“Don’t Dig”
It was just a simple lie,
Someplace dark to hide.
A hole to wallow in,
Away from me and my stare
You just kept on digging,
Deeper and deeper.
The rocks in the dirt,
Ripping away at your already scared face.
You can’t get out and find me,
Because then I would know were you are.
I am not looking for you as I walk alone in these woods.
I trip on stones, but no one is there to help me up.
I cry and I wish I would die so this
Pain would subside, all that hurt just
Built up inside.
I stumble upon your hole,
I trip and I fall in,
Now I’m stuck in the is hole
With nothing to do but try climb out.
My fingers dig into the wall,
Even though the wall give way at times I relentlessly crawl.
As I reach the top, I look back at you.
You look way up to the tormented me with your face full of pity.
My face is shredded to the bone,
My blood has followed me in a river out of the hole.
I try and put that behind.
I turn and walk away,
But your scream stops me.
It shatters my bones to hears you revolting moans.
I cover my ears and I run for my life.
For you have stabbed me with a rusted knife.
I will try to never dig a hole.
For ounce it has begun, the anguish will follow you for the rest of you life.
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