Quotes (Page 8)!

  1. "Spoons?" ~James P. Sullivan
  2. "It's so hard to program good help these days." ~David Xanatos
  3. "I don't know what happened during these two years of his life. He must have been a senator." ~Tameika
  4. "History is not affiliated with Disney." ~Lynna
  5. "I wish I had all those presents when I was a fetus." ~Gesture
  6. "I was so sorry, deep in my heart I was sorry, but all your 'sorrys' are gone when a person dies....That's why you have to say all your 'sorrys' and 'I love yous' while a person is living, because tomorrow isn't promised." ~Ruth McBride
  7. "Sometimes without conscious realization, our thoughts, our faith, our interests are entered into the past. We talk about other times, other places, other persons, and lose our living hold on the present. Sometimes we think if we could just go back in time we would be happy. But anyone who attempts to reenter the past is sure to be disappointed. Anyone who has ever revisited the place of his birth after years of absence is shocked by the differences between the way the place actually is, and the way he remembered it. He may walk along old familiar streets and roads, but he is a stranger in a strange land." ~Reverend Andrew McBride
  8. "Zoon tribes are very proud of their Liars. Other races get very annoyed about all this. They feel like the Zoon ought to have adopted more suitable titles, like 'diplomat' or 'public relations officer.' They feel they are poking fun of the whole thing." ~Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites
  9. "Not that she was homesick, exactly, but sometimes she felt like a boat herself, drifting on the edge of an infinite rope but always attached to an anchor." ~Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites
  10. "A hint was to Esk what a mosquito bite was to the average rhino because she was already learning that if you ignore the rules people will, half the time, quietly rewrite them so that they don't apply to you." ~Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites
  11. " A vital ingredient of success is not knowing that what you're attempting can't be done. A person ignorant of the possibility of failure can be a halfbrick in the path of the bicycle of history." ~Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites
  12. "One reason for the bustle was that over large parts of the continent other people preferred to make money without working at all, and since the Disc had yet to develop a music recording industry they were forced to fall back on older, more traditional forms of banditry." ~Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites
  13. "He was stupid, yes, in the particular way that very clever people can be stupid, and maybe he had all the tact of an avalanche and was as self-centered as a tornado, but it would never have occurred to him that children were important enough to be unkind to." ~Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites
  14. "No one mass produces Ron Stoppable!" ~Ron Stoppable
  15. "I never lie when I've got sand in my shoes." ~Lieutenant Commander Geordi LaForge
  16. "I feel like the floor of a taxi cab." ~Egon Spengler
  17. "Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!" ~Winston Zeddemore
  18. "Gozer the Gozerian: good evening. As a duly designated representative of the City, County and State of New York, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activities and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension." ~Ray Stantz
  19. "I have a feeling that fulfilling my potential would really cut into my sitting around time." ~Maria Bamford
  20. "All that matters in a relationship is that you like the same pizza toppings." ~Daria Morgendorffer
  21. "I think part of Grade Six literature is based on the fact that the composer forgets what he wants." ~Mr. Keech
  22. "Yes, I have tricks in my pocket, I have things up my sleeve. But I am the opposite of the stage magician. He gives you illusion that has the appearance of truth. I give you truth that has the appearance of illusion." ~Tom Wingfield
  23. "Every time you come in yelling that [goshdarn] 'Rise and Shine!' 'Rise and Shine!' I say to myself, 'How lucky dead people are!'" ~Tom Wingfield
  24. "You know it don't take too much intelligence to get yourself into a nailed-up coffin, Laura. But who in the [Tartarus] ever got himself out of one without removing one nail?" ~Tom Wingfield
  25. "Sticks and stones can break our bones, but the expression on Mr. Garfinkle's face won't harm us!" ~Amanda Wingfield
  26. "This is getting on my NERVES, now that I have them." ~Q
  27. "I don't want to hit the ground. It's never done anything to me." ~Eskarina Smith
  28. "Granny knew all about bad fortune-telling. It was harder than the real thing. You needed a good imagination." ~Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites
  29. "At some time in the recent past someone had decided to brighten the ancient corridors of the University by painting them, having some vague notion that Learning Should Be Fun. It hadn't worked. It's a fact known throughout the universes that no matter how carefully the colours are chosen, institutional d�cor ends up as either vomit green, unmentionable brown, nicotine yellow, or surgical appliance pink. By some little-understood process of sympathetic resonance, corridors painted in those colours always smell slightly of boiled cabbage-even if no cabbage is ever cooked in the vicinity." ~Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites
  30. "Reality returned, and tried to pretend that it had never left." ~Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites
  31. "They both savored the strange warm glow of being much more ignorant than ordinary people, who were ignorant of only ordinary things." ~Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites
  32. "You're a little low on the food chain to be mouthing off, aren't you?" ~Diego
  33. "I'm not really worried about the British storming my house." ~Other Steven on the right to bear arms
  34. "You don't petition the government to tell them you like what they're doing." ~Other Steven
  35. "First they were identical twins, but now they're fraternal." ~Anonymous idiot at PHS
  36. "Here's what I realized about the yam – it's the same colour as a Nerf ball. You may be wondering: 'Is he saying he ate a Nerf ball?...'" ~Jon Stewart
  37. "Well, I'm sold. I'll take one America." ~Jon Stewart
  38. "Paranoia is just reality on a finer scale." ~Phil Gant
  39. "Someone sounds like they need to die." ~Duckie on Donny Osmond in the Johnny Bravo Christmas special
  40. "I do not intend to sit in the chair." ~Lieutenant Commander Data
  41. "For an android with no feelings, he sure managed to evoke them in others." ~Commander William T. Riker
  42. "I am a troll, so I can be prejudiced against trolls." ~Cliff, aka Lias
  43. "Who let a student into my university?!" ~Archchancellor Mustrum Ridcully
  44. "Do they make 'I hope the parasites on your head die a horrible death' cards?" ~Milo Kamilani
  45. "I would very much enjoy meeting myself. Can you arrange it?" ~Shere Kahn
  46. "But is she a nice demi-goddess of vengeance?" ~Icarus
  47. "You have to agree. That's what an agreement is." ~Lieutenant Worf
  48. "Nothing would please me more than giving away Mrs. Troi." ~Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  49. "You'd be surprised at how far a hug goes with Geordi. Or Worf." ~Commander William T. Riker
  50. "I'd like to know if I'm dead!" ~Stu Miley
  51. "We like to get the trial over with quickly/Because it's the sentence that's really the fun." ~Clopin
  52. "Why are there so many trees in the jungle?" ~Colin Mochrie
  53. "To plant the seed of thought in the dirt of people's minds." ~The Animus Society's mission statement as put into words by Molly, our Founding Mother
  54. "�p�ch�zarni�chiwkov. This epiglottis-throttling word is seldom used on the Disc except by highly paid stunt linguists and, of course, the tiny tribe of the K�turni, who invented it. It has no direct synonym, although the Cumhoolie word 'squernt' ('the feeling upon finding that the previous occupant of the privy has used all the paper') begins to approach it in general depth of feeling." ~Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites
  55. "Nacho cheese goes with anything." ~Amanda
  56. "I hate to break it to you my friend, but you are not responsible for everything that happens in the world." ~Dr. Robert Dalgety
  57. "Sucks being mortal." ~Dr. Robert Dalgety
  58. "Why are you trying to kill my SOUL?!?" ~bus driver Stu to an especially long red light
  59. "If I were Grumpy, I would have kicked her @$$." ~Duckie on Snow White
  60. "In a switchblade fight, the guy with the gun wins." ~Tameika
  61. "The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you." ~Rita Mae Brown
  62. "When I'm running for my life, I don't stop to look at the plumbing." ~Quinn Abercrombie
  63. "Look on the bright side – now we outnumber him three to one." ~Quinn Abercrombie
  64. "Life's got a funny way of turnin' that differnt though, donnit?" ~Denton Van Zan
  65. "It's water!" ~Quinn Abercrombie
  66. "How's it going to have a personality? It's a dot." ~Rob Bowman on CGI dragons
  67. "I'm still trying to get rid of the last thing I saved." ~Manfred Mammoth
  68. "Do we have to get a newsflash every time your body does something?" ~Diego
  69. "I wanna maul!" ~Zeke
  70. "You're hanging out with us, now, buddy. Dignity's got nothing to do with it." ~Sid
  71. "Bored is good. Bored is safe." ~Ron Stoppable
  72. "Nothing says bedtime like a little mind-control." ~Kim Possible
  73. "Knowing him and having to share space with him are two different things." ~Lucky Piquel on Fallapart Rabbit
  74. "I don't believe in luck, but I do subscribe to the theory of horribly inconvenient coincidences." ~Timmy Turner
  75. "If I don't make it out of here, tell my dad...he's weird." ~Timmy Turner
  76. "I didn't make it all the way through third grade for nothing." ~Percival C. McLeach
  77. "Any other obscure movie references you want I should make?" ~Lumpy Lumbago
  78. "What the Helen of Troy is that?" ~Grandpa Phil
  79. "I don't care what's happening to him, I'm just having fun watching." ~Greg Proops
  80. "Does the word 'crocodile' mean anything to you?" ~Clive Anderson
  81. "I'm Jack. Look, we're too poor to have a last name, alright?!" ~Colin Mochrie
  82. "You can take away my sports show, but you can naer take away my freedom!" ~Greg Proops
  83. "Oooh, the legal system! They should have a law against it!" ~Peg-Leg Pete
  84. "People I create in [the holodeck] are more real to me than people I meet out here." ~Lieutenant Reginald Barclay
  85. "[Donald Duck] sounds like an angry whoopee cushion." ~Timon
  86. "Reason and love keep little company together now-a-days." ~Nick Bottom
  87. "Oh, cool! I'm gonna make me some magic socks!" ~Icarus
  88. "We don't judge you. We just sell movies." ~SkinnyGuy.com slogan
  89. "Don't worry – nobody dies in this movie. They just get really big booboos." ~George of the Jungle narrator
  90. "Meanwhile, at a very expensive waterfall set..." ~George of the Jungle narrator
  91. "The better man won, that's all. Or, should I say, the one who brought the mercenaries won, that's all!" ~Lyle Van de Groot
  92. "Avenge me!" ~Jake Morgendorffer
  93. "Why not otters? I wouldn't mind being dropped into a tank of otters. They're fun." ~Ron Stoppable
  94. "What good is immortality if you don't test it once in a while?" ~Hermes
  95. "There should be a word for words that sound like things would sound like if they made a noise, [Cutangle] thought. The word 'glisten' does indeed gleam oily, and if there was ever a word that sounded exactly the way sparks look as they creep across burned paper, or the way lights of cities would creep across the world if the whole human civilization was crammed into one night, then you couldn't do better than 'coruscate'." ~Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites
  96. "Despite rumor, Death isn't cruel, merely terribly, terribly good at his job" ~Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites
  97. "Never enter an [tail]-kicking contest with a porcupine." ~Cohen the Barbarian
  98. "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask whether your country has been inhaling paint-thinner fumes." ~Dave Barry
  99. "Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change ready." ~Suzee Vik
  100. "Don't be stupid. Who would come to Nevada to gamble?" ~Lank Hawkins



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