect of living in hell. The subtle distressing perturbation." ~Harlan Ellison
  89. "Excellence is its own master, owes no allegiance, bows its head to no regimen. It exists pure and whole like the silver face of the moon. Untouchable, unreachable, exquisite. But frustrating because it reminds us of how much mediocrity we put up with, just to get through the week." ~Harlan Ellison
  90. "[Cainites were a] gnostic sect. Second century. They rejected the books of the New Testament in favor of the Gospel of Judas. They believe that we created the heaven and the earth, and that [Cain was] the persecuted party in that unfortunate affair with [his] brother. They also held that the way to salvation was to give way to lust and temptation in all things. And no greater percentage of them turned up [in Hell] than of any other religion. Amusing, isn't it?" ~Lucifer in Sandman: Season of Mist
  91. "They use my name as if I spend my entire day sitting on their shoulders, forcing them to commit acts they would otherwise find repulsive. 'The devil made me do it.' I have never made one of them do anything. Ever. They live their own tiny lives. I do not live their lives for them. And then they die, and they come here (having transgressed against what they believed to be right), and expect us to fulfill their desire for pain and retribution. I don't make them come here. They talk of me going around and buying souls, like a fishwife come to market day, never stopping to ask themselves why. I need no souls. And how can anyone own a soul? No. They belong to themselves...they just hate to have to face up to it." ~Lucifer in Sandman: Season of Mist
  92. "Perhaps this is the ultimate freedom, eh, Dreamlord? The freedom to leave." ~Lucifer in Sandman: Season of Mist
  93. "It's part of growing up, I suppose... You always have to leave something behind you." ~Edwin Paine
  94. "I think hell's something you carry around with you. Not somewhere you go." ~Charles Rowland
  95. "I think maybe hell IS a place. But you don't have to stay ANYWHERE forEVER." ~Edwin Paine
  96. "I think we've learned all we're going to at school. Now: Let's see what life's got to offer us..." ~Charles Rowland
  97. "I suggest you leave this room at this time. It will cease to exist shortly." ~Morpheus
  98. "What am I, like, a potato chip to you?" ~James Marsters, "Too Fast"
  99. "While it's true that men are not prone to cheering for lead characters who insist on long dance numbers while wearing a cowboy costume, nor to lead characters who often reminisce emotionally about the hardships in their life, or their dreams and aspirations, Jack Kelly has something extra on his side that allows some leeway. He grew up to be Batman. If you're trying to tell us that there' something manly enough for Batman, but not manly enough for you, then we're not even speaking the same language." ~Bobby Ingram
  100. "You call me 'm'lady' once more, and I'll break your nose." ~Ace McShane



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